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Obama -VS- McCain Choose your Poison!


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That's incredible. Thanks for posting.


I think everybody should watch this. I feel too many have voiced out for Obama for anti-Republican reasons, while he's really such a great candidate by himself.


I remember watching that video months back and I wholeheartedly agree. It's incredible. That video alone proved to me that he was destined to be President.


As for trying to assasinate him, I doubt it'll happen. In this day and age, everything's too sophisticated. It's like how the police in the UK always seem to be on the trace of some sort of terrorist circle and stop it before it even starting. Chances are CIA will have blown the fuckers away before they even load the clip.

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i know, thats kinda the point of my post. i said what should happen.


frankly, it makes me want to go to america with a sword and pair of pistols and clean up the streets of the racits.


America isn't like England, here all black people are like Carlton from the Fresh Prince or some shit, in America, no matter how you want to slice it, black people cause a lot of crime, drug related and violent, it's not that OH LAWD THE PO-PO IS OPPRESSING BLACK PEOPLE, RACISM!!, it's straightforward fact. If a group of people are perceived to be causing issues, it's no wonder that there are groups of people who therefore hate them. Not all crime is caused by blacks, so if some asshole quotes me saying that, I will be mildly annoyed.


If you need to look back to the slave trade for the history of blacks in America, please do, but classically it has always been - racist or not - the whites that had the power and the intelligence, and the money; this is how America was /built/ but everyone seems to want to forget about that. Blacks in America therefore WERE an underclass from the very get-go, with limited access to the same rights whites had for a long time, and a few generations does not suddenly change that - and if people are happy to live the way they are, then where's the need for them to learn and change?


Blaming black people for all ills is of course total bullshit, but misunderstanding racism as illogical and unfounded is simply false. People have feared people different from them from the dawn of time, and we do need to learn tolerance, but pretending you can kill people to eradicate the problem is to simply be an intolerant person yourself (doesn't stop me agreeing that certain people or groups of people need to meet their end but that's not for this discussion)

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do you honestly think that if there was equality between the races in america, gangs would have any were near as much prominence? the majority of gangs are from extreemly poor areas, which happen to be mostly black/hispanic.


the fact is, its still difficult for non-white people to climb the soical ladder, there are stigma's attached, which means that they often lose out on opertunities when competing against white people. on top of that, there is a history of racism in the police, many black areas will recive second class treatment from the police.


therefore, gangs have sprung up, people turn to the drug trade for money, or look to gangs for protection that the state fails to offer. obviosuly this dosen't excuse the behaviour, but it at least helps people see why gangs form.. its not necicarily a thing born of violence or greed, but despirate and a lack of alternatives.


its all well and good pointing out the higher rate of crime amougst black people, but rarly is it mentioned the higher rate of poverty they also endure. one of the reasons there are fewer white criminals (proportionatly) is there is less need for them to break the law. behaviour tends to be a cost/benefits compromise. if your working class white, you have a modest amount of disposable income, bassic luxuraies and a future. many working class black people dont have this, they have less to lose hence crime is a more valid option.

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This just isn't true


your certainly in a better position then if you are black. look at how new orleans was handled.


did you read the rest of my post? the fact that black people already have a tough time fidning work because they are catagorised as gangsters? the lack of a minimum wage and jobless support means people are forced to take extreemly low paid jobs. take a guess who gets these. ethnic minorities who need the pittence so bad they have to take what ever they can.

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