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Festivals 2009


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Erm, A tent, wellies definitely, A hat, sun cream, A lighter, to light a fire. plenty of food, plenty of cash, dont go taking a tenner saying you'll do all your eating and drinking in the camping area.



I'm guessing all that you mentioned there is pretty much essential for all festivals SC?


I ask because me and my bro are going to Sonisphere, just got e-mail confirmation about the tickets :) hat, suncream and wellies sound sensible, I don't think stuff for starting a fire will apply though because apparently they don't allow camping stoves at Sonisphere, Idk why, insuance reasons maybe.


Anyway, money for food and stuff, I guess it's wise to take about £50 - £100 to cover all eventualities? will bring some food with us though like crisps and snacks I guess but will probably be living off whatever they cook there I guess, how much are burgers and stuff at festivals? expensive I'm guessing. :/


Also alcohol, do they let you bring your own? if not why not lol and if that's the case, any tips for sneaking it in? :heh: I don't want to be paying for overpriced pints if I can avoid it.

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I'm guessing all that you mentioned there is pretty much essential for all festivals SC?


Yup! Your tent, tickets and sleeping bag are the absolute essentials but any more than that is up to you :heh: You'll want things to cook food with, clothes to change in to, etc.


I ask because me and my bro are going to Sonisphere,

Fantastic, enjoy yourself! My first festival was last year, it blew me away so much I knew I had to go to Reading Fest again this year :heh:


I don't think stuff for starting a fire will apply though because apparently they don't allow camping stoves at Sonisphere, Idk why, insuance reasons maybe.
If I were you I'd take those disposable BBQ's with you. It seems most if not all UK festivals have banned camping stoves now for safety reasons - gas canisters. There's a problem with gas canisters at festivals, that being that people will throw them on fires and they explode, causing pretty nasty injuries in some cases. Heard a story (not sure if it's true or not) about a guy at Reading Festival who jumped over a fire at the same time a gas canister exploded and it took hid balls off. Not something I want to mess around with tbh :heh: You'll also want to check they're not banning deodorant cans over a certain size for the same reason.


Anyway, money for food and stuff, I guess it's wise to take about £50 - £100 to cover all eventualities?
This sounds about right, it depends on what you do at the festival. If you plan on buying merch or other trinkets you'll want to ensure you have more money for that. For me it was a tenner for a program and timetable lanyard last year at Reading Fest, with t-shirts costing around £15-20 depending on where you get them. If you don't plan on buying merchandise, you're probably looking at between £75-100 for food and alcohol, depending on where you buy it from.


will bring some food with us though like crisps and snacks I guess but will probably be living off whatever they cook there I guess, how much are burgers and stuff at festivals? expensive I'm guessing. :/

You're looking at about a fiver for a burger or hot dog. It's very expensive, they know people are drunk and have a ton of money to blow so they tend to get away with it :heh: For this reason I'd suggest once again taking a few disposable bbqs and cooking your own meals. Beans, noodles and bacon are a few good things we had last year :D


As for alcohol prices, it's gonna be expensive. My drink of choice in the arena was Relentless last year at £2 a can. Better than spending £3.50 or howveer much it was on a pint when I could go back to my campsite and drink an (albeit warm :heh:) can of strongbow that worked out at 60p or something.


Also alcohol, do they let you bring your own? if not why not lol and if that's the case, any tips for sneaking it in? :heh: I don't want to be paying for overpriced pints if I can avoid it.


They do, absolutely, but no glass bottles once again for safety reasons. People like to walk around bare foot or throw them at particularly shocking acts so they're banned, but it's pretty easy to sneak it in. For example, I smuggled a bottle of Aftershock in last year in my trousers. It can be done :heh: But if you don't feel like chancing it then just put it in a plastic bottle and you'll be fine. One little side note, they won't let you take your own alcohol in to the arena so you'll have to buy your own there, or sneak it in under your clothes or something.


One more tip for alcohol, on your way to the festival look out for corner shops selling crates of ciders/beers for cheap to take to the campsite. I was able to get I think a box of 24 strongbows from outside a corner shop for £13 after haggling. And don't be afraid to haggle, either :)

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The fire thing is more a safety thing. They tend to get out of hand, especially at Leeds(imagine reading as well) where they throw gas canisters in the fires, lol.


They decided they would allow fires but keep them a reasonable size. But anyways, yes, what I said is the essentials, and as dyson said, beer and drink is allowed in but only in plastic bottles.


I cant think of much else, different clothes. Waterproof jacket incase it goes pete tong.


The drink in the arena at leeds was 3:50 and burgers and hot dogs were about 5 pounds, £100 should cover you, but i think I spent about 180, just on various tat that lures you in, there will be cash machines, so best take to take a cash card incase someone decides to raid your tent.

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Haha yes, forgot about that, the old camping chair, just leave it there after the festival is over, as it will have broken on the last day. but deffo worth a purchase, also may I suggest a gazibo based on the group of people going, great for meeting other people as well.

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*brings back from the dead*


How long will it take to get from Reading to an airport on Monday morning? Getting a lift down, but need to fly back. I'm assuming there will be rail from Reading, but I dunno what stations get me where, and how close those are to the various airports.

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Reading to London can take about 40minutes-1hour depending on the amount of stops. Other than that I have no idea where the nearest airport is. I would guess Heathrow or definitely one in London.




Might be nabbing 3 VIP Reading Tickets. Woo. If not, I'm still going to be at Reading Festival. Woo.

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Good timing on the thread resurrection (*snigger* erection).


Anyone fancy joining me at VW Action? It's basically a 3 day VW festival, but it's more like a general festival with a VW theme. Family friendly during the day, live music, fancy dress (optional) and drinking at night. It's at Santa Pod, which is near Northampton (ish).


The basic info:


September 4-6th (Friday to Sunday)

Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7XA

Prices: £35 weekend (£30 if booked in advance), £15 for a day ticket.

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Tickets come today...

For Reading Fest...

Fuck sake!


Anyone else get fucked over by see tickets?

(we need to swap our reading for leeds, we have 3)


You ordered Leeds tickets and got Reading tickets? lol, just check your confirmation email to make sure it wasn't an error on your side. Otherwise have fun travelling all the way down to Reading :heh:

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You ordered Leeds tickets and got Reading tickets? lol, just check your confirmation email to make sure it wasn't an error on your side. Otherwise have fun travelling all the way down to Reading :heh:

Ill get Mike to check the confimation email again.

Just go to Reading. Then come and be awesome with me and Dyson!

I will if we end up going, ill pm you my mopb no. if you like.






Your stoopid and STILL haven't given me your phone number, and until you do, you're not cool like me and Dyson.

Get it done Ell!

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