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Church Sign Kissed a Girl


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That actually made me think of something else. If we are such simple beings, how is that we still do not understand everything about us. And by that I mean, physically. We still really don't know that much about the brain. If we were so simple, then why haven't we figured out the brain.


id counter that with, if we were designed, our brain would be simpler to understand, and wouldnt have so much going to waste (not 90% like some people state, but still a sizable chunk)?


infact, if we are soooo complicated that the greatest designers and engeneres int he world are unable to fully understand dosent that seem more likly that we wern't designed?

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That actually made me think of something else. If we are such simple beings, how is that we still do not understand everything about us. And by that I mean, physically. We still really don't know that much about the brain. If we were so simple, then why haven't we figured out the brain.


Creatures evolve in different ways. Cheetahs are the fastest, Whales the biggest, and Humans the cleverest. As such, our brains are our most complex organ, by far. It's difficult to utilise scientific experiment with the brain as damaging it makes it hard to make the owner attempt to use it as the researcher wishes.


Oh, and as you may imagine, volunteers for live, open brain experiments are thin on the ground.


Why does God care about gender?


Surely its trivial to him?


Why would God care if a man puts his penis into a man who he loves?


Have you read the old testament? God is really, really petty.


If you want a more forgiving god, try the Koran.

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id counter that with, if we were designed, our brain would be simpler to understand, and wouldnt have so much going to waste (not 90% like some people state, but still a sizable chunk)?


infact, if we are soooo complicated that the greatest designers and engeneres int he world are unable to fully understand dosent that seem more likly that we wern't designed?


But not designed by a person. Perhaps the reason we have that part of the brain we aren't using is that it will be used in the future. Perhaps we do use it for some things, but so infrequently that it didn't show up on any tests or whatever.


I should also note that I'm not a real creationist. I believe that God caused the big bang and did it in such a way that everything worked out this way.

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Why does God care about gender?


Surely its trivial to him?


Why would God care if a man puts his penis into a man who he loves?


TBH I don't think he does. The whole point of christianity really is just to love one another. The reason God sent us Jesus was to correct people in thinking that what he wanted from us was complicated.

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I should also note that I'm not a real creationist. I believe that God caused the big bang and did it in such a way that everything worked out this way.


I hear that all the time. What makes you think he caused the big bang? I'm presuming that, like most people, you've been told the big bang theory is that nothing exploded. This is not the big bang theory. The actual theory is that everything was compacted into a singularity - the difference between it and nothing would, if not so crucial, be considered negligible.

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1: So, you're basically saying that God is evil, is that it? Because homossexuality doesn't hurt anyone or bring about any wrong to the world, so God must be quite an evil dude, to deny people harmless pleasure without offering a logical reason. I mean, it's deductive logic, right? Gays are happy sleeping with each other and that's a victimless "crime", am I right? So, in forbiding people to be happy for no reason, he's being somewhat of a fascist, correct?


2: No we're not... we're pretty simple, didn't you study biology?


3: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was talking to a sane person. Excuse me.

(Has been a while since I've been on here...anyway)

I should first introduce my self as a Christian. Firstly I must say the sign is inappropriate and I just had to laugh at it being a blatant publicity stunt.

In response of your comment (1.) I feel that you may not have grasped fully what Nasir was trying to put across.

Firstly my views appear from what I have read to be similar to that of Nasir's, in that it's not the person that’s considered "wrong" but the act of "sin" (In terms of a Christians view of them, as apposed to “Gods judgementâ€; which as the statement indicates is Gods –not mans, of which; sadly mainly Christians have forgotten).


These in of themselves are huge concepts, which don't have definitive definitions. I myself like the way in which the famous theologian st. Augustine put across sin; essentially, in simple user-friendly terms, sin can be defined as an emptiness or removal of God from a space. Essentially (without going into the doctrine of sin) this could be applied to a real situation; such as a removal of God from society leading to what Christians would call sin (as explained “that which is not of Godâ€). So for example devorce, although necessary in some cases, isn’t God’s best for those involved. From the way I have read the Bible, I personally in my own opinion, see a same sex relationship to be out of God’s divine will/His best for those invloved. With the obvious argument of a male being made to complement a female, with the results of children, this being one of the first things man was “tasked†to do (be fruitful). In fact God is always seeking a people who’s lives bear fruit (the term fruitfulness should not be limited to offspring).


In terms of how I live my life; I see a homosexual person, to be no deferent to a heterosexual person. It’s my responsibly to show God’s love to all people; without applying my own judgment as to who is deserving of it or not. I believe that us Christians focus far to much on telling people what God doesn’t like, when we should be telling them what God does like, and that’s every single person; that God loved them enough to allow his Son to die on the cross for them, so that the “emptiness of Godâ€, might be fixed, or more accurately that our sin might be forgiven.


I like reading Theology and Philosophy, but I by my own admission don’t have a great unstanding of biology. I think it likely that people can be born bais to homosexuality, I do also beilve that many people choose to ‘become’ gay; liking the gay culture, or possibily from bad experiences with men/women.

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I hear that all the time. What makes you think he caused the big bang? I'm presuming that, like most people, you've been told the big bang theory is that nothing exploded. This is not the big bang theory. The actual theory is that everything was compacted into a singularity - the difference between it and nothing would, if not so crucial, be considered negligible.


Oh yes, I know that. But how did that matter get there. We don't know for sure, and probably never will. But I believe it got there a certain way. Not everyone does, that doesn't mean either of us are wrong. Religion is really not something that even makes sense to argue about because if you really believe you aren't going to change your mind because of something someone else says. Call me stubborn, but if you think about it, thats how it works. And really, no mater what I say, you're still going to be an atheist. So I don't really see a point in this discussion continuing. Yes the guy who made the sign was wrong to do it, but we all know why he did.

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I think it likely that people can be born bais to homosexuality, I do also beilve that many people choose to ‘become’ gay; liking the gay culture, or possibily from bad experiences with men/women.


I don't understand why that's even a credible answer. I assume it's because it's the only possible retort a person of faith can have to the arguement.


You realise that not all gay people are young with spiky hair, big sunglasses, pink t-shirts and screaming, before sauntering into bars, right?


Please can religious people (Christians being the only ones I can actually commenton with any authority) actually get a real state of mind for once. Really annoying me.


Read books that provoke and stimulate, not that dictate.

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if people are turned gay by gay culture, were did the first one come from?


I'm sure Satan, after tricking Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, decided to build a gay bar near Eden, and whip up a couple of gay mates for him to party with out of thin air.


They couldn't possibly have always existed, and most definitely not before christianity! Preposterous. :indeed:

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Prove that there us a deity/deities of some kind, and I will denounce atheism on the spot.


Once again I'll say, its called your faith for a reason.


I don't understand why that's even a credible answer. I assume it's because it's the only possible retort a person of faith can have to the arguement.


You realise that not all gay people are young with spiky hair, big sunglasses, pink t-shirts and screaming, before sauntering into bars, right?


Please can religious people (Christians being the only ones I can actually commenton with any authority) actually get a real state of mind for once. Really annoying me.


Read books that provoke and stimulate, not that dictate.


if people are turned gay by gay culture, were did the first one come from?


I think Mario114 mentioned that he believes there are both homosexuals that are born that way and some that are turned towards it by events in their life. There are some people that the latter seems to be the case with. Perhaps these are people that were born Bisexual though.

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As you know I'm a christian, so these answers is probably not anything you agree with, but anyway:


1: God has made everyone, but he didn't make anyone as gay, therefore it's not possible for it to come from birth.


2. God has made you too, my friend. You are far too complicated to have been made by an accident... or whatever you believes.


3. It is classified as fiction by non-believers. But have you ever thought of the possibility that they might be wrong? The Bible was written by men, but inspired by God. Therefore it is God's words.


lol, at that last part...


Hello there, just thought i'd start this post saying, that i'm an Atheist, so obviously your not going to agree with what I put.


But I hope we can both debate this topic on Christianity and religeon like mature adults. :smile:



Ok for me to argue against any of your points, I first need you to tell me...


1. Why does God Exist?

2. Why did God create us?

3. Why did God create the Devil?

4. If God dictates how we should act (i.e don't be a homoesexual), then why did he give us free will?

5. Why can only dead people go to heaven?

6. Why did you choose Christianaty as your religeon?

7. You say God exists for whatever reasons, but there are no facts or evidence that he does exist, but you still beleive in him anyway, so how can I argue against that?


Ok I think that's enough questions for now and i'm going to finish this post off by saying...


Imagine you're playing a game. The game is, guess what colour i'm thinking and everytime someone guesses the right colour your thinking you have to give them £100.


So lets pretend you're thinking of the colour black and the man trying to guess what colour your thinking, says blue, obviously you know he's wrong because you're the one thinking of the colour. But how does he know that, it's impossible for him to know that! Even though it's a fact to you, it's impossible to prove that fact.


Therefore you can't use your opinion as fact and your opinion is, God exists.

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Hello there, just thought i'd start this post saying, that i'm an Atheist, so obviously your not going to agree with what I put.


But I hope we can both debate this topic on Christianity and religeon like mature adults. :smile:



Ok for me to argue against any of your points, I first need you to tell me...


1. Why does God Exist?

2. Why did God create us?

3. Why did God create the Devil?

4. If God dictates how we should act (i.e don't be a homoesexual), then why did he give us free will?

5. Why can only dead people go to heaven?

6. Why did you choose Christianaty as your religeon?

7. You say God exists for whatever reasons, but there are no facts or evidence that he does exist, but you still beleive in him anyway, so how can I argue against that?


Ok I think that's enough questions for now and i'm going to finish this post off by saying...


//something about colours//


Therefore you can't use your opinion as fact and your opinion is, God exists.



...i love how you say "lets discuss this like mature adults" and then went on to pose such ridiculous questions... :indeed:


if i have to clarify my position religion-wise~ yea i used to be a christian, then i realized i didnt like arguing with athiests...then i became athiest - then i realized i didnt like arguing with christians.

then i decided: live and let live was the best option and became agnostic/apathetic towards the whole situation.


questions 1 through 5 are just the basis for the christian religion. it's like arguing with a hindu as to whether an elephant with that many arms could really manage to sit cross-legged. it's just what they believe (i before e, matey~) based on that religion's holy scripture or mythology.


and dude, people can (and will) use whatever opinion they have ~ it's not a pokemon card battle.


6?? duuh..some people come to their religion through circumstance, some are born into a religious family. it's irrelevant.


and as for 7 ~ no, you can't argue with it. of course you can't. why waste your time? it's just what they believe... it's the foundation they chose to base their life upon, something they take comfort in believing and until they start really hurting people with this belief then it's not a problem. and even then it's not YOUR problem.


the gay community can SO handle the flawed arguments that a select group of people regularly throw at them. arguing on the internet doesnt make any advances at all..


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I heard that god created homosexuals to be a kind of test for them, see if they love him enough. A little more credible than just pretending homosexuals aren't born that way, and that they just turned gay cause they liked the culture...


But then, that would mean I was right, and god is malevolent.

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