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Killzone 2


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i got well over 100 in the super long match, that was awsome.


trying to earn medals now, i mean, its pretty easy to get the 5 kills from your turret, or 5 spawns from your grenade.



ive got the one that gives me 3 kills in body count. i love that so much


The hell?! I find the turret one impossible. No one dies from them...

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The ground turret is easy. Its the air support one i find hard.


Woop just got my first Quad kill and scored 75 points in the round.


Nice one. gives you a buzz going against so many people.



Just did an amazing level in the single player. Really enjoying it. Killzone.com not updated my single player stats yet though.

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The hell?! I find the turret one impossible. No one dies from them...


just place em near door ways or in areas you have to defend. so long as you think about were they go, over a full agme, 5 kills shouldent be a problem.



i got 5 spawn ponts and 5 turret kills without any special effort in the last game i played.

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^ I'm not killed by snipers that frequently... Maybe on Pirrus but other than that maybe a couple of times per game if there are any.


Can't blame them though because it can be enormously fun. Fun killing them as well!

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I know because it's an instant thing, you don't always know where they are and they can completely spam it. You can't do anything about it unless you have a sniper yourself, yet even then they probably know where you will be/come from.


I leave if there are too many, and the small maps are more enjoyable anyway. My favourite thing is to be a sab with the light machine gun and lay C4 just outside the main spawn points.

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Can you set up matches with no snipers?


As much as i love this game the online it's just turning to shit. Every game is just people meeting at the same doorway with nades and rocket launchers and killing as many people as possible.


That's why I'm a tactician. If that happens I just set up a spawn point in a different place so people have to approach another way.


My biggest problem with the games is turrets aren't powerful enough, air support is abysmal and snipers just aren't any fun.

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Can you set up matches with no snipers?


That's why I'm a tactician. If that happens I just set up a spawn point in a different place so people have to approach another way.


My biggest problem with the games is turrets aren't powerful enough, air support is abysmal and snipers just aren't any fun.


Ofcourse. You can just lock snipers. Any class, guns etc. can be locked or restricted. I have been in games where they are locked.


Yes Tactician is my favourite too. I am getting better at using flying bots. The best positions are not what most people would think. I think the ground tuurets are very powerful. If they make it like the beta, people will complain they are too powerful!


On Corrinth Crossing, simply throw air support or two into the bottom middle area.


Salamun Market similar. Throw them in the middle of the map where people cross on upper and lower levels.


Visari Hammer. Use air support on the upper walkways. They will guard the walkaway and occasionaly shoot elsewhere.


Think of the air support as cover. Especially when enemies are softened. Especially on search and defend/destroy. Was not that hard in the end. But dont expect more than 10 kills. I get around 7-8 average in normal matches :heh: The game with Deathajamm would have taken me ages and was not even in registering!... :shakehead

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Well what a difference a couple of days makes...I have been playing for a few hours this morning and had a really good time with, managed to level up to Lieutenant, which means I can pick engineer as my class and build sentry turrets right?


Today had no problems with my connection to the servers and none of the lag that was marring games earlier in the week. Also had killzone.com open on my laptop and was mildly surprised to see it updating in real time, shows how great it all is when it works.


Going out tonight but shouldn't be too late back so hoping to get some games in with the N-E crew tonight!

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Well what a difference a couple of days makes...I have been playing for a few hours this morning and had a really good time with, managed to level up to Lieutenant, which means I can pick engineer as my class and build sentry turrets right?


Today had no problems with my connection to the servers and none of the lag that was marring games earlier in the week. Also had killzone.com open on my laptop and was mildly surprised to see it updating in real time, shows how great it all is when it works.


Going out tonight but shouldn't be too late back so hoping to get some games in with the N-E crew tonight!


Yeah you will be able to build turrents now! An Engineer only lets you use the shotgun though...


Not sure if i will be on my ps3 tonight or not yet but if i am i will have a game with u!

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The more I play this the more awesome it becomes. I just love the variation.


I just tried out the standard assault rifle earlier for the first time in ages and remembered how fun/good it is. There's so many cool combos of abilities its great, just hard to pick one to stick with. Maybe the whole point isn't to stick with one.

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