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Six Days in Fallujah


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Yeah it pisses me off too yet I liked the Timesplitters system when there were only a few health handouts per level at checkpoints. It worked well and provided challenge, whereas Fall of Man was just annoying trying to find the tiny yellow vials. Ah well.

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The ironic thing is......

Is that the hole point of the game is to do with how, where, and when it is set, in order to point out the horrors of war, something which most other games miss out on entirely.



Surely it's more wrong to show war more like Advance Wars, than it is to show it like Six Days in Fallujah is supposedly going to???

It's about getting the BALANCE.


If the controversial napalmy-type-bombs are depicted truthfully (if they were used etc etc); then you'd think people would like a negative portrayal of such things being in the media, especially in the UK, who have banned most/all such innaccurate painful weapons.


I wish these wannabe-"crusaders" would stop looking at everything so narrow mindedly, unfortunately it seems to be increasing, and I'm actually rather worried about this "Satanic Verses syndrome"...

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Well for now all this arguing is null and void as the game has been dropped;


Today 09:54

Konami has decided to dump controversial Iraq war game Six Days in Fallujah due to the amount of negative feedback received.


"After seeing the reaction to the videogame in the United States and hearing opinions sent through phone calls and email, we decided several days ago not to sell it," a Konami spokesperson told Asahi.


"We had intended to convey the reality of the battles to players so that they could feel what it was like to be there."


Developer Atomic Games had been collaborating with real US soldiers to authentically retell the Iraq battle of Fallujah. As entertainment. From an American perspective.


Unsurprisingly, the PC, PS3 and 360 game soon came under fire from a number of areas - even real-life SAS hardman Andy McNab got involved.


Six Days in Fallujah was due for launch next year in the US. The game was never confirmed for Europe.



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  • 10 months later...

I hope it does make it out. I never really got the fuss. Band of Brothers is OK, but a video game tackling similar issues is trivialising war? I guess it stems from some people still misunderstanding games as child's play.

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I hope it does make it out. I never really got the fuss. Band of Brothers is OK, but a video game tackling similar issues is trivialising war? I guess it stems from some people still misunderstanding games as child's play.


Yeah that is the crux of the matter really. Whilst film(or tv series)/book/poem are all deemed as valid forms of media that can tackle such issues, Videogames do still have this notion that that they are childish and also due to the interactive nature that they are encouraging and glorifying such violence etc.. as well as the age old "videogames cause violence" which one day in the future hopefully won't be the case. Let's not forget film was blamed for the ills of society and also as the levels of literacy in the country rose and books became more mainstream and a less upper class hobby books were also much derided.

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Yeah that is the crux of the matter really. Whilst film(or tv series)/book/poem are all deemed as valid forms of media that can tackle such issues, Videogames do still have this notion that that they are childish and also due to the interactive nature that they are encouraging and glorifying such violence etc.. as well as the age old "videogames cause violence" which one day in the future hopefully won't be the case. Let's not forget film was blamed for the ills of society and also as the levels of literacy in the country rose and books became more mainstream and a less upper class hobby books were also much derided.

Well it's not surprising in the slightest that they come across as childish. There's a lot more depth to them than people realise but they are still naive.


Plus videogames don't cause irl violence, that's just what the critics want you to believe.

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Well it's not surprising in the slightest that they come across as childish. There's a lot more depth to them than people realise but they are still naive.


Plus videogames don't cause irl violence, that's just what the critics want you to believe.


Yeah I'm not saying I'm at all surprised by it....plus yeah like I've said videogames are just the latest in a long list of forms of entertainment that are alleged to cause violence etc... by critics and social commentators (of which the daily mail deem themselves to be experts)

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