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The Wrasslin' thread


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I think Bryan's a dead cert, but I genuinely am not sure with the Smackdown one. I Doubt it'll be Swagger as he had a push recently and it wasn't playing out well.


Cesaro is kinda a fan favorite despite being heel, so he'd be a good shout.


Fandango's 15 minutes of fame is almost over, unless they go for another massive push, just think he needs more time though.


Ambrose & Barrett are in and have been in other title runs, I don't think Barrett will get the push just yet, and Ambrose has more rivalries to entail with his US belt and the Shield.


Sandow is just so amazing. I love his crowd interaction, he's great on the microphone, the crowd hate him but secretly love it when he's mocking Sheamus.


I really do hope it's Sandow that wins.


Indeed, his cash-in would be great. He does his entrance as normal, giving his "savior of the masses" speech. Pins the champ, picks up the mike and simply says "You're welcome" and leaves.


Ambrose winning, a bit early in his WWE career. Maybe next year if the Shield disband, but not this year due to his US title feuds.

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You know what guys? The Wyatt family is going to debut tonight on Raw. Gonna get interesting...


Aye, i'm watching RAW once i get home. And also got Vickie's job appraisal as well. Please get rid of her, please. She's tarnishing the Guerrero legacy.


I already know this result, she gets sacked. Yay



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The wyatt family intro is awesome :D


The promo's they ran throughout the night were great. One of the best intros i've seen in a while. It's too bad the US fans were chanting "Huskey Harris" otherwise would have been a great segment.

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Yeah the theme song is great, and the promos were pretty cool too. What I'm wondering more is how they're actually gonna function in the wrestling setting, how to transfer that same creepiness into the arena / backstage.


Also, am I the only one who actually liked Vickie Guerrero's heel work? I mean anyone who gets that kind of deafening heat all the time must be doing something right...

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Also, am I the only one who actually liked Vickie Guerrero's heel work? I mean anyone who gets that kind of deafening heat all the time must be doing something right...


I don't watch much WWE these days but what is the deal with Vickie Guerrero, was she hired and kept on all these years just because she was Eddie's wife or is she actually a good WWE character?

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Also, am I the only one who actually liked Vickie Guerrero's heel work? I mean anyone who gets that kind of deafening heat all the time must be doing something right...


Yes, can't stand her. My opinion only here, she's kind of tarnishing the Guerrero name. I can't stand her voice, her persona. I know she's portraying a heel character, but no-one likes her being in WWE in general.


I don't watch much WWE these days but what is the deal with Vickie Guerrero, was she hired and kept on all these years just because she was Eddie's wife or is she actually a good WWE character?


People have said she was bought in to finish Eddie's contract off as it were. I doubt this very much, and i have no idea why she is kept around.

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@lostmario Well wasn't she paired off with Chavo against Mysterio in the beginning? They probably just thought to give it a try, and she was both willing and able.


@Jimbob I think she's a perfect heel persona, and that's why she has remained there for so long. I mean she isn't even a wrestler and people boo her like no tomorrow. Now that's an accomplishment.

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Well I didn't watch Money in the bank, But read about it and checked the results. Seems as if the MiTB match for the WHC was the highlight of the night.


Defiantly my favourite result of the night for this reason...








Randy Orton won... What the actual fuck. Didn't see that happening.


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Just finished watching Money in the Bank. Views are as follows


Damien Sandow winning the Smackdown Money in the Bank contract. Most excellent indeed, well deserved and he has potential for a good run.


Diva's match - Meh, who cares


Super Cena vs Mark Henry. Guessed Cena would win, but not like that. I was expecting it to be a DQ which would lead to Cena-Henry II at Summerslam to determine a winner this time around.


Jericho vs Ryback. Decent enough.


Ziggler vs Del Rio - Good match until AJ got involved, now unless this is setting up for Big E vs Ziggler, i saw no point to her actions.


RAW Money in the Bank, decent match. Nice to see RVD back. Orton winning, wasn't expecting that at all



Interesting to see RAW tonight.



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Well... Shield attacking Mark Henry is odd. I guess this was done to throw him of the WWE title hunt, so that makes room for Daniel Bryan.


John Cena picked him as a challenger for the WWE title at SummerSlam which is pretty awesome news.


But why do i get the feeling that it'll be a case of Bryan pins Cena, Orton cashes in, Ortan puns Bryan.


Then see these 3 ongoing rivalry then.



Sandow losing to Christian sucked, but It was inevitable that Cody & Sandow were going to have a fued.


And looks like the tag division is going to warm up a little bit with Uso's again proving to be legit with a win over Zebs real Americans.


But that's a pretty good tag team stable there.. Swagger & Cesaro. Perhaps they can gun for the shield too?


I have no idea what angle they'll be doing with Ziggler now? Is is WHC push over now?





Not a bad Raw from what I've read, but I haven't read into any crowd reactions so don't know if they were popping all that much.

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Not a bad Raw from what I've read, but I haven't read into any crowd reactions so don't know if they were popping all that much.


I enjoyed that episode of RAW. Best match was easily RVD vs Y2J.


When you compare this raw's crowd to previous episodes this year, you would probably say that it was one of the better crowds. Good involvement, they weren't popping all night but when they did they were good.


On John Cena's decision, I was glad that he picked D. Bryan so too the crowd. The scene with Bryan at the end with all those yes chants (in sync) was a lovely sight and a good way to end the night.


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The plan at the moment is Ziggler going against Langston at Summerslam. I for one don't particulary like the idea, i think it's about time Ziggler was kept in the WHC picture instead of simply being dropped back to higher mid-card. The Y2J vs RVD match was extended because the Barrett match was cancelled instead. And Cena picking D-Bry, it was obvious.


RAW was decent enough, the crowd were trying to be like the EU crowd post-Mania. It was interesting, but not as good as them. I'll be looking into the CM Punk-Lesnar match, should be a good one if done right.


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Didn't realize that Barret had a scheduled match cancelled? Any idea why (I've yet to watch Raw, only read about it)


He's never going to get a push for anything is he?


Same as Cessaro. Cessaro is a legit beast, but he'll be stuck jobbing for ages.


And yeah dude gutted about Ziggy's WHC run being halted for a while (even though Sandow is now Mr MiTB)



Just watched the video on WWE.com of Cena picking Bryan. Man that was an awesome crowd reaction.


Must suck ass for the other wrestlers who had their name's called and boo'd. Would hope it'd be a wakeup call for the company that they're 'Stars' aren't the biggest fan favourites. The likes of Sheamus, Orton etc getting boo'd down.

Edited by Murr
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@Murr. RAW was decent, but i did hear about this regarding Smackdown.


Vickie is the new GM. Great, good job Smackdown is basically the RAW recap show. I don't see the point of her hanging around anymore, the crowd don't like her. I know she's got a job for life near enough, but please put it in the office out of the way.



WWE can't rely on guys like Cena, Orton, CM Punk, Del Rio and Sheamus forever. They need more main eventers, so development is crucial.

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I think Cesaro will be fine, he's only been on TV for a year or so, it takes a while to make it to main event status. If he was getting a main event push now, it would probably be at the expense of somebody else push worthy like Ziggler.

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Summerslam is almost upon us!


Confirmed matches -


John Cena vs Daniel Bryan - Would assume that this is Daniel Bryans title, however also very concerned about Randy Orton cashing in.


Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk - Punk suffered some pretty big PPV losses this year against 'Legends' The Rock & Undertaker, I think he'll make amends for this and beat Lesnar though.


Christian vs Alberto Del Rio - Christians got this I think


Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes - Unfortunately think Cody will get this


Kane Vs Wyatt - Really don't know on this one.




Likely Match -


Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs AJ and Big E - Gotta be team Ziggler hasn't it?




Surprising there is no room on the PPV for Sheamus, Orton, Shield, Curtis Axl, Real Americans, Mark Henry.



Guessing Henry & Uso's vs shield will be on the card.

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