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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


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People really need to pay attention more with this online. Was playing a game of Plunder on Temple against a clan of Spanish players and rather than them attempting to kill the person carrying the idol into the chest room, 3 of them decided to gun me down as I was standing at the top of the stepped area outside our chest room. Unluckily for them, they seemed to miss the grenade I threw at their feet. :laughing:


3 kills with one grenade for a death. I'll take it :D Went on to get a 25 - 8 Kill / death record and win 5-0. Seems those Roman Numeral ranks really don't give an accurate reading of players skills because I, at level 21, outscored them all.

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Was good fun getting a couple of games in with you Rez earlier. And half a game with you Dwarf :laughing: More of a Plunder man than a Deathmatch one but didn't think I did too badly, except for in the last match.


Wouldn't really say you showed off your mad skills though Rez. I mean, how you play clearly works and gets you the wins but really, you basically n00b tube your way to victory with the Hammer :P Not much better myself, seeing as I tend to spray from the AK-47 quite alot, although I'm pretty good at picking of at long range with that which is strange considering how wide spread the bullets get.


Will say those guys with the CHN clan tags, who I'm guessing were Chinese, were bloody annoying. Should have muted them cause they just kept talking and talking and it sounded like white noise. Really irritating.


Oh and I hate that Sanctuary map. Didn't like it when I first played online and since starting up again, I've only played on it once before today and it's horrible.

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Was good fun getting a couple of games in with you Rez earlier. And half a game with you Dwarf :laughing: More of a Plunder man than a Deathmatch one but didn't think I did too badly, except for in the last match.


Wouldn't really say you showed off your mad skills though Rez. I mean, how you play clearly works and gets you the wins but really, you basically n00b tube your way to victory with the Hammer :P Not much better myself, seeing as I tend to spray from the AK-47 quite alot, although I'm pretty good at picking of at long range with that which is strange considering how wide spread the bullets get.


Will say those guys with the CHN clan tags, who I'm guessing were Chinese, were bloody annoying. Should have muted them cause they just kept talking and talking and it sounded like white noise. Really irritating.


Oh and I hate that Sanctuary map. Didn't like it when I first played online and since starting up again, I've only played on it once before today and it's horrible.



Fag Camper.






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Was good fun getting a couple of games in with you Rez earlier. And half a game with you Dwarf :laughing: More of a Plunder man than a Deathmatch one but didn't think I did too badly, except for in the last match.


Wouldn't really say you showed off your mad skills though Rez. I mean, how you play clearly works and gets you the wins but really, you basically n00b tube your way to victory with the Hammer :P


Outrageous claims. I can explain though;


The first time I was using Come Gay Some and Invalid, which is so fail against n00b campers on open maps.


And the second time was three on three. Three on three means if you get the Hammer with twelve ammo, it will pretty much last until the enemy respawn twice, by which point the Hammer is probably back. I own without the Hammer just as well as with it. :p






Also....lolfagcamp. ;)


Join us again though, you were really really good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kinda, yeah. From ND website:

While we’re at it, MARK YOUR CALENDARS and join us online on Saturday, October 16, 2010, for some awesome festivities to celebrate one year since the release of UNCHARTED 2!


We’ll be running a special one-day only playlist which compiles a “Best of…” selection of gametypes we’ve chosen from previous episodes of “The Lab.” We’ll also have plenty of Dogs online nearly all day in that playlist to play against. But that’s not all – we’re not ready to reveal everything yet, so please check back on NaughtyDog.com in the next few weeks to get all the details on how we’re celebrating our one year anniversary!


Intriguing, although I'm not that bothered about the 1 day playlist




This is more interesting, from the comments section of that article (Arne is a community ND employee):


kevin22101993 posted September 28, 2010 8:54 am

why don`t you give the one day 4X cash day that we get 4X so many as normal thats would be cool


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arne posted September 28, 2010 9:57 am

We haven’t revealed everything we’ve got planned for our one year anniversary on October 16—cross your fingers!


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Quad cash would be lol. But it'll probably be something different entirely.

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Thats the day I get back from USA. God. Claire might want to sleep. That'd be annoying.


ACK! I miss one of the best labs this weekend!


October 1 - 4

3 vs 3 Plunder

More players is not always better… It’s been quite interesting to see how team tactics change (or don’t change) in previous episodes of “The Lab” as we reduce the number of players on each team. Plunder is one of those gametypes where things start to get really interesting when you have less teammates assert your domination over the maps. The tide can turn quickly and a lucky lone wolf can get the opening needed to take the treasure all the way to score – just like Devin Hester did against the Packers.


October 16

One Year Anniversary – Best of “The Lab”

As part of our one year anniversary celebration, we’re running a very special, one-day only playlist rotating through your favorite episodes of “The Lab” – as voted on through our NaughtyDog.com poll. We’re planning to have a grand assemblage of Dogs playing in this playlist throughout the day, along with a few more surprises we’ll reveal in the next two weeks. We’re also looking forward to hosting many new players to our online community, as the UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves Game of the Year Edition releases earlier this week.


October 29 – November 1

2 vs 2 Elimination

How do you make Elimination even more tactical? Reduce the maximum number of players on each team down to two. Teamwork, good communication and a sound strategy are absolutely necessary if you want to win rounds and matches.

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Oh dear. Youtube comments.


the multiplayer is unfair and unbalanced


Lol. What is unbalanced about it? If you like MW2 Multiplayer you cannot instantly say you'll like this. I hate MW2, compared to this.


whats unfair about the multiplayer is that the ak-47 becomes a sniper rifle with the DTI booster, blind firing the shotgun gives it a sticky reticule boost, the sniper kills in 1 shot tot he body (some people like that, i don't. i think its not fair to the player being shot at with the rifle) matchmaking puts high level player with low level players, allowing the highers to use SA and just making the low levels have a hell of a time trying to fight back and spawns are atrocious.


1) No, DTI doesn't turn AK's into Snipers. There are ways to combat DTI, and just be more avoiding and careful, or just use it yourself. A game can't be unfair if both parties are EVEN. 2) So? MW2 tapping L1 targets the enemy.... 3) Yeah Snipers kill in 1 hit...again...I don't see how this makes it unfair? Both parties can pick up a sniper. 4) 5) 6) etc....Just yeah, I don't think you understand what unfair means.
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To all normal people out there, Rez will have an Unch Montage up in a few weeks (bet you can't wait) , featuring online plays from both him and me. It's going to be rape, and basically showcases some of the stuff that makes us so elite.


Obviously there's a ton of shit we should have but didn't save, but it's still utterly enjoyable.

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To all normal people out there, Rez will have an Unch Montage up in a few weeks (bet you can't wait) , featuring online plays from both him and me. It's going to be rape, and basically showcases some of the stuff that makes us so elite.


Obviously there's a ton of shit we should have but didn't save, but it's still utterly enjoyable.



But it won't show me helping your asses the other day.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I really need to try the online mode of this. Don't know why but I find it difficult to take that first step into games online modes - probably because I know I'll get mullered and then get bored, and I really don't want this to happen with this game. Could really do with you lot showing me the ropes. What days do you normally play?

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5x Cash weekend with no money cap. Starting from 12.01 am tomorrow morning. FUCKTASTIC!


I'll probably be playing all day, pretty much. This could be insane. Give me a shout if you want to win some games.


Also, if you play tomorrow, i.e. on the anniversary, you unlock a Nathan Drake skin for use anytime. As long as you log in before 11.59pm.


Naughtydog staff are on throughout the day, their tags are marked with a paw. I will rape them. Also, don't forget it's the lab mash up for one day only.







Shit is going down.


Repetitive syntax for the gargantuan win.

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5x Cash weekend with no money cap. Starting from 12.01 am tomorrow morning. FUCKTASTIC!


I'll probably be playing all day, pretty much. This could be insane. Give me a shout if you want to win some games.


Also, if you play tomorrow, i.e. on the anniversary, you unlock a Nathan Drake skin for use anytime. As long as you log in before 11.59pm.


Naughtydog staff are on throughout the day, their tags are marked with a paw. I will rape them. Also, don't forget it's the lab mash up for one day only.







Shit is going down.


Repetitive syntax for the gargantuan win.


Hellz yeah. I am in.


Pics of the exclusive skin and details: http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/uncharted_2_one_year_anniversary_event_details/

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