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I'm still on the fence about getting Fury, I just don't know if I can commit the time it so obviously deserves.


But then again, I don't want to miss out on the meet.

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I just love Wipeout, it's so rewarding when you get to know the track and your barrel rolling, twisting, u-turning, rocketing all seamlessly in a race with precision is just so fun. My favourite racing game out there.


You guys should do more campaign medals, it gets you better at the game and it's so much more fun when you know the tracks.


Not sure I'm organised enough to commit to a tournament but I'm up for some online carnage.


Preferably eliminator. :heh:


Anyone fancy some Ghostbusters co-op?


I'd like to do a Wipeout tournament, they don't actually take that long. Plus 5 people + for eliminator is much better than 3 or 4.


Anyone willing to play Fury tonight. I'll be on from 8 til 10, at which point I'll be catching Charlie Brooker, then I'll be back on.

  • 1 month later...

BUMPAGE!!! Right lets going this going! We have a growing PS3 community let's have some gaming nights. We can either give nights themes or put specific games on certain nights...Its never really kicked off before but lets hope it does now!


Damn you beat me to it Flamey!


I propose a Battlefied night - if we played together with mics it would be cool.


So if you haven't got one yet - get a fucking headset!

Damn you beat me to it Flamey!


I propose a Battlefied night - if we played together with mics it would be cool.


So if you haven't got one yet - get a fucking headset!


LOL! Yeah Battlefield Night would be awesome! I'm a lot more free now..changed jobs at work so work a lot more sociable hours!


Also I picked up a new official sony headset before I went to SA not managed to use it yet!


I even think a Fat Princess night would be good if we were all mic'd up and worked as a team.


Also I picked up a new official sony headset before I went to SA not managed to use it yet!


Nice one - use it mate it's awesome! To really see how good it is try SOCOM with it - about 90% of players have mics so there is chatter going on all the time.

I even think a Fat Princess night would be good if we were all mic'd up and worked as a team.




Nice one - use it mate it's awesome! To really see how good it is try SOCOM with it - about 90% of players have mics so there is chatter going on all the time.


I don't have SOCOM. Like your Fat Princess idea...

Posted (edited)

Definitely up for some Battlefield action, I love playing as a sniper in that game. I don't get as many kills as I do with an SMG, but I have a lot more fun doing it.


I think most people have KZ2 as well.......




EDIT: Also, for those that have W@W, Nazi Zombies is fuckin class with a few mates.

Edited by MATtheHAT
EDIT: Also, for those that have W@W, Nazi Zombies is fuckin class with a few mates.



Oh yeah - I'm not a huge fan of the single player COD W@W but have to admit - Nazi Zombies is fucking brilliant fun!


Ok so lets have it like this;


Monday Night;

Tuesday Night:

Wednesday Night:

Thursday Night:

Friday Night:

Saturday AM

Saturday PM

Sunday AM

Sunday PM


Not sure if its a bit much offering different stuff for AM and PM on weekends?


How about we establish what the BIG games are that clearly deserve a night of their own. So far we have:


Battlefield 1943 (multiplayer shooter of the moment?)

Burnout Paradise (online with Cookyman, Tegg and Mike were the goodtimes...who was it who had that idiot american friend who was showing off his bitching rides one night and we were just talking to him and ripping him and he didn't realise?)

LBP (perhaps could come under a social night? include likes of Buzz and even Home meets?)



How about a PSN night? The somewhat more disposable nature of PSN titles means we can get through them at a fair few pace.


I'm gonna pop the details up on my blog as well may bring the odd new person...

Ok so lets have it like this;


Monday Night;

Tuesday Night:

Wednesday Night:

Thursday Night:

Friday Night:

Saturday AM

Saturday PM

Sunday AM

Sunday PM


Not sure if its a bit much offering different stuff for AM and PM on weekends?


How about we establish what the BIG games are that clearly deserve a night of their own. So far we have:


Battlefield 1943 (multiplayer shooter of the moment?) Change it to Killzone as more people have that IMO (well I don't have Battlefield and dont want it :P

Burnout Paradise (online with Cookyman, Tegg and Mike were the goodtimes...who was it who had that idiot american friend who was showing off his bitching rides one night and we were just talking to him and ripping him and he didn't realise?) The person with the friend was cookyman. One of the people taking the piss was me...one of the people whom you forgot also attended most burnout nights :cry:

LBP (perhaps could come under a social night? include likes of Buzz and even Home meets?)



How about a PSN night? The somewhat more disposable nature of PSN titles means we can get through them at a fair few pace.


I'm gonna pop the details up on my blog as well may bring the odd new person...


Just my two cents.

Posted (edited)
Just my two cents.


LOL sorry to offend! Now I remember wasn't you I sent a message to via XMB and then you cracked up laughing cos said something like "what a twat"...Incidentally I still have a ton of freeburn challenges to do as am on a new save...


Also get what your saying about KZ2 but was thinking of keeping it fresh with whats new etc...so in a month or 2 it will be MW2... I guess perhaps we find out when most people are free find out which games are most popular and then put them on the nights most people are around....and scale it that way...so the least busy night will be me and zerolaff playing MK vs DC online as we are the only 2 who own it...

Edited by flameboy

I'd be interested in attending, since I really haven't played anyone from n-e online at all.


Give Burnout Paradise! Since I still don't understand how to play that online >.<

Don't you play BlazBlue anymore? Or did I scare you off with my insane Noel Vermillion skillz?


Partly that yeah. But it's also to do with me getting games after blaz that I wanted to play. And then I hardly have any time during the week days. But next week I have the whole week off from work and have no plans outdoors so a lot of gaming should be done :yay:

Posted (edited)

Burnout, killzone 2, fat princess, wipeout HD, LBP.


They be the games i would be interested in playing online, with headset of course!! and in the case of burnout, PS eye also!


I work shifts and vary between evenings and days so i would have to see what i can play week by week kinda thing.

Edited by Mike1988uk
Noticed a spelling error...

Me and Cooky had a good ol' bash on Worms with the headsets a long time ago, a week or so after release with someone called Broxi or summut.


Other than that there hasn't been great online moments, a few KZ2 things with everyone, mostly Choze (telling me how lag works and how it wasn't the game's fault :)) and then the odd joining here or there but haven't really got to know the personalities on here.


I look at the games coming out in the next 6 months or so and they are primarily single player experiences. This year I think Tekken 6 could be great for online especially with the new 3D co-op missions, and I think I'd prefer Bad Company 2 to MW2.


Gravity Crash on PSN could be good, creating and sharing levels etc. It's not like there's a lack of choice, it's just a question of the quantity of members and the availability of each person.

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