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Living Alone


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Id rather live alone i much prefer my own company as

anyway i think id drive someone mad ive got compulsive cleaning disorder , people cant leave anything out on a surface , if it looks messy ill tidy it away , im forever wiping surfaces/floors and hoovering . :shakehead:wtf::(


That annoys me. Granted there are times yes I leave stuff out and forget about it but then theres times when its where it is for a reason. We had a manager come in for a day to 'help' once and he just spent all day doing this which resulted in me spending all day going "Where did xx go?!?".


Im happy in a (relative) mess of my own making. I tidy eventually.

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I'm comfortable with being on my own, mainly because I had to be growing up. I live outside of town where there isn't even any public transport, so meeting up with friends was always something that had to be planned in advance; I always envied people that could show up on doorsteps on the off-chance of doing something. I'm not an only child, but I largely lived the life of one anyway; my brother and sister both had best friends literally within a minute's walk of the house. I suppose I've always been rather insular, and although I'd say I'm easy to get along with I... well, I'm very particular about whom I would call a friend. More than I've a right to be, perhaps.


As something of a perennial worrier, the huge advantage of being on my own is not having to be mindful of other people. When I'm around others a sense of responsibility has a tendency to rear its ugly head, and I get so engrossed in trying to look after people or help that in the end I won't be anything other than annoying. It can be very draining, too, so being alone brings with it a sense of relief.


Having said that, naturally I'd rather live with someone I'm comfortable with than being on my own all the time. These people are few and far between — or maybe I'm just an overly-selective idiot — but there's nothing better than being around people that you 'click' with. (Just not too many at once; I have a tendency for small, close-knit groups.)

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That annoys me. Granted there are times yes I leave stuff out and forget about it but then theres times when its where it is for a reason. We had a manager come in for a day to 'help' once and he just spent all day doing this which resulted in me spending all day going "Where did xx go?!?".


Im happy in a (relative) mess of my own making. I tidy eventually.


There is that side to it as well. My mum is the same and moves thing all the time. And she forgets where she's put it and the fact that she even moved it.


But at least everything is always clean.

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If I lived alone, I don't think I'd look after myself very much. I'd spend all day in bed, on my laptop with the curtains drawn. having housemates means I should at least try to make some form of social contact once in a while, which keeps me from merging into myself too much. My flat would slowly dissapear under piles of trash... yeah. I couldn't do it.

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