pratty Posted January 29, 2014 Posted January 29, 2014 I thought Raw was pretty decent, some good tag matches as usual. HHH and Steph trolling at the begining was hilarious.
Jimbob Posted January 29, 2014 Posted January 29, 2014 As much as i don't want to see CM Punk leave the WWE, i don't blame him. And as much as it would pain me to say it, i want to see Daniel Bryan leave as well. WWE as it stands is a complete joke, Batista comes back week before the Rumble and wins it and heads to the main event vs the WWE champ (most likely Orton). Whilst guys like Daniel Bryan are slated to face Sheamus at Mania (which no-one wants to see) and Punk (who works hard for the company) being left out of the main event. Hopefully he doesn't leave and McMahon works out the issues with Punk so he comes back, but if he does leave i reckon he'll go back to Ring of Honour and finish up his wrestling career where it all started. And if he does leave, WWE have shot themselves in the foot. Punk is one of the top superstars in the company, and him and Daniel Bryan are 2 stars who know how to wrestle and put on a good show.
pratty Posted January 29, 2014 Posted January 29, 2014 Could all be an elaborate work, these days I don't trust anything since promotions started trying to work the dirt sheets. But assuming Punk walking is a shoot, why does he have the devine right to headline? I'm sure he works hard but so does Kofi, so does Ziggler, so does D-Bry, so does Cena, so does Del Rio etc. I like guys like Punk and D-Bry as much as anyone, but main eventing is as much about selling out arenas and PPVs, as well as having 5-star matches, if not more. It was reported recently that Vince told WWe staff Cena feeds the company. If that's true then how to leave your top draw out of the main events? So you have all these stars like Punk, Cena, D-Bry, Brock, Taker, Batista etc that all want/'deserve' to be headlining, but they can't all be in the main event, is WWe just going to have a 6 way match at Wrestlemania just so they can satisfy all these egos? Maybe if Punk was as over as Daniel Bryan or could draw like Cena he'd be in the main event. Seems a bit ironic to complain about part-timers then go home himself.
Murr Posted January 29, 2014 Posted January 29, 2014 I've done another article based on predicting the road to Wrestlemania. Unfortunately It is slightly outdated already due to CM Punk and the Elimination Chamber final 6 revealed - Read here if anyone is interested -
Mokong Posted February 4, 2014 Posted February 4, 2014 Any update on Punk? Has he quit/been released from contract? Any chanxe its another work like when he "dropped a pipe bomb" and "walked out with the title"
pratty Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Mokong said: Any update on Punk? Has he quit/been released from contract? Any chanxe its another work like when he "dropped a pipe bomb" and "walked out with the title" I've not heard much, other than something about Vince personally trying to get him back. Could be a work, but even if it isn't if they're smart they could still turn it into a work. But really I don't see how Punk can come back for Wrestlemania, it goes against everything he complained about, people leaving and coming back when it suits them to take the spot of people who are always there. Seems a lot of people support him but I think he went about it totally the wrong way. He didn't just walk out on the McMahons, he walked out on the locker room (the guys that put him over so he could draw the houses), the writers/TV crew (who had to re-write Raw last minute), and the fans that paid to see him. I guess he feels like he's taking a tough moral stand for something he believes in, and maybe he thinks it's for other people's best interests long term as well, but ultimately he seemed very unprofessional to me. A lot of people are probably unhappy with their spot in WWe but they still show up, and make the best of it. Even if he thought he or Bryan should have main evented Mania, why didn't he just wrestle HHH, prove WWE wrong by stealing the show (which should be easy if he really is the best in the world) and make a fat chunk of cash while he's at it. Clearly money isn't everything to him which is good, but it seems like the most pragmatic thing to do, there are other ways to make a protest and he only had 5 months on his contract left anyway, might as well see it out. Recently Austin said on his podcast when he walked out of WWE it cost him about 2 million in potential earnings, and his own Stone Cold brand of beer which him and WWe were in the process of starting up. Anyway, I really enjoyed the main event from this weeks Raw, really good lengthy match that wouldn't have been out of place in a PPV main event.
Jimbob Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 It's coming over more and more as a work, what i mentioned before with Punk taking time off to heal could be it as well.
Helmsly Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 I really like Stone Cold Steve Austins Podcast, he's done great interviews on it recently. He was backstage at Raw a couple of Weeks ago and recorded a ton of stuff with the guys backstage so the next few episodes will be interviews with guys that are currently on the roster. The most recent Episodes with Zeb colter and the ep before with John Cena were really interesting. If you'd not heard the show before I'd say its worth listening to the two-part interview he did with Ric Flair late last year and Roddy Piper, they were fantastic.'> Seperate to that, Has there been any word on when the WWE network will be available in the uk?
Jimbob Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Helmsly said: I really like Stone Cold Steve Austins Podcast, he's done great interviews on it recently. He was backstage at Raw a couple of Weeks ago and recorded a ton of stuff with the guys backstage so the next few episodes will be interviews with guys that are currently on the roster. The most recent Episodes with Zeb colter and the ep before with John Cena were really interesting. If you'd not heard the show before I'd say its worth listening to the two-part interview he did with Ric Flair late last year and Roddy Piper, they were fantastic.'> Seperate to that, Has there been any word on when the WWE network will be available in the uk? End of the year (apparently) Hulk Hogan has re-signed for the WWE, will be in a non-wrestling role and hosting this years Wrestlemania. He will be on this Monday Night RAW (24th February)
pratty Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 EC was pretty good overall, the EC match itself was very good and The Wyatts vs The Sheild was excellent.
Helmsly Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 pratty said: The Wyatts vs The Sheild was excellent. Yeah I really enjoyed that match.
-Dem0- Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 Ditto. The crowd were really vocal too and that always helps.
Ville Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 Pretty interesting PPV. My pointers: 1) Wyatts vs the Shield was damn awesome. So many great spots and every member of both groups contributed to the match with their personalities. More of this please! 2) Batista getting booed again, oh dear. Hope they turn him heel. 3) EC match ending wasn't really a surprise. They're clearly doing a very slow burn with DB, interesting to see how it turns out...The guy is over like hell, so it creates an interesting dynamic. 4) Good to see Cesaro in the title picture, the match with John Cena last Monday was great. Hope he stays in the mix. 5) Great crowd. Someone said this has been the Year of the Universe, and I certainly don't mind. Brings more atmosphere and interaction to the shows... 6) Where was Lesnar? --- Gonna be an interesting Raw. Besides the aftermath of yesterday's PPV, Hogan's gonna be there and possibly Flair and the Undertaker too. And Lesnar?
Helmsly Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 (edited) Wow, the WWE Network really is unedited Also according to the guy that runs Botchamania you can run the WWE network outside of the US: Quote Oh, and you don’t need any proxies if you’re abroad. All you do is sign-up, say you live in USA on the form, use PayPal and that’s it. No VPN/Proxy trickery needed. Edit - Seems they've changed that now. You need a proxy to get around it now. Edited February 26, 2014 by Helmsly
Jimbob Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 Sorry about that WWE, it would seem the "WWE Universe" is smarter than you. Time to watch some Network* *And in the case the non-proxy route does not work, Unblock US supports the Network.
Murr Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 A Bit late to post it here, but as always, here's a write up on the results and thoughts of Elimination Chamber -
Murr Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 Raw tonight could be rather fun. Chicago crowd will hopefully destroy any Batista / Orton screen time. The Hijack Raw movement was taking off! Rumbles of CM Punk returning tonight... and also rumours of WWE caving and adding a 3rd person to the Mania main event. If that's the case perhaps something along the lines of - Batista, HHH and Orton are all in the ring at the end of Raw, there is some form of Mania main event contract signing taking place. So that's why they are all out. The crowd are shitting all over it with chants of CM Punk. Orton and Batista sign the contract and HHH is about to speak on the mic, when Cult of Personality starts playing... The crowd are beside their-selves with excitement. Punk runs down the ramp and beats on Batista and Orton, HHH slides out of the ring. With Batista and Orton down Punk adds his name to the contract and signs it. He turns around holding the contract in the air pointing to the Mania sign and the contract, he turns into HHH who has reappeared and pedigree's him. HHH stands over Punk about to rip the contract when... Daniel Bryan runs into the ring and attacks HHH, the contract remains in tact. Raw ends with Bryan handing the contract to Punk, Bryan standing over HHH and Punk standing over Batista and Orton again raising the contract, pointing to the mania sign... One can dream...
Jimbob Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 Murr said: Raw tonight could be rather fun. Chicago crowd will hopefully destroy any Batista / Orton screen time. The Hijack Raw movement was taking off! Rumbles of CM Punk returning tonight... and also rumours of WWE caving and adding a 3rd person to the Mania main event. If that's the case perhaps something along the lines of - Batista, HHH and Orton are all in the ring at the end of Raw, there is some form of Mania main event contract signing taking place. So that's why they are all out. The crowd are shitting all over it with chants of CM Punk. Orton and Batista sign the contract and HHH is about to speak on the mic, when Cult of Personality starts playing... The crowd are beside their-selves with excitement. Punk runs down the ramp and beats on Batista and Orton, HHH slides out of the ring. With Batista and Orton down Punk adds his name to the contract and signs it. He turns around holding the contract in the air pointing to the Mania sign and the contract, he turns into HHH who has reappeared and pedigree's him. HHH stands over Punk about to rip the contract when... Daniel Bryan runs into the ring and attacks HHH, the contract remains in tact. Raw ends with Bryan handing the contract to Punk, Bryan standing over HHH and Punk standing over Batista and Orton again raising the contract, pointing to the mania sign... One can dream... One can hope that happens. Sounds damn good to me. The HijackRAW movement will be interesting, seeing some of the comments on various sites. People plan to chant "Thankyou Jesse", cheer the Wyatt Family and Sheild. And turn their backs to HHH, Steph and any segment featuring Batista/Orton. What i would love to see is the crowd not chanting/cheering/doing anything during the Batista/Orton segments
Ville Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 Whether Punk returns or not, I hope he's gotten his health issues under control. He seemed really burnt out when he left...
pratty Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 Well Raw wasn't really 'hijacked', was it? It was a pretty good show though I thought, Wyatts vs Sheild 2 was ace! Wrestling is in a weird place at the moment, so much so I struggle to even articulate my thoughts on it, essentially the tail is trying to wag the dog. The idea of giving the fans what they want has always existed in wrestling, but it's always been on the promotion's terms, the tail never wagged the dog. If the crowd chanted boring the workers slowed down even more, then got busy in their own time, they worked the fans, they booked the show, not the other way around.
Jimbob Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I quite liked the whole crowd boo'ing everytime Trips and Steph got on the microphone and spoke, could hardly hear them over the crowd. Kept chanting "over-rated" at Batista (as well as boo'ing him). But yeah, i got bored of the consistent "CM Punk" chants after about half-hour. Not exactly a hijacking, what would have been more better is the crowd not even showing up at the arena. That would be sending a message to the WWE, saying we don't like the current product. But that was never going to happen.
Ville Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I think WWE handled the situation pretty well. First, Paul Heyman pandered to the crowd and then reversed the whole thing and jumped straight to the Lesnar vs Undertaker issue. He also said Punk was not gonna be there so he kind of took the edge off the whole thing. I really wonder what's gonna happen with the Orton vs Batista match at WM. The crowd's gonna boo both or get behind Orton, or just chant "we want divas" etc. Pretty funny to think about... And yes, once again the Shield vs Wyatts delivered. Hands down the best thing going on in the company right now.
Jimbob Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 Ville said: I think WWE handled the situation pretty well. First, Paul Heyman pandered to the crowd and then reversed the whole thing and jumped straight to the Lesnar vs Undertaker issue. He also said Punk was not gonna be there so he kind of took the edge off the whole thing. I really wonder what's gonna happen with the Orton vs Batista match at WM. The crowd's gonna boo both or get behind Orton, or just chant "we want divas" etc. Pretty funny to think about... And yes, once again the Shield vs Wyatts delivered. Hands down the best thing going on in the company right now. Wrestlemania (and the RAW after Mania) will be a proper crowd hijack. We all know what happens on RAW's after Wrestlemania don't we. My prediction for the Batisa-Orton match crown reaction, skip to the intro for Sheamus + Orton. And insert random chants
lostmario Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 Wrestlemania 30 this Sunday I feel a song coming on
Mokong Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 This Sunday? Damn I didn't even realise.... whats the card like this year.... are we expecting a good one? Not been keeping upto date since teh Rumble, you think it will be worth buying the PPV?
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