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Hehe I don't think I can resist to be honest. Thing is I haven't actually seen a lot from the first couple of levels other than a bridge blowing up so I think I will hold out for release.


I'm currently downloading Resi 5 off the European store though.

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Guarantee I'll be moaning about the stick placement. It just feels wrong to me. The 360 controller, to me, is perfect for gaming and I don't understand or don't actually think I've ever heard anyone moan about it. The stick placement is a big barrier for those coming from another console. It might not be for some but it is for me.


But I'll when I get the game how it holds out.

Have you tried? There's no harm in doing so. Some people have managed to have their imported PS3 fixed.


They're going to get back to me on whether they will take it to look at to see if it is broken enough.


I'm just really frustrated because I've gone through two PS3s and now one controller. It's taking the piss.


Well I don't have it and it was kind of annoying that I had only two weeks to play it on and off...


But hey, I got paid to play it. :heh:


Great game.

You are so unlucky Daft, but then again I am on my third Wii....


My Wii might be broken but I haven't taken it out of the box for over six months now so I wouldn't know. :heh:


I'm going to try real hard to not download the demo. I've slowly been playing fewer and fewer games and I haven't watched any videos in ages. I want it to be a bit like when I put on MGS4 for the first time. That was heaven.


The fact my DS3 is knackered also helps, ironically.


I'm tempted to download the demo and just do the training bit of it. Thing is then I'd know what the controls/gameplay was like... Hmmm.......


Yeah, I totally get people wanting to play the demo but I remember coming to MGS4 having only just played the previous three in the preceding weeks and only seen a couple official trailers. It was a real shock to the system. A good one of course. :heh:


After reading the Eurogamer review I am on total media blackout.


I can't wait to get stuck in, especially the multiplayer.


I don't think you guys realise how much I will cream you at this game by. My FPS skillz have improved tenfold after Resistance 2 so I have nailed the analogues and will ultimately nail you, be it with a pistol or rocket launcher.


Not being arrogant or anything.


I was painfully good at Unreal Tournament III so I guess you'll have to avoid me if you want to carry on 'creaming'. :wink:


Edit: You've made me want to play Halo 3 now. Haven't had a death match for a while now. :heh:


Although saying that I only play team matches. I always thought all vs all was a bit crap.


I don't mind to be honest, but it is nice being at the top of the leader board in a team deathmatch to let people know that you were the reason for victory. Then again it's very invividual and rewarding in standard deathmatches. I relish both.


Popping a few bullets into someones grid in this game is going to be so sweet. I've already experienced the shotgun in full flow and it is positively awesome.


Yeah, I'm up for that, I really do only play team matches. Last time I played a non team death match was when we partied up on R2 because I assumed we were playing teams. :heh:


Team tactics are way more fun. I love covering people.


I don't mind to be honest, but it is nice being at the top of the leader board in a team deathmatch to let people know that you were the reason for victory.


Hell yes! :D


It really annoys me when someone thinks they're amazing because they get a higher kill count than me but have an awful minus spread because they've died way more times.


Happens all the bloody time on Halo 3.


Just to give you an idea of what you will bare witness to when you see me - Resistance 2 stats:

171 deathmatch rounds completed (each game fought between 10-20 people)

74 wins (and a fair few second places may I add lol)


Kills: 3703 Deaths: 2516 (kill/death ratio: 1.47)


Team Deathmatch

2818 kills / 2034 deaths (kill/death ratio 1.39)


Best weapon kill/death ratio is sniper - 1.77


I've got 3963 kills with the carbine which is what wins me most matches. (kill/death ratio 1.29)


All in all I'm a bit of a freak. All this and I'm still not top rank. Still a long way to go.


Resistance 2 is a different kettle of fish though.


It's actually a relatively tricky online game to get into.


I'm guessing I'm going to have to relearn a lot of things for this anyway. Strategy guide I bought should help with that.


I could take you down with a spoon in any game Daft.


But yeah, Killzone 2 is very different. More tactical, more teamwork and options available as a result of the classes. You also don't need to unload half a clip in order to kill someone in it. (Which I don't find a problem with in Resistance).

The whole environment makes the game more like a real battlefield with debri and dust making it hard to aim etc so it's a very different experience, yet recognisable.


Spoons are dangerous!!


I hope I don't get overwhelmed by the class choices. Good thing about Halo is everyone is exactly the same.


I think it'll give the multiplayer more replayability/longevity so it stays fresh. I don't think I'll spend much time as an engineer if I'm being honest. You'll get a bigger slice of the action with other classes.


It was only recently where I've found an addiction for online/FPS/upgrading & levelling up. I get a real thrill from it all. Brilliant thing that happened to gaming.


Yeah, I agree it adds choice but I've always found it a bit off putting. It's hard to explain and just a personal opinion.


Although from what I've heard about how KillZone 2 introducing classes as you level up it sounds like it won't be a problem.


I'm just hoping we get a solid NE presence playing it for a long time. I loved playing Halo 3 when everyone was playing it but after a while less so. I also hope I have enough time to get into it properly.

Plus i will defeat all of you with a pistol :P


Idk, I'm pretty good with a pistol in most games (assuming the pistol hasn't been nerfed to epic proportions ala Halo post CE)


The multiplayer sounds awesome I never got CoD 4 as it had been out for awhile when I got my PS3 and didn't quite realise how long its legs would be. The problem I always have with games like this is I always want to complete the single player first and due to limited gaming time that takes me longer than expected by which time everyone is already awesome at the multiplayer.


I think I will have to spread my time between the two better.


I'm going to do the first level or two of single player and then get to grips with multiplayer (unranked if possible). Then I'll spread the game time.

I only bothered completing the Resistance 2 campaign once though.


Can someone else start the cocky Killzone 2 talk? I'm alone at the moment. It doesn't matter if you're as crap as Flamey just hit me lol!

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