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A Boy And His Blob


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Glad to see you picked this up, Stevo! Indeed the art style used in the game is simply breathtaking and puts many games on this and other consoles to shame.


Oh yeah. I mean, if I overlooked the £15 deal on Play.com (with the postcards) I'd deserve to not only be de-modded but banned too. I'm having a bit of a juggle between games at the minute which should allow me to savour playing A Boy and His Blob.


Yeah I'm playing through this atm aswell. I'm up to the 2nd world boss, all chests found, but man is this boss an absolute bitch! I know exactly what to do, but your given so little time to do everything!


You kept that quiet. And a world ahead of me eh? :heh:

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Just completed this, didn't bother with getting all the treasure chests in the last world, as tbh I was beginning to get a little bit frustrated with the game and just wanted to get to the final boss!


The puzzles definately step up a bit on the later levels, and it was because of this and because of the more complex level layouts in the last world that blobs AI mechanics began to get a bit annoying.


I really enjoyed the boss battles... Boss 1 was easy. Boss 2 I managed to beat in an unconventional way by making him take damage himself instead of using the incredibly annoying hole blob, which was too annoying to line up. Boss 3 seemed a tad unfair at first but I finally discovered a way to get it working better. Boss 4, well once I figured the puzzle out it wasn't too bad at all.


The game would have ended on a bit of a low note for me,

The surprise final transformation!! The Blob Walker was EPIC, such a great transformation to complete the game with!

And I really enjoyed the final boss... it was pretty easy and so made the ending to the game really fun!


Shame the Blob went back home and by himself though!

Also the drawings in the end credits were great, really nice seeing all of those!


The art style was the best thing about this game, and I really would have loved to see some more animated cutscenes like the intro! They should have used one to introduce each boss battle and for the ending.


Overall I'm glad I played it.

Edited by Retro_Link
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  • 5 weeks later...

Finished this today and I really enjoyed it. Managed to do the first two worlds in around two hours a few Sundays back, while I spent the majority of yesterday and today with worlds three and four, so the difficulty does go up. There's not a lot of traditional platforming to do, but the puzzles you have to solve to progess are really clever. Controls worked a treat and I only had a bit of a problem controling the rocket blob. Overall it's a simple but enjoyable laid back gaming experience that all core Wii gamers should play.


A Kirby or Donkey Kong 2D platformer next please!


Yeah I'm playing through this atm aswell. I'm up to the 2nd world boss, all chests found, but man is this boss an absolute bitch! I know exactly what to do, but your given so little time to do everything!


That's where I finished on the Sunday. He was very frustrating, and when I tried to beat him by 'cheating' I managed to do it the honest way. The third and final bosses were my favourite.



The art style was the best thing about this game, and I really would have loved to see some more animated cutscenes like the intro! They should have used one to introduce each boss battle and for the ending.



I thought that introduction was a compilation of all the cut scenes we'd be seing throughout the game, so you can guess my disappointment there. Same thing happened with Wario Land: The Shake Dimension. :sad::mad:

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Glad you enjoyed the game, Welshie. :hehe:


A Kirby or Donkey Kong 2D platformer next please!


Yes please. Know what would be cool (aside from DKC 4)? A 2D platformer like Donkey Kong '94. Some kind of re-imagined remake like A Boy and His Blob would do nicely.


After flying through the first world I set A Boy and His Blob aside to play Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and then Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (yup, games with long names) but after watching the credits roll on FF:CC:TCB on Friday evening I put Blob back in the Wii. I've not played it cos I've been messing about in Shiren DS again all weekend seeing as the Wii version has just came out in the states. :heh:


I might do a few levels or all of the second world before tucking into another game and keep Blob as an in between games game.

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I did world two there after the end of the Liverpool v Unirea game.


The game is a delight but I'm glad to see the end of those cave themed levels. I thought world two was gonna be city themed- how wrong I was! I got to do some really cool things with the Blob like the big ball move and the space hopper. The dark stages where the Blob had to illuminate stuff was great too. Reminded me of Torchlight Trouble in DKC. :grin:


The boss was a lot of trial and error for a while.


Hitting it with the other baddies.



As I automatically thought it would be immune to that. Just a case of my logic not being in line with the games train of thought, I guess. :wtf: Alls well that ends well as after I got the boss hit with the middle "object," he basically just jumped into the other two in his crazed jumps at me.

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  • 1 month later...

A Boy & His Brilliance!


I ejected Little King's Story last night and put this in instead. It's hugely charming, has good graphics and decent controls. Basically works well within the Wii's capabilities. The puzzles are quite hard, but the infinite lives and generous checkpoints mean it's not frustrating. So far I've done 16 levels (8 normal + 8 "challenge").


Another thing I like is how thoughtful and modern the game design feels, with autosave etc. It's the best sub-game/B-game I've played on Wii so far!

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I found the game to get quite old and frustrating past the halfway mark. And it became a bit of a chore to play for me tbh.


However much you are charmed by that blob now, come world 4 you will be cursing at the little bugger from time to time!


The ending does make up for it somewhat though! :)

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I'm playing through this at the moment and what a throughly delightful charming game it is! Up to World 3 at the moment. In places looks gorgeous and one of those games thats defintely proves the case that modern great looking 2D games still have a place in todays gaming climate.


Also anything to keep me posting in the Wii Discussion thread has got to be a good thing.

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World 3 felt quite meh to me, but once I got to World 4 I started really enjoying it again. I like the feel of not being completely dependent on that white mess.


Funnily enough, the developers said in an interview that the first and final worlds are the tightest and most perfected.

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I've completed Worlds 1, 2 and 3 100%, didn't have a problem with any of them. Visually, World 1 was my favourite, but World 3 was for gameplay. If there's ever been anything more fun in a 2D platformer than flying on the rocket, I don't think I've played it! It could even teach Mario a thing or two. World 3-10 Challenge is the ultimate rocket course, very thrilling!


I'm not enjoying World 4 as much, although the shield is very good and I'd be very surprised if this doesn't end up as my No.2 Wii game. I'm finding World 4-2 Challenge (with the cannons) the first really frustrating bit, which is a shame.

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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone completely finish ABaHB then? I mean the full 80 levels.


I doubt if I ever will. :heh:


I liked how they kept introducing new jellybeans right up until the end. :wink: The final world did have a few slightly frustrating moments for me but I blame that on the boy, rather than his blob. If the boy was just a wee bit more nimble with his movement and jumping then I would have got through some bits so much quicker. I pretty much agree with everything thats been said above. Funny to reread my own posts and be reminded I set this game aside to play Symphonia 2 and the Crystal Bearers.


Can't believe how barebones the ending is! Even still, Wayforward have really come into their own for me this generation. Must keep closer tabs on what they are up to.

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Did anyone completely finish ABaHB then? I mean the full 80 levels.


No, I actually gave up during World 4, as the puzzles became such a drag. It is indeed funny to read back one's comments. I can't believe I thought this would be my No.2 Wii game. Not that it wasn't fun but, it's strange... there came a point where I just couldn't play it any more.


Can't believe how barebones the ending is! Even still, Wayforward have really come into their own for me this generation. Must keep closer tabs on what they are up to.


Agree. I actually played Shantae without realising the connection. Meant to buy Thor and Aliens on DS, but one way or the other, I didn't. Saw Batman: the Brave and the Bold the other day, but was unsure of whether or not to buy it. I really want something else like Shantae!

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