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Oh thats great, thank you for coming. You should have stayed to say hi :)

I would have liked that, me also taking part in theatre, but I probably couldn't have stayed anyway. My health has been kinda gettin' in the way of things recently, heh. Maybe I'll see you after your next play. =P

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I'm at the Lincoln Uni, yes, though I've worked in theatre before Uni too (took part in National Theatre for a few years, if you've ever heard of it =P). Taking a joint honours in English and Drama however, so it's nothing major right now. Gonna have to look at what clubs are available for me here. =P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, hope you guys are still coming. Yeah student ID's are concessions, so only £5 each - bargain :)


If you are coming I'll make sure to pop out afterward; though I have to strike the set and such pretty much straight away so it'll have to be pretty brief; but I'm always in Sheffield so maybe we'll all meet up there properly.

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Aye! i just got back from seeing seeing it with nightwolf, nami and shorty, and was very pleasantly surprised at the quality. It dragged me into its world -- I felt some affinity to it as it was about a failed writer (something I will probably be :P) and would love to see it again if it gets a rerun next year.


And dazzybee is cool :D

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Thanks so much guys, it was awesome to meet you all.


Went to a bar afterward and the barmaid was a Zelda nut, I was wearing a Zelda TShirt and so she showed me her Triforce tatoo on her neck! I think I was in love, I don't think my girlfriend was impressed I spent most of the night talking to her about Oot and Twilight Princess! :D


My night ended with me being sick in my car! Too much beer and no food! :) (I wasn't driving)

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Hey, hope you guys are still coming. Yeah student ID's are concessions, so only £5 each - bargain :)


If you are coming I'll make sure to pop out afterward; though I have to strike the set and such pretty much straight away so it'll have to be pretty brief; but I'm always in Sheffield so maybe we'll all meet up there properly.


being a bit of a moron, this entire thread missed me....oops. Sorry I couldn't make it dude it sounded pretty good.

Let us know when you're in our neck of the woods, though. We shall have to get a drink in someplace :awesome:

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