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Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd


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If this conference is going to be both in Japan and the states. I imagine it will be something big. I just can't see this as being something to promote Wii Music. Didn't Reggie say that they were going to be revealing their Hardcore line up in a different event?


Storage solution seems likely but remember, Reggie said its not going to be an HDD so I bet we're going to be slightly disappointed by it.

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In a 'fantasy world' I would love the conference to go like this:


Reggie arrives on stage (is it a stage or more of a platform at this conference). Starts talking about stats, and appealing to the casual gamer and then says 'Nah! You don't want to hear about that'...'This is what you came for'.


Cut to a video of 'Nintendo's BIG 10!' a long, well edited video clip of 10 big games coming out for the Wii that we haven't really heard of before.


(The video is accompanied by a funky, rocking, techno beat)


10. New Fire Emblem Wii game

9. Donkey Kong Adventure

8. 1080 Snowboarding

7. Kid Icarus

6. Star Fox Wii

5. Pokemon MMO (I HATE pokemon, but realise a lot of peeps would want this)

4. F-Zero Wii

3. Brawl Add on Pack

2. Pikmin 3

1. Zelda MMO


When video has finished, Reggie goes onto say: 'but these are just what's coming from Nintendo, what about the 3rd party publishers?'


On that note out walks exec's for Capacom, Square-Enix, Sega and EA.


Capcom talk about Dead Rising, Monster Hunter 3.

Square-Enix talk about Crystal Bearers and Final Fantasy 6 remake:grin:

Sega talk about Streets of Rage 4 :grin: :grin:

EA talk about their new MMO, Hogwarts.


As they leave the stage 2 more execs walk on and say they are Chris and Tim Stamper from Rare and they have gotten together with the old team to remake Perfect Dark, with upgraded everyting including online modes. New title: Perfect Dark Redux :grin: :grin: :grin:


Reggie announces 5 new channels:


Mii Movie Maker Channel, Mii Life Channel, Mii Party Channel, My Wii Channel and The Brawl Channel.


Also announces a 80Gb Hard drive which will be sent, free of charge to all Wii owners.


Just as he leaves the stage, he says there is one more surprise. Video shows of a brand new Zelda Adventure.


End of conference.


Yeah so that would be my 'fantasy' one. But to be honest if they just announced something on a new F-Zero or Starfox and a solution for the storage problem, i would be happy :)


Ok, now what will happen:


Reggie comes to the platform and announces a lof charts, he then says:


"Nah, you didn't come for this, here's what you came for"


Big Wii Music Demo

Big Animal Crossing Demo

New mii channels

And a new "Wii something" no one cares about.


The event ends with a lot of smiles :smile:


Hooray, the ultimate truth :yay:

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Ok, now what will happen:


Reggie comes to the platform and announces a lof charts, he then says:


"Nah, you didn't come for this, here's what you came for"


Big Wii Music Demo

Big Animal Crossing Demo

New mii channels

And a new "Wii something" no one cares about.


The event ends with a lot of smiles :smile:


Hooray, the ultimate truth :yay:


I'd imagine it will be a little better than that:


Cammie Dunway(SP) Comes on stage and is immediately booed off. Reggie takes the stage *Applause* Reggie starts talking about business stuff. Pikmen 3 trailer plays. Live video feed from japan of Shingsy talking about the game (since he'll probably be at the japanese event). Reggie comes back on stage and reveals storage solution. He makes another game announcement, the trailer plays and some random guy from NOA comes on stage to talk about the game. Demo of 2-3 more events in Wii Sports Resort.


I feel like I'm the only one that doesnt care about Wii storage...


I think your feelings are right.

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Its all about convenience. If you're playing brawl and decide, "Hey, I want to play SM64" Its much easier to just go to the Wii menu and start the game than having to delete something else and then copy the one game from the SD card that you want to play.


Also, you really should think about not spelling you as "u". Chat speak is annoying to read for a lot of people. :)

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I doubt I would play all my VC and Wiiware games in a day even if I had the extra storage space available to have them all downloaded, but its defo all about the convenience of having them there, waiting to be played at any moment. Sometimes I think it might be nice to play Sin & Punishment or Street Fighter or something, but I just can't be bothered to rejig stuff around to redownload them and the other games I've already deleted. Same goes for the Nintendo Channel- I wouldn't mind trying that Spore demo, but I can't be bothered sitting down and deleting stuff, downloading the channel, trying the demo, then deleting the channel and redownloading the games. You can't tell me thats convenient!


Speaking of localisation, an announcement of Capt Rainbow being localised (for EU, forget about the US :p) then that sure would be dandy.

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Oh come on, u want the convenience of playing 10 games in one day?


And its just "u", its not like im saying rofl loz l00ks @ datz n00bz.


No, most people aren't going to play 10 games in a day. But its nice to have them all there so if your in the mood for a certain game you don't have to do a whole bunch of deletions and transfers and downloads just to play it, because that might put you off from playing it.


People here are grammar nazis.


As much as I want it to be awesome, I wouldn't be surprised if they just showed off AC and Wii sports resort.


I can't really see them calling a multi continental press event just to show us more of some games we've already seen.

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But games need replayed. You can't really "finish" the likes of Street Fighter. :wink:


True. I hate having to spend 10 minutes deleting and reinstalling games just to have a quick blast on a game that I should have access to at any time.


As much as I want it to be awesome, I wouldn't be surprised if they just showed off AC and Wii sports resort.


Not sure about Sports Resort, since it's not coming out this year. We may see that at the GDC in February since it's a Q1 game. Animal Crossing and Wii Music will be pushed, but then there's really nothing else, leading me to believe we'll get a few smaller announcements such as WiiWare games, maybe Captain Rainbow.

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I'd imagine it will be a little better than that:


Cammie Dunway(SP) Comes on stage and is immediately booed off. Reggie takes the stage *Applause* Reggie starts talking about business stuff. Pikmen 3 trailer plays. Live video feed from japan of Shingsy talking about the game (since he'll probably be at the japanese event). Reggie comes back on stage and reveals storage solution. He makes another game announcement, the trailer plays and some random guy from NOA comes on stage to talk about the game. Demo of 2-3 more events in Wii Sports Resort.




I think your feelings are right.


Prepare for ultimate disappointment... again..

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