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Red Faction: Guerilla


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Anything with 6 wheels will do but I take a massive run up and get out as soon as it stops moving. If you nab one of those EDF tank things, they should do.


Yeah but they can be a tad bit slow and my god do you draw alot of fire in this game. I have probably died more times than i did on Infamous and I died alot on that game. Hmmm could be encroaching my Demon souls death count...


EDIT: Oh and the ostrich hammer is in the game. Just need to somehow unlock it....

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Yeah it is! It's right at the end of the unlockable list..I hope you don't need 250k exp online >_<


Demolishing buildings with vehicles is fantastic. I took an emergency vehicle earlier, did a leap of faith in the thing in Badlands and landed in a shipping container type thing, crashing through the roof next to a safe house. I got casually out and walked to the locker.



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On the contrary, I love that about the game as well. It makes you feel like your game progress and things you do aren't done in vain. Driving past and seeing the trail of destruction you have left behind is an awesome feeling :D

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You guys do know you can bail out of a moving vehicle, right? Forget crawling out of the rubble, load up a pick-up truck with explosive cannisters and remote mines then ghost ride it into your target.


If you insist on staying in your seat then the vehicles that look a bit like garbage trucks will plow through most things when they've a bit of speed behind them.

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You guys do know you can bail out of a moving vehicle, right? Forget crawling out of the rubble, load up a pick-up truck with explosive cannisters and remote mines then ghost ride it into your target.


If you insist on staying in your seat then the vehicles that look a bit like garbage trucks will plow through most things when they've a bit of speed behind them.


Thing is, sometimes the vehicles get 'stuck' in a building when you would want to drive around and use them a bit more. Also bailing out i know about but not a good idea when you have 10 soldiers on you armed with rifles and the deadly shotgun and you are writhing about on the floor like some fool. But will try your bailing idea next time and hope that the blast is big enough to get me some time to recover.


Also, anyone take the time to use the MOABS? I have used 2 but found that the blast is a little disappointing :(

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Bought this earlier. Was a toss up between this and ToV but with all the stuff I have to play through at the moment, an RPG wasn't the wise choice. But this is awesome. Still in the first area and I've only done like 2 or 3 missions but I've done most of the Guerilla ones, except for one which I now can't reach as I blew the bridge up before it became available. Typical :p


Anyway, yeh it's awesome. Loving the destruction element. Had a great moment when I went up to an area with 3 EDF buildings, 2 of Medium and 1 of high importance, and I blew one of the medium ones up in such a way that it toppled over into the high one and destroyed it completely with all of the EDF guys who were attacking. That was just amazing that bit.

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Bought this earlier. Was a toss up between this and ToV but with all the stuff I have to play through at the moment, an RPG wasn't the wise choice. But this is awesome. Still in the first area and I've only done like 2 or 3 missions but I've done most of the Guerilla ones, except for one which I now can't reach as I blew the bridge up before it became available. Typical :p


Anyway, yeh it's awesome. Loving the destruction element. Had a great moment when I went up to an area with 3 EDF buildings, 2 of Medium and 1 of high importance, and I blew one of the medium ones up in such a way that it toppled over into the high one and destroyed it completely with all of the EDF guys who were attacking. That was just amazing that bit.


I did this but managed to break my way into some pipes and just basically jump up those to get to the person who gives you the mission.


EDIT: Red Faction getting DLC: Click meh

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I decided to buy this game as everyone seems to be raving about it and I enjoyed the demo. So far I must say I am loving it. Planting mines all around some building and watching it get blown to bits is surprisingly satisfying. I find driving cars into buildings fun too. I decided to lay one car with mines, drive it towards a building, leap out and blow it up. Great success! The multi player is also pretty damn fun too, I set up some proxy mines in one chimney building, ran off and got killed but not before some dude set them off and got crushed by the rubble :)

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I decided to buy this game as everyone seems to be raving about it and I enjoyed the demo. So far I must say I am loving it. Planting mines all around some building and watching it get blown to bits is surprisingly satisfying. I find driving cars into buildings fun too. I decided to lay one car with mines, drive it towards a building, leap out and blow it up. Great success! The multi player is also pretty damn fun too, I set up some proxy mines in one chimney building, ran off and got killed but not before some dude set them off and got crushed by the rubble :)


It's funny when you turn around in multiplayer, only to find that giant chimney falling down in your direction.


But in singleplayer, what are people's weapon loadouts? I find that having a one weapon dedicated to a specific task is useful in keeping me alive while I go about my duties.

For example, I use the remote mines for demolition, Assault rifle or similar weapon for troops and Rocket launcher for general purpose like destroying faraway structures or taking down Heavy EDF vehicles and those damn annoying flyers (lock on ftw).

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I'm really liking this game. The missions have been a bit meh but the overall feel of it, the destruction, is just amazing. Smashing one of those big tow trucks into a building and parking it to see the thing come smashing down on top of it is just awesome. Only done 5 missions yet I've spent most of my time going round and destroying all of the EDF buildings. Why bother doing anything else.

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Gonna sell Infamous to raise funds for a new game, and this might be it. If anyone makes be a quick offer then I'll do a direct trade.

However I'm not sure if there's much else out atm. Could wait for Batman but it just seems like a lot of average titles are coming out, as per usual summer.


Edit: just remembered Demons Souls. Now that is what I need, a lengthy, tough game.

Edited by dwarf
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Gonna sell Infamous to raise funds for a new game, and this might be it. If anyone makes be a quick offer then I'll do a direct trade.

However I'm not sure if there's much else out atm. Could wait for Batman but it just seems like a lot of average titles are coming out, as per usual summer.


Edit: just remembered Demons Souls. Now that is what I need, a lengthy, tough game.


You sure you ready for demon souls. It nearly broke me...

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I'm ready, I want a challenge and I haven't played an RPG like game since Fallout, probably my least played genre. I like levelling up in them.


Is it a good game, the animations and running etc look a bit clunky from videos but looks cool, especially because hardly anyone knows about it.

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The game is brutally hard. Actually get it. I want you to understand :heh: Still love it though. Nearly completed it but gotta go through some levels again with black world tendency making the game even harder...maybe i should make a new character, then I would be able to give you a hand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally completed this today. It was really enjoyable overall.


It did lull quite a lot in the middle. There should have been more characters in it. It's great that I basically singlehandedly liberated Mars but I didn't really feel attached to the place.


Also, more cutscenes would have been nice. I quite enjoyed them.

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