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The fine line between Constructive Criticism and Trolling...


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I think you would agree that there is a limit to how much negativity can be tolerated though? If every thread had a negative title, then something would need to be done, right? Obviously, that's at the extreme end of the scale; the actual tolerance limit is much less severe and subjective for each individual.


Some people probably feel that that limit has already been reached. That the negative outweights the positive. That's their call and they're entitled to it.


Man, I hate posting serious posts like this. I promise I won't do it again.


No. I couldn't agree with that at all. It's a forum. Not a workforce in need of motivation to save their jobs.

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No. I couldn't agree with that at all. It's a forum. Not a workforce in need of motivation to save their jobs.


Augh, you answered me, knowing full well I promised not to be serious again?


Man, that's low. ;)

Edited by Patch
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But why would such an ignorant statement have such capabilities as to derail an entire thread? All you have to do is ignore if such a comment annoys you.


Well, it isn't the whole problem, but its a start. The other problem is that its happening way too much, if half a page of a thread is taken up just by that, its hard to ignore.

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Well, it isn't the whole problem, but its a start. The other problem is that its happening way too much, if half a page of a thread is taken up just by that, its hard to ignore.


But taking part of it won´t make it any better, you can expect the opposite really...

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I see it used to define your generic shooter, sandbox, and other "mature" games (which, frankly, are most immature games around). These are not challenging at all. In fact, I would say that majority of games that people here think as hardcore are casual. They are marketed towards mass market, easy, and there is lots compromises about design to please typical player. People here call Halo 3 as hardcore game, although isn't obscure, uncompromising, daring, or challenging by any standards. It is basically lunch at McDonalds (which arguably is really hardcore experience). As opposite is this:




Europe Universalis 3. 100 000 sold, grand strategy. Ugly as sin. Manual over 200 pages. If we want to use term, this would be hardcore. Not shooter that has sold 9 million copies. That is why term is practically useless, and I see it as something that mocks readers intelligence.


Ok so you have a personal definition of what those terms mean rather than acknowledging the more widely defined definition used by publishers, marketing and retail not to mention people on this forum.


You just seemed to be pissed because the terms mean one thing to you and another to someone else. These terms aren't useless because they were one of the foundations of defining the audience for the original Playstation and PS2. Understanding the audience was completely vital in their success, so stop trying to fob them off.


You're far too focused on how people are saying things rather than what they actually say. No wonder you spark arguements because people just think that you're nit-picking all the time and don't really have a point or an opinion.

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I agree with all of this and I'd even go as far as to say get rid of the General Chat part of the forum, there's people on there who NEVER post in the Wii Discussion section and prefer to opt for the bland "How was your day" thread day in, day out.

If they don't come in here how exactly does that affect the quality of the posts being made in Wii Discussion?


Personally I just find this area of the forum a bit incestuous, with the same people arguing over the same things every time I check in. I understand the reason for this cycle — the Wii has its fair share of good games, but a lot of the things that people find frustrating, such as Friend Codes, the lack of a HDD or the rather lacklustre third-party support, are still a 'problem' — but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable for me to be a part of. So I choose not to be; I've plenty of games that need playing.

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Personally I just find this area of the forum a bit incestuous, with the same people arguing over the same things every time I check in.


How come you only check in when something is going down then? ::shrug: What you should do is play a Wii game then pop into the thread for it and chatter about how you are finding it. Rather than swinging by whenever you think you can get yourself a piece of the incest. :wink:

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Personally I just find this area of the forum a bit incestuous, with the same people arguing over the same things every time I check in.


But then again, yourself and others who share your point of view only seem to pop up in threads such as these as opposed to contributing to more on-topic discussion.

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It's a vicious circle, yes, but frankly I don't have enough of a vested interest in this particular area of the boards to pop in to play the good Samaritan. Maybe if I only owned a Wii I could continue to stomach replying to the same old complaints again and again, but the fact is that there's far more to gaming than just what Nintendo are doing and I no longer have the impetus to be a defender of the realm.


If you want to paint me as a villain for choosing to do something I enjoy instead of something I don't then go right ahead, but remember that I'm not the one updating everyone on the thickness of my Wii's dust layer at every given opportunity or constantly moaning about the release of minigame compilations. If I don't have anything nice to say than I won't say anything at all, unless I feel my opinion is being sought specifically or I can add to a conversation.

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Guest Maase
hmm you see the trouble with the thread.. who is a wii owner? was that it was so so obviously going to turn into a flame war because the answer was either..

A)yes I'm a wii owner OR

B) I am not a wii owner because(insert problem here).. and this is WHERE they tell you WHY they are not a wii owner and thus inevitably causing chaos.


So while the last thread was fair enough this sort of thing had being going on for a while. Fierce Link and others I have seen state this many times. The pure Negative view on the wii by non-wii owners and even bored wii owners and that has to stop and luckily it will.. The mods have taken notice and we are mving past it :)


What really pisses me off on forums is members that respond to a large post with a "no it's not" or something short or on other forums they will post that Troll picture or the patrick steward facepalm. I thank god these forums don't do that.

and i'm not picking out anyone is particular. Just saying.


Personally I post exactly what I think and will state my opinions and try to keep open minded about any upcoming game without screenshots and trailers and the wii. The wii has problems yes but most deal with it the wrong way. Stating your opinion as fact Is something I try to avoid.. Sometimes I come off as strong with mine sometimes that it looks like I think it's fact..







HURRRRRRRRRRRRRR, my Wii is getting dust since Brawl, which SUCKED, by the way, no L cancelling? Shitsux.


Madworld, you say? LOLOLOL, YOU'RE ALL SUCH BABIES, trying to sound prubescent saying "OH, LOOK AT ME, I'M PLAYING VIOLENT GAMES, HOW AWESOME AM I?"


I also love how you enjoy those casual games that they give you


Also, WAGGLAN!!!








Seriously, though, Trolls are everywhere, as much as you try to run away from them, they WILL come.

Just ignore them, its not that hard.





And to end the post:


I agree with all of this and I'd even go as far as to say get rid of the General Chat part of the forum, there's people on there who NEVER post in the Wii Discussion section and prefer to opt for the bland "How was your day" thread day in, day out. There's very few people who come into the Console Talk side of things and therefore only a select minority, which would appear to be the most passionate of folk, is left to discuss what n-europe is actually about. The divide between these groups of people (the north of the boards and the south) seems to sometimes be almost as profound as the one between North and South Korea!


Of course such an idea would never be implemented.


Anyways, all the folk who feel the need to curb free speech by suggesting that we start to restrict negative discussion towards Nintendo can go take a hike. If I'm unhappy with the way Nintendo is doing things, then I as a consumer have a right to share my views on it. I'm all for a debate - coming back to what I said earlier, most of the shite found in General Chit Chat (which I do often add to I admit) does nothing to spark a decent debate and goes entirely against what a forum is traditionally designed to do: discuss things!


Exactly, and what annoys me even most is that General Chit Chat is FIRST than Wii Discussion

What the fuck?

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HURRRRRRRRRRRRRR, my Wii is getting dust since Brawl, which SUCKED, by the way, no L cancelling? Shitsux.


My Wii has been gathering dust for a very long time now. Its just been sitting in the one place and its ages since I've rearranged things, you know?


I also think mcj metroid is mellowing out a lot these days. I seem to agree more and more with what he says- didn't used to be that way! Maybe its only a matter of time before I join you in Metroid fandom too. :o

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