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I've played this a lot tonight, borrowed it off a friend. Had a lot of fun with it.

At the start it's amazing how underpowered you are but hey, got myself to level 18 in around 4 hours worth of play, some shit k/d ratios some good ones, with a mix of domination, sabotage, S&D and many team deathmatches. Came across some boosters at the end which was bloody annoying, couldnt prevent them from getting a nuke.


At the end I thought I'd try my hand at free for all, and I did amazingly well. Got a 10 kill streak, with two other 7 kill streaks. Called in a couple of harriers, which are probably my favourite (fairly easy to get) kill streaks. Ended the game with 30 kills 7 deaths, it was thoroughly enjoyable, and was against some top opposition. I was going to stride towards a place where I could put down my care packages and sentry gun packages but in the end I just found myself taking people down and didn't bother with a couple of the streak rewards.

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Finally got Rust on deathmatch! It was brilliant, and I somehow managed 26 kills and only 2 deaths despite never playing the map before


I've gotten it time and time again and I've never seen anyone with such a score on Rust...


Woo... Just got to level 70 :) ... Tempted by prestige... But might try and finish off a few weapon upgradathons before I reset them all, y'know, for titles and stuff.


Just found out that the Halo 3 mythbuster guys have also done some mw2 ones


Episode 1



(I love it for the music as well as the actual general awesomeness)

Woo... Just got to level 70 :) ... Tempted by prestige... But might try and finish off a few weapon upgradathons before I reset them all, y'know, for titles and stuff.


Don't do it... take my word for it, ain't worth it. (by the way, add me: "Oxigen Waste")


Also, if you like the TAR, do try using the AK silenced. :love:


For a while i didn't get the appeal of the Ak silenced, but after picking it up the otherday from killing a enemy its the SHIT


I hear there's a new care package glitch since the patch was released... there best be no truth in this!

Anyone know if it's the case yet?


Well I've started prestige :P Level 10 in about 40 mins, it's frustrating but not too bad in all honesty.


O_W I'm on sparsely, it's more of a house account for MW2, and I'm pretty shit, but I'll add you next time I'm personally on :)

Well I've started prestige :P Level 10 in about 40 mins, it's frustrating but not too bad in all honesty.


O_W I'm on sparsely, it's more of a house account for MW2, and I'm pretty shit, but I'll add you next time I'm personally on :)


I'm not pretty shit, I'm complete shit, but I like to think I'm fun to play with, plus, I actually like you.


It should be in this thread a few pages back, tbh... Sorry but I cba looking for it either :P


So I currently have 66/69 stars on spec ops and am level 35 1st prestige after just over a day. The MW2 account is more of a house-shared one so it's not that surprising. A housemate of mine got a 29 kill streak yesterday - higher than anyone else on my friends list.


O_W I will add you today/tonight, but must warn you that it's not always me on it.

It should be in this thread a few pages back, tbh... Sorry but I cba looking for it either :P


So I currently have 66/69 stars on spec ops and am level 35 1st prestige after just over a day. The MW2 account is more of a house-shared one so it's not that surprising. A housemate of mine got a 29 kill streak yesterday - higher than anyone else on my friends list.


O_W I will add you today/tonight, but must warn you that it's not always me on it.


I'll make sure and send plenty of embarassing messages about penises then.


Cheers for the penis, much obliged!


So I only need one more achievement - do all spec ops on vet - High Explosive being the daddy, of course. Totally possible, should have it by this time next week!


Possibly got the greatest kill of my life on MW2 there, no scoped someone 20ft away from me with a reaction shot, couldn't me more proud :grin:


Every no scope you see is luck, makes me laugh will all these no scope montages and you think, well wheres the video's on how many times you missed.


But yeah a no scope reaction shot would make me happy as well.


Anyone else find they press down the melee button by accident and at the same time someone walks right out in front of you and you kill them. Makes me LOL.


I'm a knife only dude so my thumb is only hovering over melee anyway. I haven't had it long but I'm finding it really easy to win free for all games with my knife class. Granted I use kill streaks, but the other day I won 3 in a row. It's very fun.

Or lucky. :D


The fuckin luckiest! :grin:


back playin proper after a lul with projects etc. Always takes a match or 2 to get back in the swing


Have you guys got any tips for doing better on Team Death match?


Lately I'm doing proper shit and it's infuriating me.


I'm not enjoying the game at all.


If I can't get better, I might as well sell it.


Figure out what gun feels right. If you're like me... you'll "click" with two or 3 in particular.


For example, I'm average with a SCAR (even though it's fantastic) but deadly with an ACR or a Silenced TAR-21. I suck ass at sniping, but own completely when I run n gun with a P90. Try to grasp which play style fits you best... Also, try playing some other modes.

Have you guys got any tips for doing better on Team Death match?


Lately I'm doing proper shit and it's infuriating me.


I'm not enjoying the game at all.


If I can't get better, I might as well sell it.


For Team Death match I would recommend an assault rifle for increased stopping power, and the attachment options given, such as the shotgun, heart beat sensor, or noob tube/grenade launcher.

Also, if you do get on a killing streak, you should have more ammo left than if you had used an SMG as those like the vector, spew too many bullets before people go down.

Actually, it can be all about your choice of attachments. People tend to run about on TDM without cold blood or the ninja perk, so take advantage of those by using the heart beat ssnsor attachment, maybe thermal might help, and the noob tube is a very good way of getting easy kills leading to helpful killstreaks.

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