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?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

here;s the link cos the vid wont embed


Has anyone been in a match where anything like this happened em, me once or twice but not very often, makes me think that most of em are planned really


You wouldn't know it has happened though, would you? It would only say that someone had killed someone else.

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here;s the link cos the vid wont embed



Has anyone been in a match where anything like this happened em, me once or twice but not very often, makes me think that most of em are planned really


I've had someone send me a message in game but i didn't read it, instead I ignored it, turned around and killed the guy behind me. Then I read it and sent him a reply saying thanks!

After the match we were joking about it, he knew I didn't read it as I turned too quickly and that's what surprised him and allowed me to kill him! Haha


Oh yeah, a patch is on it's way too:


Infinity Ward is issuing a new patch for Modern Warfare 2 soon that plans to fix a whole host of bugs and glitches.


The patch is currently only available for PlayStation 3 users in Europe. U.S. players will be able to download the update sometime later tonight.


Xbox 360 will have to wait a bit as the patch is currently working its way through certification at Microsoft.


Here's what the new patch will fix:




- Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and Sentry Gun marker grenades sprint speed normalized.


- Fix for "infinite care package" exploit.


- Sentry Guns: Improved placement detection, preventing cases of Sentry Guns inside geometry.


- Model 1887: Bling using Akimbo and FMJ combination now has same range and damage as non-Bling Model 1887s.


- Improved player collision removing cases of getting into geometry and 'elevators'.


- Fixes to prevent various XP hacks.

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I've had someone send me a message in game but i didn't read it, instead I ignored it, turned around and killed the guy behind me. Then I read it and sent him a reply saying thanks!

After the match we were joking about it, he knew I didn't read it as I turned too quickly and that's what surprised him and allowed me to kill him! Haha.


Some thing kinda simlar happened to me today, some guy was behind one of my teammates just posing and crouch/standing fucking around really, i just waited aimed slowly and killed him, never been as happy with a kill as i was with that :grin:

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Holy shit, I ran out of bullets on my Scar today (it's the only setup I have without Scavenger... I just need those extended mags and holographic on it) and picked up a blinged silencer/red dot AK-47. May I just say that the silencer turns it into possibly the best weapon in the game (for me). Jesus fucking christ, this thing is a fucking beast!!



Also, how many extra custom class slots does Prestige mode have, in total? Cause I've been at 70 for quite some time but the prospect of having some more slots is tempting...

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Also, how many extra custom class slots does Prestige mode have, in total? Cause I've been at 70 for quite some time but the prospect of having some more slots is tempting...


I believe you get 5 more extra custom class' so 10 in total is you go the whole hog to tenth prestige.

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Who ever mentioned Riot Shield and C4 class, your a god. So much fun with this. waiting for some sucker to walk in your direction shooting at you(obviously not killing you, due to riot shield repelling everything), little do they know you stuck a C4 explosive to the wall. Thanks to scavanger perk, pick it up, rince and repeat.

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Stoopid question; does the riot shield eventually, like, die and shit?


Aside; 44 of 69 stars on Spec Ops now. Co-op makes several a hell of a lot easier. Now unlocked Echo -- The juggernaught one is all I've tried and my workmate didn't, in my opinion, have the best tactics for it. Will try/fail it alone later.

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Yes they should probably break, but like you said it is a game.


If they did start breaking they would be utterly utterly pointless. They are a bitch when you got shot so much with them you can barely see where to go.


Doesnt seem like a problem for the people I play against ¬_¬ Though its funny when you catch them in the toe :D. On Hardcore that is. That's a point, what modes do most people play and what's your fave map? Took me ages to learn em but Team deathmatch hardcore with the wasteland, derail, and that airport level are my faves. Scrapyard is fucking awesome too. The rest are complete junk.

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Don't people just run past the noobs with the shields, then spin round for a quick knife to the back of the head? I know thats what I do, and it works everytime.


Maps? Karachi, Terminal and Rundown are my favourites at the moment. Although if its anything like CoD4, then my preference changes over time. I used to hate Chinatown for instance, but for some reason grew to love it.

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Terminal, scrapyard, highrise are my favourites for deathmatch and free-for-all. Quite enjoy favela and that-rainy-one-with-the-buildings are good for domination, too.


Hate the trainyard snow one because I've not got a sniper class. Hate afghan on team but tolderate it on free-for-all.

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I don't think it does. My mate took an entire harrier on with his shield in MP last week- it hovered and didn't stop firing at him for the entire time it was on the map. He was ok.


That's awesome!


Anyway I haven't played this for weeks now...


I just know that if I start playing it again it'll be rubbish for me...


Trying to get back into the groove so to speak.

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