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Pokemon Go-Karting


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Ok... I feel your pain with that statement. Dammit, are we only getting that crappy Battle Revolution?


BR was actually pretty good if you had Diamond or Pearl and used it to play online. It was much better than the online in D/P anyway.


They shou'd can the shitty spinoffs, and just make the next full Pokemon game for Wii, in full 3-D.


Genius Sonority (The company that made Colosseum, XD, And BR) should have another project almost finished by now. We should be seeing something from them sometime in the first half of 2009 I would think.

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I would understand pokemon running or something ala pokemon dash. But not in a Go kart why the heck would there be a need for that. Yes lets put something the size of say onix in a go kart, because that all make sense, but I suppose it will still print money.

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What the heck would be the difference between Pokemon kart and Mariokart? All I can see is that instead of a few classic characters to choose from, there would be like 350 buggers, in all likelyhood with the annoying voices from the TV-show. Maybe to actually attempt to make a gameplay difference, each character would have four set weapons.


This has bad idea written all over it. Why would Nintendo launch a competitor to a genre they allready dominate with Mariokart? What would justify people buying it?

At the uni, we had nearly this as an example of a bad design idea you'll get fired for within the game industry.

"I wanna make and FPS, that's just like UT3, but better, and with, like, chainsaws and nukes".


There is no point in wasting money and manpower on reskinning an existing game. Plus Nintendo have PLENTY of other games that they need to have made for their format. Like:











A Gran Turismo beater

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What the heck would be the difference between Pokemon kart and Mariokart? All I can see is that instead of a few classic characters to choose from, there would be like 350 buggers, in all likelyhood with the annoying voices from the TV-show. Maybe to actually attempt to make a gameplay difference, each character would have four set weapons.


I can't see that happening. They have stuck with the Gameboy bleeps for this long. The four weapons thing could be cool though, throw in some levelling up and evolving mechanics and we are beginning to gather some good ideas here.


This has bad idea written all over it. Why would Nintendo launch a competitor to a genre they allready dominate with Mariokart? What would justify people buying it?

At the uni, we had nearly this as an example of a bad design idea you'll get fired for within the game industry.

"I wanna make and FPS, that's just like UT3, but better, and with, like, chainsaws and nukes".


There is no point in wasting money and manpower on reskinning an existing game. Plus Nintendo have PLENTY of other games that they need to have made for their format. Like:











A Gran Turismo beater


That was a solid list of games due an update until the bottom three. So you want Nintendo to make a game like say, Warcraft (MMO), Quake (FPS) and Gran Turismo except, "better, and with, like, chainsaws and nukes...?" Hmm.

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A Gran Turismo beater


Starfox is very likely to come out in the next couple years. And would probably work great with Wii Controls

F-Zero is potentially Monster Games' secret project, and even if it wasn't there will almost for sure be a Wii version of it.

Zelda is already being made

Waverace probably is only going to be seen in the form of the jet ski game in Wii Sports Resort.

1080 is likely since it has some casual appeal.

Pilotwings is even rumored right now, I think it could easily be true.

Excitebike although, probably not that likely with Excite Truck already released this generation, it could still happen, perhaps its Monster Games' secret project.

Do you honestly think Nintendo will release an MMO this generation, it just seems incredibly unlikely.

An FPS game is possible but not from Nintendo EAD, perhaps from Retro though.

I can't see them releasing a GT beater. But who knows.

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I can't see that happening. They have stuck with the Gameboy bleeps for this long. The four weapons thing could be cool though, throw in some levelling up and evolving mechanics and we are beginning to gather some good ideas here.




That was a solid list of games due an update until the bottom three. So you want Nintendo to make a game like say, Warcraft (MMO), Quake (FPS) and Gran Turismo except, "better, and with, like, chainsaws and nukes...?" Hmm.


In Smash Bros, we hear all the sounds from the show, rather than the games, which basically makes me disable the Pokéballs.



We have to see one fact. Nintendo have a lacking lineup. Since no third party developer is up for the job, Nintendo have to do something about it themselves.


I want Nintendo to make an MMO, yes. I don't really see how it would be unlikely. And I don't want it to be ANYTHING like WoW. I want the combat system to be more along the lines of Zelda, rather than booring awaiting your turn crap.

An FPS like Quake? No, more like something along the lines of Goldeneye. Nintendo have supported Rare, N-space and others in making First Person shooters for their formats. I'm not saying that Nintendo should develop one themselves, but let's say if they were to buy Free Radical, they'd get Timesplitters.

And just because a game has gone out to beat another, that doesen't make it a clone. The Wii hasn't got anything like GT, and no Nintendo format ever has. And Nintendo most certainly haven't released a game just like it within the last year!

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We have to see one fact. Nintendo have a lacking lineup. Since no third party developer is up for the job, Nintendo have to do something about it themselves.


I want Nintendo to make an MMO, yes. I don't really see how it would be unlikely. And I don't want it to be ANYTHING like WoW. I want the combat system to be more along the lines of Zelda, rather than booring awaiting your turn crap.

An FPS like Quake? No, more like something along the lines of Goldeneye. Nintendo have supported Rare, N-space and others in making First Person shooters for their formats. I'm not saying that Nintendo should develop one themselves, but let's say if they were to buy Free Radical, they'd get Timesplitters.

And just because a game has gone out to beat another, that doesen't make it a clone. The Wii hasn't got anything like GT, and no Nintendo format ever has. And Nintendo most certainly haven't released a game just like it within the last year!


Nintendo themselves might seem to have a lacking line up, but as far as I can see, they are still the most diverse developer out there. Does anyone else cover as many genres as they do?


I only mentioned those games as examples of what you are after. I mean, you even just said it yourself that Nintendo has never made anything like GT, and if you are getting hung up expecting that they have something like it in the works then you may well be bitterly disappointed. You'd be better to be content with stuff like Excite Truck.


We can all list what we think Nintendo should be doing, but we should know by now that they can't be influenced and they will just continue to do their own thing- which is good enough for me, anyway. :heh:


And back onto the topic of Pokémon:


In Smash Bros, we hear all the sounds from the show, rather than the games, which basically makes me disable the Pokéballs.


I had forgot about the voices appearing in Smash Bros. Are they used in any of the other games? I think they've shown with Diamond, Pearl and Battle Revolution that they'll be sticking with the original style cries as long as they can.

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I don't get how electronic beeps are any better than the cartoon voices. At least they are somewhat more realistic.


The electronic beeps are more realistic and in my opinion sound better. You don't hear dogs going around saying "Dog Dog Dog...Dog Dog" Pokemon are basically pets/wild animals that can fight, not people. They should sound more like animals than naturally saying names that obviously would have been given to them humans.

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I always hear that dog argument, but the beeps sound even less like growls and animal noises, they sound like weird robots.

And the names sound pretty realistic with pokemon like charizard and the like, where they growl bits of their name.


And why can't humans have named them after the name they say, naturally animals don't have super powers, so they're not animals, why can't there be a race of creatures that say one word that people decided to name them after?

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Why on earth would Pokemon race in karts when they have legs and other methods of walking & running.? A Pokemon race game has been done (Pokemon Dash) and it was poor to average at best.


IFa Wii Pokemon race/dash game was made it would have to be 10 times better than the DS version. They could break it down into race types and focus on maybe 5 different styles of racing:


For Example:


Speed Races would be for Doduo/Dodtrio/Growlithe/Arcannine/etc etc.

Water Races would be for Golduck/Poliwrath/and other good swimmers

Air/Flying Races would be for your common flying types.

All Rounder races etc etc-


You could also throw in some training element to stat up/power up your racing pokemon and have special courses/routes to be unlocked.


But I very much doubt a race game will ever happen.

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