khilafah Posted November 29, 2008 Posted November 29, 2008 Akuma is killing me man! I get close with ken but just get beat. Wish Capcom would of done a remix of Championship edition instead of super street fighter. anyone wanna play me on 360 just add me..
Pit-Jr Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 GAH! All these Ken/Ryu fireball spammers in Scoreboard matches are infuriating Ive somehow managed to win 3 tourneys with E. Honda and/or Dee Jay though
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Official Soundtrack DANTE!!! You're a legend. New tunes for me phone!
flameboy Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 I have now played 7 games online of this and lost all of them! I plain suck at it! I can pull of special moves but in the heat of online battle I struggle to get them in. I think I may pick up a Hori stick been thinking about it for a while for this, MK vs DC and Streetfighter IV, think it may make those quarters turns for moves easier. I always prefered MK system of like back back towards rather than quarter turns of the d-pad.
khilafah Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 I have now played 7 games online of this and lost all of them! I plain suck at it! I can pull of special moves but in the heat of online battle I struggle to get them in. I think I may pick up a Hori stick been thinking about it for a while for this, MK vs DC and Streetfighter IV, think it may make those quarters turns for moves easier. I always prefered MK system of like back back towards rather than quarter turns of the d-pad. I have the Hori stick on 360. Will neve play it with the pad as the D-pad is garbage! I do okay online. I only play with Ken but I no fireball smammer. Madcatz will release these when SFIV comes out
Portlett Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 those are pretty sweet - may have to get one, hopefully the d-pad is good on it.
flameboy Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 those are pretty good, hope the D-pad works alright. I know people praise the PS3 one, but I am finding it really it hard to pull off moves, so assumed the hori stick would help as was good at pulling moves off in the arcade.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 I have now played 7 games online of this and lost all of them! I plain suck at it! I can pull of special moves but in the heat of online battle I struggle to get them in. I think I may pick up a Hori stick been thinking about it for a while for this, MK vs DC and Streetfighter IV, think it may make those quarters turns for moves easier. I always prefered MK system of like back back towards rather than quarter turns of the d-pad. Utilizing light kicks and punches are the key. Go in, then jab jab jab, SPECIAL... block block block, low kick etc etc. Who do you main? My 2nd main was always Vega... No one could touch me.
khilafah Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 those are pretty good, hope the D-pad works alright. I know people praise the PS3 one, but I am finding it really it hard to pull off moves, so assumed the hori stick would help as was good at pulling moves off in the arcade. trust me get the stick. It is well worth it!
flameboy Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Utilizing light kicks and punches are the key. Go in, then jab jab jab, SPECIAL... block block block, low kick etc etc. Who do you main? My 2nd main was always Vega... No one could touch me. My main is Ken and 2nd either Dhalism or Vega...
Dan_Dare Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 I have the Hori stick on 360. Will neve play it with the pad as the D-pad is garbage! I do okay online. I only play with Ken but I no fireball smammer. Madcatz will release these when SFIV comes out any info on how good these are expected to be? want. alot.
Shorty Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Thing is the D-Pad looks the same as the current 360 one, still an ugly disc type thing, rather than 4 very seperate directions.
Dan_Dare Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 na check it out: those little diagonals mean it's an 8-way digital. the 360 pads have a 4 way (a bad one at that) and SFIV is designed for 8. Won't mean much on any other game but those extra imputs make the all important quarter circle moves possible.
flameboy Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 The biggest thing for me is the button placement, I really can't get my head around using the face buttons and the triggers for the moves...It's odd I used to play it more in the arcades more than on the controller... I think its perhaps best I get the stick not quite made my mind up when I am going to get it though...perhaps payday on 15th nice little xmas present for myself. Anyone know if it works with MK vs DC?
MATtheHAT Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I personally love the shoulder buttons for hard kicks/punches, and the face buttons for medium/light. Its a carbon copy of the SNES version controller setup, and I put so many hours into that.
flameboy Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 This is the one I am thinking about getting; IGN's comments are a bit worrying though for the likes of SF; 7.0 ComfortThe button layout is all wrong for six button fighters like Street Fighter, but works well with Virtua Fighter and Tekken. Unfortunately, the best buttons are a bit too close to the stick.
Dante Posted December 5, 2008 Author Posted December 5, 2008 Designer Speaks Out: David Sirlin, lead designer on the recently released Xbox LIVE title Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, has told of his "struggle" rebalancing the classic fighting game's gameplay, telling "nobody around me really wanted this thing to even happen". In the first part of a massive post-mortem interview with the developer and fighting game expert, the first part of which is due to be published tomorrow, Sirlin revealed that his rebalancing efforts were initially conducted "somewhat under the table" following developer Backbone's "flat out no" response to the idea. SSF2THDR, released on Xbox LIVE last Wednesday (the game is yet to see a PSN release in Europe, despite being out in the US), contains a Remixed mode which includes character rebalancing and easier special move motions, all of which were championed by Sirlin. It's a sterling effort, and garnered a well deserved 9/10 score in our review. Sirlin told that he "ignored" Backbone's rejection of his rebalancing proposal and began teaching himself how to decipher the original Dreamcast source code, from which the game is based. He said: "I struggled almost every day with that whole project trying to get something done. A real critical hurdle for me was having the rebalanced mode at all. Backbone, they just didn't want to do it at all because it sounded like too much work. Who's going to pay for all this, it's hard enough to ship this game in the first place and, were they going to assign programmers to help me? They didn't want to do that. So they said, 'no, we're not going to do it'. Just flat out no. I pretty much ignored that. I started reading the source code myself, and I'm not a programmer, and I'm certainly not an assembly programmer, so it's complete gibberish to me." Sirlin used the Yoga Hyper book, a Japanese tome that details Street Fighter hit box data and frame statistics and, with little help from Capcom or Backbone, taught himself how to understand the code. "Nobody around me really wanted this thing to even happen and here I am researching code. Every once in a while I would ask some programmer that's sat next to me, 'hey can you look at this and tell me what this means?' and I would try to figure it out. Finally I was like, 'oh I think I know how we can change these hit boxes'. And the very first thing I did was change Cammy's Spinning Backfist so that could go through fireballs like it could in Super Street Fighter. That was like a proof of concept. I did it! Oh I get it, I know how to do this now. Over the course of HD Remix there were so many different things that I would want to do though. Not just turn off the hit box, what about changing the size of the hit box? What about more recovery? What about changing the dizzy power? And so on and so on. There was research throughout the whole project of how do we do all of this? Like I said, a lot of it was me, I mean it wasn't all me, there was a real programmer that helped too. But it was somewhat under the table for a while." Sirlin, who agrees that he "nagged everyone to death" during the game's development, said that eventually his efforts gathered "too much momentum to stop", adding, "no-one came round and told me I had to stop so I didn't."
Pit-Jr Posted December 8, 2008 Posted December 8, 2008 I dont know why but the PS3 pad works a treat for me, I can pull off most specials with relative ease except Dhalsim's teleport motion and Zangiefs spinning piledriver. Luckily i never use those 2 anyway. I agree with some of the minor criticisms this game is getting like the voice chat being uselessly too quiet, some of the music is iffy, and the computer AI is still ridiculously cheap. And why the hell arent there any trophies??? Otherwise its the best 15 dollars ive spent lately
khilafah Posted December 11, 2008 Posted December 11, 2008 got the 100 ranked wins plus throw opponent 10 times in a single match achievements today..
Portlett Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 I think im gonna have to get one of those pads even if theyre made by mad catz.
flameboy Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 Did anyone download these? I am guessing the others will come soon. At least we can mix the characters ourselves now. Zangief crossed with Guile should be fun. got paid yesterday so going to get them today.
Pit-Jr Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 - Capcom announced its latest download game Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix have sold over 250,000 units across PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade, making it the company's fastest selling digital download game. Good now maybe they can afford to fix the voice chat on the PSN version and add some trophies
flameboy Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Good now maybe they can afford to fix the voice chat on the PSN version and add some trophies trophies I will likely never be able to win
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