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Man I can't wait to jump in the fray. This and borderlands within 2 weeks, NO WAY can it be this good. AND TEKKEN... Jesus Christ. October wins!

Epic epic games fella's. So many lulz, and we almost managed to fill a 10 player match.


Same time tomorrow?


No can do i'm afraid :(


In work all day then i'm off out with a friend on the piss!!


I can't stop thinking about last night, I keep remembering something and having a quiet little chuckle to myself. Like how Mike picked up that massive gun and mowed down three of us like that scene from Scarface. Or Caris's sneaky move on that Canadian guy, he knew where I was hiding, and had his scope trained on me. Meanwhile, Caris flanked him, sneaked up, and broke his neck.


I have not had as much fun in multiplyer since I first started playing CoD4.


10pm tonight then guys, invite everybody and we may get a full compliment.


Put me down as tentatively playing. I'll probably appear at about 10pm if I'm coming on. Just depends on what's happening elsewhere but I don't foresee much that'll prevent me. Some of you have my PSN added already so if I appear online while you're playing, do invite me as I have no idea how to do it. Also, no headset so I'll be mute. :p


Some good matches there. Apologises for my general uselessness as that was the first time I'd take Uncharted 2 online so I had no idea of the layout for maps and other things.

Yeah the Villians team definately had the upper hand for most of those games, sorry I just seemed to disapeer. Its hard to let people know you are going without a headset.


That's why you should get one :grin:

I can't stop thinking about last night, I keep remembering something and having a quiet little chuckle to myself. Like how Mike picked up that massive gun and mowed down three of us like that scene from Scarface. Or Caris's sneaky move on that Canadian guy, he knew where I was hiding, and had his scope trained on me. Meanwhile, Caris flanked him, sneaked up, and broke his neck.


I have not had as much fun in multiplyer since I first started playing CoD4.


haha, yeah that night was ace.


Anyone up for some uncharted 2 action tonight?

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