LegoMan1031 Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 It's got to be something really stupid between ur router and the killzone servers. Stupid things. Two highlights from tonight was both from cooky. "Can i have ur childen now?" <No Answer> "No then?" LOL, also cooky informing us all that he needs a shit! So funny.
Chris the great Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 cant get into the N-E game as im not in the clan still, had a good few games earlier, though not knowing my squade mates has stopped me saying "we'l get thouse terroists. now watch this drive!"
Chris the great Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Ask Choze/Tegg to add you and get you in the clan. i belive the problems with are stopping it. that or they dont like me
Deathjam Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 If you are having deadzone/aiming issues, apparently, turning off the 'colour correction filter' in the ps3 XMB display settings helps alot. Also, making sure the game is running in 720p also helps. Found this on the killzone forums, and my god does it make a difference for offline play, REALLY. I can actually fucking aim now. Wonder if it will also make a difference online...
Deathjam Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 I'll add you to the clan. You can accept invite via the game. The game has its own system built in seperate from the website so it will always work. It doesnt make any difference. The whole controls thing was just in some peoples head when its really just about adjusting to a new game. Online, I had no problems, but going to single player, it really felt different. But after trying this, the aiming actually feels alot different.
Deathjam Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 The single player controls do have a different feel, that was intentional according to GG. for example run and turn and both are very different. I think you are adjusting. You were tough to play against today. The PS forums are full of people thinking of different control conspiracy theories funnily enough. That seems to be dieing down though. Heh thanks although I thought this was one of my worser days tbh. Sabotuer is so much fun. And so is scout. Can see myself playing as these as my main Singleplayer wise, I find im doing alot better with the aiming after I made the changes I stated earlier. Damn I love this game. Pretty much what I bought my ps3 for and I am pretty satisfied with my decision.
Ganepark32 Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 Had a few games online last night on the Corinith Crossing level and it was just !) insane and 2) unbelievably unfair. Got a full match and basically the helghast team I think were all clan members so they all got paired up and all had rocket launchers and it was just pretty awful trying to get a kill. Still, it's the insanity of it that I enjoy in online gaming and I was positioned in the top 4 for every match I played9was always on the ISA team as I thought it'd just be crappy on the helghast team just nailing the ISA repeatedly and it feels better taking down those who are better ). Couldn't get into the N-E match either due to it being a clan match so unfortunately I won't be able to play then seeing as I've gone solo with a one man clan.
LegoMan1031 Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 I thought anyone could join as long as they knew the password? Or i'm i just being silly again?
Ganepark32 Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 Everytime I tried to join it said 'Can't join a clan match as you're not a member' or something to that degree.
Ganepark32 Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 I don't mind the clan zerg matches I've been in. Funnily enough, they haven't really offset my kills:death ratio at all as I seem to be able to get at least 1:1 when playing in those matches or better in the kills departments thanks to the grenade kills (really, for a clan they were pretty shoddy over the whole grenade kills thing. Always walked right ontop of mine).
Chris the great Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 i need chris's psn id to add him its chris_k_1986
Deathjam Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 BTW thanks Dwarf for keeping me focused i got the magnum. Thought i was losing it. Then i clicked and started getting tons of kills round after round. Dont know recall how i got the previous ribbons 4 pistol ribbons. Melee shouldnt be a problem, I seem good at that. I think i may have sent you an invite this morning. Log in to killzone(game) and check clan or messages within the game. Gotta add Ganepark32 too. I hope i am not missing anyone else. Have officers tried inviting? does it work? Yeah inviting works for officers. And the magnum is awesome. I switch freely between that and the main gun as its so helpful if you are carrying a short range weapon like the shotgun, or a dangerous to use one when in close quarters like the grenade launcher, oh and also when you have the sniper rifle as that is useless in close quarters. reminds me of the deagle from Counterstrike (Source), just a heck of a lot more accurate.
Chris the great Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 had an abysmal time of it today, worst ive played since i actualy learned what i was doing. actualy came last, and im usualy at least 6th. oh well, hopefully i'll be back on form later on
dwarf Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 Whenever I play the campaign I think to myself 'Why am I not online?' So if I do some single player it is only for 1 level. For me it's mundane to play.
flameboy Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 The single player controls do have a different feel, that was intentional according to GG. for example run and turn and both are very different. I think you are adjusting. You were tough to play against today. The PS forums are full of people thinking of different control conspiracy theories funnily enough. That seems to be dieing down though. You also should never be signing out of PSN unless its maintenance or everyone is badly hammering PSN which is rare. So something is not quite right. Have you plugged in your PS3 directly to the cable modem? Bypassing the router. I should have said this earlier so apologies. That way you know for sure whether its the router or not. Though wired router should work in most cases. Also you are with Virgin 20MB? they give a white Netgear router for free? upnp on that is not always perfect. It's not a netgear router I have...been on Virgin since it was NTL and therefore didn't get the free rotuer as wasn't a new customer. Am on 20mb though... I'll try the cable modem option... Whenever I play the campaign I think to myself 'Why am I not online?' So if I do some single player it is only for 1 level. For me it's mundane to play. That's how I played it.
dwarf Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 Just logged onto It seems like it's working fine now.
Daft Posted March 6, 2009 Author Posted March 6, 2009 I think the single player has a real dip in the middle but I love the beginning and end.
LegoMan1031 Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Now thatn is working i think its very good! Nice to see the table with us all on etc.
flameboy Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Well last night I managed to get an uninterrupted 1 hour and 10 minutes! Which is great lol! No dips no lag no problems, to cap it off was top of the winning team for first time ever I'm back in the game!
flameboy Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 One thing i find annoying about single player is the controls are much slower than multiplayer. Dont know the reasoning behind making both modes different for speed. This is probably why there is confusion, as many are not aware. Like the story events though. The helghast are good enemies. Unlike COD games they are not easily flanked either. Also my teammates have been somewhat effective funnily enough. Garza is still useless though. Hmm. Was it that your speeds were capped by Virgin? :wink: just a theory. Nice commentary by Dave Jaffe regarding the power online hosts have and how annoying it is when they make bad choices. Happens to everyone. This used to be bad in the CS days. So the theory would stand that the times I am struggling to connect to killlzone servers is when Virgin are capping usage? I have heard that this happens sometimes late at night with them...last night was playing between about 8ish-9ish
flameboy Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 If you reach a certain amount of usage i think 800MB or something for your entire household(do check). You get capped. Thats just the evening. There are different limits at other times too. Obviously since you use PSN and presumably a pc for multimedia you will be passing the limit all the time! Resistance puts less strain on an internet connection as its more server based than KZ2. Warhawk is 100% server based. Also: I am guessing lots of fixes of bugs. Really good and fast job so far. Right so have to just put up with it then...I'm not gonna change ISP for one game lol...hopefully this update will help me out.
flameboy Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Are you sure you were not downloading via something like bittorrent? or someone else busy on another computer? Or the obligatory were you downloading porn? when playing Those also have an effect, especially when you hit your cap which in my time was about 800MB only including all uploading. Nope don't use bit torrent...didn't have itunes running, don't download porn lol :P sometimes my dad is doing work on the computer but he wasn't in the day the problems were really high... I turned off the other computer...had my netbook running but with just a single browser window open with N-E up, refreshed inbetween games thats it really... even turned my anti virus software off on netbook and msn messenger and steam just incase they were mucking about... EDIT; Well not everyone likes killzone 2 it seems; I think he is mostly talking tosh...he lost me when he came out with this piece of crap; Unfortunately most of my own PS3 gaming clan are counted among the more casual side of the gamers spectrum. It’s unlikely they’ll want to adapt to a new concept in FPS control. Firstly I think its bollocks, that PS3 gamers are more casual...part of the PS3's problem is that it hasn't hit the critical mass in the same way as the PS2 did and secondly if they were that casual an audience a slight change in controls wouldn't make any difference as they wouldn't be so indoctrinated in the likes of CoD...basically talking shit but it got him hits and on the front page of N4G...
Chris the great Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 had lost of fun over the past could of days, got the tactician badge, which is pretty good if you know what your doing. started changing my class abit bepending on what the match is, tacticans and engineeres are alot better then i first realised, but i still use medic for the huge scale battles. played a super long match last night, each round was set to 30 mins, and the maximum number of points. it decended into anarchy for a full 30 mins trying to plant charges, i swear, i must have gotten most of my kills and deaths in the short window. i didnt mind losing, i mean, i thought i played well, but some whinney bitch american guy was almost in tears that "WE LOST EVERYTHING!" wish the bolt gun was available online.
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