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I just created the clan N-E Elites. PM me for invite.

my PSN is DiemetriX.


I think the most active user can be leader, you up for the job Choze?


I'll add you when i'm next on. I wouldn't mind joining the clan.


I want to finish the campain mode first though.


What difficulty is everyone gonna play on, i'm currently playing on veteran?


Need to learn to be skillful for online.


I have died a lot though.


I am work but I have the game here with me, thanks to my postman shoving it through my letter box without even wanting a signature just before I left for work. I am not complaining though. Well I am in that I am personally taunting myself with it sitting here and me not being able to play it for a good 4 and a half hrs. Ah well.


What difficulty is everyone doing this on?


I'm doing the hardest one available when you start. I think it's called 'Veteran'.


So far it isn't too hard but not too easy. Pretty spot on actually.


Played a bot match, don't seem to be able to connect online for some reason, and that was a lot of fun. Love the bots.

What difficulty is everyone doing this on?


I'm doing the hardest one available when you start. I think it's called 'Veteran'.


So far it isn't too hard but not too easy. Pretty spot on actually.


Played a bot match, don't seem to be able to connect online for some reason, and that was a lot of fun. Love the bots.


Yeah the servers are down at the moment. Probably due to the sheer volume of people going online. I also had a go with bots, the map we played (forgot what it was called) was like a huge desert shanty town.....incredible. Still trying to get my head around the controls though.

Yeah the servers are down at the moment. Probably due to the sheer volume of people going online. I also had a go with bots, the map we played (forgot what it was called) was like a huge desert shanty town.....incredible. Still trying to get my head around the controls though.


Cool, I thought that might be that case.


Yeah I think that's Pyrrus Rise. That's the one I did. The wind and the dust look amazing.


I'm sorted with the basic controls. Still not sure how you use abilities and stuff in mutliplayer but I suspect that's because I don't have any. :heh:


Looks like the servers are ok now, just had a go online.


I will have another go later, but I can already see that, for me, its not gonna work. I don't like the control.....at all, no matter what sensitivity I put it on.


I am enjoying the single player, and the graphics truly are a sight to behold in some places, but the second coming this game aint. If they had just implemented Resistance 2 control, then this game would be an incredible experience for me. As it stands, its a 'comlete the game then trade it in'.


Just finished the 2nd level of the game... Is it just me or does the entire experience just feel "unresponsive."


Like... stuff doesn't blow up like it should or the controls are just so loose at times. And the level design is all over the place at points.


And maybe an odd complaint, but the POV seems too close. You can't see what's around you too easily.


Its a mediocre FPS at best at the moment... Its not like i went into this wanting to hate it, otherwise i wouldn't have bought it. But this isn't the next big FPS like the entire review community are making it out to be. This doesn't come close to Call of Duty, Halo or many other console FPS in the last few years.


I haven't touched the MP yet, so i'll have to reserve judgement there. But so far, totally agree with the Edge review.


Got the game today too - had a quick online game so far thats all.


Jeez negative fedback on here already!


I'll reserve judgement untill later - I'll get stuck into the game soon : peace:


Just had a couple of online games.


I seem to have awesome killing sprees followed by just being crap, all in the same game. It's a lot of fun.


My only problem with the games is your teams shitty AI in single player.


We should give the N-E Elites a test drive soon.


I love how the game type changes on the fly.


When/where can you select your class?


Well this is based purely on the single player and only the first level at that...so far...I am disappointed...


Namely this comes down to the loading jitter that occurs just that little bit too often for me...also had two glitches which meant I had to restart the level. Both have been related to characters not doing what they are meant to do for the game to progress for example one was when you are hi up and by the convoy just before the collapsing building and there is a bit where Garza talks to the ship and then they zoom off this didn't happen first time he just stood at a pillar looking at the floor. The second time round same section after that he is meant to go round and open a door and he didn't.


I don't mind the odd glitch but twice in one part of the same level and the first level at that is worrying...just about to delve into multiplayer to get my ass handed to me...


I'm around half way through. If you aren't impressed by the first level then don't expect anything more from the rest of the game.


Haven't had any glitches but the juddering is annoying. Optional install would have been nice.

2nd level is really good. Trying to get to medic and double ammo first.


What's the double ammo thing? I always run out of damn ammo.


Got a couple pistol kills out of it though.


Have to say, online is ALOT MORE impressive than the single play campaign. But, I am really enjoying the single player anyways and can easily see myself going back to it once it's done. Quite a few weapons to mess around with too. Loving the SMG. Hating the enemies that rush you and use it ¬_¬


Online is alot of fun. Did pretty well in my first game. Now joining tegg/choze to see if I can show my ability...if the damn thing syncs clients. Weird problem though is that I cannot seem to log into the killzone website through the game. Gonna see if I can do so on my comp.


EDIT: Oh, my ps3 crashed. Not good :blank:


Online really is great, although sometimes the positioning of the bombs are biased towards one team.

I've progressed to level 3 I think, maybe 4. I really want the shotgun because that weapon is so cool and fun!


Have to say so far what I have played of single player I actually prefer Resistance 2's solo offering! But multiplayer is a different thing altogether. I love it! So far my stats read as;


Online Score 28

Number of Kills 23

Times Died 33


which is quite good for me...


Had good game with Tegg and Deathjam before, helped by the fact that we won in a 7-0 white wash! So far so good...can't wait to really dig into come sunday/monday

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