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Killzone 2


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Yeah lets work something out, i enjoyed that.


We can arrange for anyone at any time. any game type. So even a 1v1 at 3am is possible if a member felt like it. Infact i encourage it. :grin:


Officers can set or make matches at will. Browse tournaments and keep scrolling down till you find one for the suited time and day or create one. I may do some 1v1 clan matches right now as you only need one person lol. If we get loads we can try 10v10 etc.


I'm just going to say this because of the fun times I have had with the online mode.

From the little you have played of KZ2 online do you think you can judge it? Clearly you didn't think much about the campaign which was kind of what I felt like, not really that special. Online however is brilliant.

Thing is, when you first played Cod4 you probably weren't blown away by that either, and if you were, it was probably because it nailed a lot of stuff in the genre. You should probably play KZ2 more because it has many different perks and a different style - I always find that with Cod players that they don't find it easy to change game because it isn't similar to it - this is the biggest tragedy - they aren't willing to adapt and move on.


Some people make up their mind before hand. He has played one round. Got 6 kills. He has not tried anything literally. The first short ranks are limited much like COD. No stat uploads or unlocks for single player either. What can you say? On the other hand some others dont fire even try the multiplayer at all and seem to make big judgements...

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Well as I said im not the biggest fan of playing FPSs online anyway. This isnt about me making judgements on the game. I said it seemed ok but if I dont get drawn into the multiplayer straight away then I probably wont come back to it.


Give it a decent whirl then. I dont think 1 round 6 kills and 4 deaths(good ratio) is really much of a try for any game lol. Some of us will be on tonight if you are interested.


There is also a bot mode (skirmish) for practice if you like.

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Its amazing how much effort you are putting into trying to get me to play this game. I have no interest in playing it anymore, thats all.


lol i dont care. I just find it funny you put more effort into posting your replies than playing the game.


Hi guys, sorry for the lack of communication. Really have had zero time for the community this week. Right now working on bringing http://www.killzone.com back better than ever. Also working on the next patch which will include a number of fixes including the return of the bots and the option to play unranked games. Last working on a server update as well while trying to hunt down some of these network errors people are having. Its all ’go’ here at the moment again, but fret not. I will post the full list of fixes when i can be sure it is final. Some day the crazy times will end and I’ll be able to spend more time with you beautiful people again. Right now the above things take priority, I hope you understand. Back soon.

I’ll post the list of fixes and updates in here. The patch wont be out this week unfortunately as we need to test it thoroughly and make sure it does more good than bad. I’m sure you understand.



Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games


Patch news update. Some people may be interested in the game bug updates(Dwarf and anyone who were having connection issues). Not a content patch but some things like bots will come back and unranked games added.

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Its amazing how much effort you are putting into trying to get me to play this game. I have no interest in playing it anymore, thats all.


Honestly, Choze totally bums this game. I am not a fan either, and I know a lot of people who are not keen on it. But trying to express anything other then ZOMG!!!!GAMEAWESOME!!!PWNS!TEH!COD!!!!1 is simply futile in this thread.

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Yeah and Playstation in general for that matter. It's the way he is though on this forum - The only thing I say is that you shouldn't slate the game if you haven't played it - If you think Cod is better then fair do's, and you aren't missing out if you don't like it.

I really like it, however I think there needs to be more maps, maybe larger ones that DONT allow camping. I think KZ2 is better with more individual battles instead of costant grenade lobbing at doorways.


So far I have had more fun on Resistance, but I think this could beat it eventually somehow. I dunno.

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Yeah and Playstation in general for that matter. It's the way he is though on this forum - The only thing I say is that you shouldn't slate the game if you haven't played it - If you think Cod is better then fair do's, and you aren't missing out if you don't like it.

I really like it, however I think there needs to be more maps, maybe larger ones that DONT allow camping. I think KZ2 is better with more individual battles instead of costant grenade lobbing at doorways.


So far I have had more fun on Resistance, but I think this could beat it eventually somehow. I dunno.


Im not sure if the "Dont slate the game if you havent played it" comment was directed at me but i'll respond anyway just incase.


I have played it, I completed the single player and gave the multiplayer a quick try.


I really dont understand Choze going on as much as he did. I didnt catagorically state that Killzone 2 was shite and that everyone should hate it, nothing that I said could be read as fanboyish. I gave my opinion on a game in its thread. Nothing I have said should ruin anyone elses experience while playing the game so what does it matter?

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You don't know Choze enough lol. And I wasn't talking to you because you didn't really slate the game, although if you did like FPSs a bit more and played the online mode instead of the campaign I think you may have enjoyed it more.

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You don't know Choze enough lol. And I wasn't talking to you because you didn't really slate the game, although if you did like FPSs a bit more and played the online mode instead of the campaign I think you may have enjoyed it more.


Thats very possible yeah. Although its mostly FPSs online that I dont play a lot of. Offline im fine and as I said, its fun enough but I didnt find anything special in it that would get me to play again.

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Honestly, Choze totally bums this game. I am not a fan either, and I know a lot of people who are not keen on it. But trying to express anything other then ZOMG!!!!GAMEAWESOME!!!PWNS!TEH!COD!!!!1 is simply futile in this thread.


uhuh. and you are are angry over what is happening on this page...


I was never suggesting anyone keep quiet and i have been critical too. I have been perfectly reasonable in my points and discussion. If he did not really play the game at all then surely inviting him to play with the clan is a bad thing for some of you... In which case i say 'good'. If that offends you then i invite you to play :p


Telling someone to shut up is ironically what you are saying right now. I guess i cant say anything or point out fallacies. :shrug:


I really dont understand Choze going on as much as he did. I didnt catagorically state that Killzone 2 was shite and that everyone should hate it, nothing that I said could be read as fanboyish. I gave my opinion on a game in its thread. Nothing I have said should ruin anyone elses experience while playing the game so what does it matter?


edit: Fair enough to Happenstance. If he read my conclusion to the post: "On the other hand some others dont fire even try the multiplayer at all and seem to make big judgements..." Its not about him. Especially as he is not much into fps.I think he should try the online more but its up to him!


I was just saying i hate it when someone plays 1 round then try to present themselves as experts which KZ2 is getting alot of. Which to be fair to Happenstance was abit close to him so i can see why he reacted abit rudely...

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I think online shooters work only when you invest time into them. It just isn't fun when you are getting killed all the time and you don't have any of the abilities of others.

Resistance 2 was the first FPS game that I got into properly and I loved it. I used to think that campaigns in games were the biggest focus but 50% of the time it's about the online.

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I think online shooters work only when you invest time into them. It just isn't fun when you are getting killed all the time and you don't have any of the abilities of others.

Resistance 2 was the first FPS game that I got into properly and I loved it. I used to think that campaigns in games were the biggest focus but 50% of the time it's about the online.


Online is the long term for the hardcore. But single player is still very important. Afterall Half Life technically lured Counterstrike players for example.


Abiltiies wise i complained to GG in the beta that they should have had Medic as the first rank though others argue starting out without classes and weapon choice is a better idea to ease players in...


In the final game it is nothing/no classes to start off with and search defaults to 'my rank only'. I think its plain this way imo but ranking is fast on the other hand. No idea which is better?

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Okaaaay. So what is happening on this page and why am I angry about it?


"Honestly, Choze totally bums this game. I am not a fan either, and I know a lot of people who are not keen on it. But trying to express anything other then ZOMG!!!!GAMEAWESOME!!!PWNS!TEH!COD!!!!1 is simply futile in this thread."


This. I thought i should repsond. :/

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"Honestly, Choze totally bums this game. I am not a fan either, and I know a lot of people who are not keen on it. But trying to express anything other then ZOMG!!!!GAMEAWESOME!!!PWNS!TEH!COD!!!!1 is simply futile in this thread."


This. I thought i should repsond. :/




I can't be arsed.

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I can't be arsed.




Will maybe be on later. On the end of Resi 5 right now. Nearing level 10 on my trophies...


Might need to lay off games for abit.



edit: Won our first clan match.




Was very narrow. Were equal till the end. Funnily enough i lost Body Count badly.

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