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Killzone 2


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I want it to be an AAA game, I just hope that the fun factor is there with all the grey matter and seriousness.

Didn't think you'd be interested in it Daz.


Why not? I love good games!! Whatever machine, whatever genre, whatever style. If it's good. I'll buy it :D

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When is this out? February?


I can't wait.


Is there a co-op mode?


What's the deal with the falling over?

It's very late Feb for US, 27th/28th I think.


I don't think there is a co-op mode.


The falling over animations can be a bit slow sometimes, but they look good when there is no lag. Or do you mean when people fall over then get back up again?

Basically if you get shot down you will squirm on the floor for a few seconds, during this time medics can heal you straight back up. The person that shot you still gets the kill for it I think though.


The reason I say it Daz is that you usually like innovation, brightness and stuff whereas this is a shooting game that contains neither. The red and yellow glows are cool though.

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Adjusting aiming preferences is a standard in FPS now I think.

As for bullets, I'd say it is more than Cod4 but much less than Resistance if you've played those games - which is a good balance I think.


Most FPS games have the option to adjust the aiming sensitivity, but I have only played 3 FPS on the PS3 that actually allows you to adjust the turning speed, (The CoD's and Unreal Tournament 3). Along with the bullet/Death thing, its a gamebreaker for me in a FPS. After watching a few videos on You Tube, the turning speed looks slow, similar to Far Cry. Where if you push the left analogue stick to turn say, 180 degrees, the character will start to turn slowly, then speed up. Its annoying (my opinion of course).


I just hope there is an option to turn up the speed, otherwise it will probably just be a single player experience for me.

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It's going to be a great game. Why does turning speed matter so much anyway? If someone's behind you shooting you then it's expected that they kill you isn't it? If it's overly slow I understand but I have never found it an issue. (In online FPS)

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It's very late Feb for US, 27th/28th I think.


I don't think there is a co-op mode.


The falling over animations can be a bit slow sometimes, but they look good when there is no lag. Or do you mean when people fall over then get back up again?

Basically if you get shot down you will squirm on the floor for a few seconds, during this time medics can heal you straight back up. The person that shot you still gets the kill for it I think though.


Damn, I love co-op. That's a shame. I guess team deathmatch will have to do, not that that's a bad thing.


Yeah, I was wondering about the squirm/fall over thing. Sounds cool. If a medic doesn't heal you do you die? If so, since the person who knocked you over already gets the point, what difference does it make?


I like that it only has 8 maps. I think that's how many Halo 3 launched with and for some reason I think having too many maps is a bit overwhelming.


I hope there is replayability in the single player. I do LOVE the fact that bots will be in it. I love playing against bots when I can't be bothered with dealing with real people. :heh:

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Yeah I wasn't sure what the medic thing was for but I guess you can get staright back into the action and finish off the people that you were doing damage to.

And 8 maps is fine, Resistance has too many.


As for co-op - I'm only guessing, Killzone 1 didnt have it.

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To clarify. You have sensitivity control over both the x and y axis. Yes increasing them makes you turn faster. :smile: I know because I did this in the beta and at eurogamer expo. I am not far from full. Most people will prefer the default or slower options from what I can see.


Out in February roughly same time as the US.


No coop. Certainly nothing at launch according to the devs. Sounds like there will be be dlc for multiplayer vs coming at some point.


The falling over thing is like the PC Battlefield games. You have a window of opportunity if a medic revives you. Its there instead of you staring at a menu waiting to respawn for afew seconds.


Time to avoid spoilers now. But then again i am mainly hyped because of the VS multiplayer. People will love it! Better than COD4 and BFBC.

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Ah right I thought it was because of that. Good that you can customize too. I wonder if they can do split-screen online like resistance - I love it. Thing is it wasn't possible in the beta. :(


The grenades are especially fun;

Cook grenade. Lob it. Ricochet off wall into Helghast. Blip. DONE.

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It's going to be a great game. Why does turning speed matter so much anyway? If someone's behind you shooting you then it's expected that they kill you isn't it? If it's overly slow I understand but I have never found it an issue. (In online FPS)


Not necessarily.


I am just saying, for me, it is an issue:)


To clarify. You have sensitivity control over both the x and y axis. Yes increasing them makes you turn faster. :smile: I know because I did this in the beta and at eurogamer expo. I am not far from full. Most people will prefer the default or slower options from what I can see.


Out in February roughly same time as the US.


No coop. Certainly nothing at launch according to the devs. Sounds like there will be be dlc for multiplayer vs coming at some point.


The falling over thing is like the PC Battlefield games. You have a window of opportunity if a medic revives you. Its there instead of you staring at a menu waiting to respawn for afew seconds.


Time to avoid spoilers now. But then again i am mainly hyped because of the VS multiplayer. People will love it! Better than COD4 and BFBC.


Thanks for clearing that up Choze.

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The reason I say it Daz is that you usually like innovation, brightness and stuff whereas this is a shooting game that contains neither. The red and yellow glows are cool though.


Do you think I'm some kind of magpie who likes shiny things :)


I prefer innovation, but I just like good things; if a game is great then I'll buy it; irrespective of anything. I'm playing through deadspace at the minute, couldn't get darker, but it's amazing!


I think you're reading me wrong :D

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Do you think I'm some kind of magpie who likes shiny things :)


I prefer innovation, but I just like good things; if a game is great then I'll buy it; irrespective of anything. I'm playing through deadspace at the minute, couldn't get darker, but it's amazing!


I think you're reading me wrong :D


OH Deadspace is GOOOOOD. What chapter are you on? And just realised you have a ps3 even though you I have just remembered that you said you had one awhile ago or something to that effect so will add just now.


anyways, I swear that Killzone 1 had a co-op mode. Makes sense as there were 4 playable characters.

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OH Deadspace is GOOOOOD. What chapter are you on? And just realised you have a ps3 even though you I have just remembered that you said you had one awhile ago or something to that effect so will add just now.


anyways, I swear that Killzone 1 had a co-op mode. Makes sense as there were 4 playable characters.


No KZ1 didnt have coop. Consider KZ2 a reboot for the franchise though (gameplay wise).

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Unless it says 1-2 players on the back then it won't happen. Actually no, because the first had split-screen with bots...

I take it that it won't have co-op but if it does, then great.

I'm enjoying Resistance 2 online so much now that I can definetly wait for this.

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OH Deadspace is GOOOOOD. What chapter are you on? And just realised you have a ps3 even though you I have just remembered that you said you had one awhile ago or something to that effect so will add just now.


anyways, I swear that Killzone 1 had a co-op mode. Makes sense as there were 4 playable characters.


Yeah I'm loving it. Only just done chapter 2 so pretty early on (I think). Accepted you request by the way.


How does this cover promote co-op play? :)

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Yeah I'm loving it. Only just done chapter 2 so pretty early on (I think). Accepted you request by the way.


How does this cover promote co-op play? :)


It has 4 people on the front (technically 5 if you count the helghast soldier) as if it to say the main character is not fighing alone.

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That is very vague though, loads of box arts have that and don't feature co-op modes.


Im just seeing it from Pit-Jr's point of view, but it seems it will have co-op eventually so this is now a moot point (wonder what that actual phrase means...).

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Im just seeing it from Pit-Jr's point of view, but it seems it will have co-op eventually so this is now a moot point (wonder what that actual phrase means...).


The phrase has garnered a new meaning in a way; it's 'supposed' to mean arguable. Which doesn't make sense in the context people use it now. The new meaning it's completely irrelevant, pointless, moot....


PS When I was younger I thought it was 'mute' point. A sort of sarcastic saying, that what people are saying is that inane it's as useful/insightful as silence........

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The phrase has garnered a new meaning in a way; it's 'supposed' to mean arguable. Which doesn't make sense in the context people use it now. The new meaning it's completely irrelevant, pointless, moot....


PS When I was younger I thought it was 'mute' point. A sort of sarcastic saying, that what people are saying is that inane it's as useful/insightful as silence........


You know, that happens alot. It would make so much sense if it was spelt one way but thanks to english, it's made that more complicated. Anyways, we are now totally oftopic so to get back on track, have people started pre-ordering this yet?

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