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Planet Nibiru - The 10th Planet


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A few questions, if new celestial bodies have been found this late in the history of astrology, is the thought of a Planet X or Planet Nibiru really out there? Some say there could be a planet which mirrors the orbit of earth, so we could never see it as it would be at the other side of the sun.


Also, could it possibly be that the asteroid belt is the legacy of a destroyed planet?

Firstly, it's astronomy. Astrology is just bullshit to fill up newspaper space.


Planet X and Planet Nibiru can't exist without their gravity influencing stuff. Either they don't exist, or they're so far out (far out all the time) it doesn't actually matter.


If there was a planet mirroring the orbit of Earth all the probes we've sent to Venus and Mercury (and flew around the Sun) would've certainly noticed it.


The asteroid belt is chemically very diverse. It can't have formed out of a planet. Ceres is ridicilously tiny, too, its diameter is about the distance between the south and north of England.

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Firstly, it's astronomy. Astrology is just bullshit to fill up newspaper space.


Planet X and Planet Nibiru can't exist without their gravity influencing stuff. Either they don't exist, or they're so far out (far out all the time) it doesn't actually matter.


If there was a planet mirroring the orbit of Earth all the probes we've sent to Venus and Mercury (and flew around the Sun) would've certainly noticed it.


The asteroid belt is chemically very diverse. It can't have formed out of a planet. Ceres is ridicilously tiny, too, its diameter is about the distance between the south and north of England.


Yes, thats the one. lol. But you seem to know your stuff, so you win; NO planet X, NO planet Nibiru and NO Dark Earth...Kinda depressing actually. Theres nothing exciting out there.


(though lets just wait till 2012...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_Long_Count_calendar...As this Mayan calendar seems to foretell something will hapen...)

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The asteroid belt is chemically very diverse. It can't have formed out of a planet. Ceres is ridicilously tiny, too, its diameter is about the distance between the south and north of England.


Actually one of the methods by which the composition of our own planet was worked out was via meteorites. You generally have the (brilliantly named) Stony Meteorites, which has a varyed composition similar the lithosphere and crust, the Stony-Iron Meteorites, which have a less silica, more iron and olivine based composition similar to what we see coming out of volcanic vents occasionally from the Earth's mantle, and finally Iron Meteorites, which have large amounts of iron and nickel and are thought to be similar to the Earth's core. This is because many meteors are thought to have been formed in the early stages of the solar system when loads of small molton proto-planets were zooming about and colliding with one another as their orbits crossed. Could be wrong, this stuff was back in my first year of geology.

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Yes, thats the one. lol. But you seem to know your stuff, so you win; NO planet X, NO planet Nibiru and NO Dark Earth...Kinda depressing actually. Theres nothing exciting out there.


(though lets just wait till 2012...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_Long_Count_calendar...As this Mayan calendar seems to foretell something will hapen...)


Yea what freaks me out the most is the fact that the Maya's together with lots of other ancient civilisations (among them the Egyptians) have calculated the exact same year for the end of the world, being 2012 !!! Don't know if I should fear or eagerly await this year....

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Yea what freaks me out the most is the fact that the Maya's together with lots of other ancient civilisations (among them the Egyptians) have calculated the exact same year for the end of the world, being 2012 !!! Don't know if I should fear or eagerly await this year....


Three figures within the New Age, the artist and theorist José Argüelles, John Major Jenkins, Daniel Pinchbeck and the late ethnobotanist and psychonaut Terence McKenna, have publicized theories concerning the significance of the end of the cycle. (They arrived at their conclusions separately from one another). They have jointly inspired a number of articles and books that this will be the end of this creation, the next pole shift or, as McKenna speculated in his theories, the end of history and events as "novel" as the origin of life on Earth, which we could not possibly imagine. Jenkins has focused on the occurance of a Galactic Alignment in the "era of 2012". Other, more mundane speculations involve a worldwide catastrophe, such as a pole shift. The idea of the significance of the date has also increasingly passed into popular culture.


...I eagerly await. I mean front row seats viewing the end of the world... Better than getting knifed by some hoody.

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Three figures within the New Age, the artist and theorist José Argüelles, John Major Jenkins, Daniel Pinchbeck and the late ethnobotanist and psychonaut Terence McKenna, have publicized theories concerning the significance of the end of the cycle. (They arrived at their conclusions separately from one another). They have jointly inspired a number of articles and books that this will be the end of this creation, the next pole shift or, as McKenna speculated in his theories, the end of history and events as "novel" as the origin of life on Earth, which we could not possibly imagine. Jenkins has focused on the occurance of a Galactic Alignment in the "era of 2012". Other, more mundane speculations involve a worldwide catastrophe, such as a pole shift. The idea of the significance of the date has also increasingly passed into popular culture.


...I eagerly await. I mean front row seats viewing the end of the world... Better than getting knifed by some hoody.



Yea I forgot about the pole shifting theory ... But seriously if I could choose a way to die, I would die while saving the world from the impact of Nibiru (à la Bruce Willis in Armageddeon):awesome: :heh:

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Some say there could be a planet which mirrors the orbit of earth, so we could never see it as it would be at the other side of the sun.


I suddenly had a memory of a really old film I seen (or it could have been an ep of something like Twilight Zone... but almost certain it was a film) about something like that.


Anyone else seen it and/or know what i'm on about?


Can't fully remember it but what i think was the jist of the story line was that a new planet was found in a mirror orbit with Earth on the other side of the sun, somehow a plan was made to send a manned space craft there (oddly manned by just one man?) They estimated how long it would take for him to get there and back and sent him on his way.


They were surprised when the spacecraft returned in half the time (ie: when it was meant to be landing on the other planet), with what appeared to be the same man inside.


As it turned out the other planet was actually an exact mirror image of Earth and the astronuant that returned was one "they" sent when they found a planet on a mirror orbit to theirs. And the guy "we" sent ended up causing the same confusion on Earth2 when he landed there.


Everything on both planets was the exact same right down t the people except everything (eg: words) was mirrored on theirs.



Does anyone have any idea what I'm on about... cuz this is gonna drive me mad now trying to find out what this film was called or what TV show it was from?

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Yes, thats the one. lol. But you seem to know your stuff, so you win; NO planet X, NO planet Nibiru and NO Dark Earth...Kinda depressing actually. Theres nothing exciting out there.
Dude, have you noticed we're orbiting a hot ball of fusing hydrogen? Kind of more exciting than some random planet.
(though lets just wait till 2012...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_Long_Count_calendar...As this Mayan calendar seems to foretell something will hapen...)
Does the world end when you tear the last page of your calendar on December 31st? So why would the world end when the Mayan calendar has run out of dates to keep?


Mayan scriptures were found that mentioned dates well into the 4000s (it's on the same wikipedia page you looked), so even the Mayans didn't believe it theirselves. It's really ridicilous.


That New Age is another cult, too.

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But, you know, a part of me wants to see something meaningful to happen in the universe within my lifetime.

By meaningful, what exactly do you mean? Something that has a direct effect on you? Because you're pretty meaningless, along with humanity in general and this planet. Doesn't stop everything being amazing though.

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But, you know, a part of me wants to see something meaningful to happen in the universe within my lifetime.


Well we could always get killed by an asteroid pretty soon you never know. Apparently the number of people actively looking for them in the world is around the number it takes to run a mcdonalds restaurant :heh:

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By meaningful, what exactly do you mean? Something that has a direct effect on you? Because you're pretty meaningless, along with humanity in general and this planet. Doesn't stop everything being amazing though.


I know, I know... Perhaps the word is dramatic, to see something climatic and dramatic happen in my lil ole ant-like exsistance.

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Not really, considering lightyears take significantly longer to travel when you can't travel anywhere close to the speed of light.


Even if we did, we probably wouldn't be able to communicate with each other unless we found some quantum loophole or someshit.


And King_V, you also seemed to dodge the remark about the mayans having dates well into our 4000's

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And King_V, you also seemed to dodge the remark about the mayans having dates well into our 4000's


Its all speculation mate. BUT at the same time, 2012 marks a date of when "a creation" will come to an end. Who knows. (who cares, really).


Definetly. Given enough time, and as long as something doesn't actively hunts us.


I think the only struggle would be if we can maintain our homeland in time to acquire such technology. Though, look how far we have come in only 500 years. I still have so much respect and admiration for an aeroplane when I look up at it. I think we would eventually go the star trek route of collossal ships.

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