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I don't think Fire Emblem is particularly hard to learn, I managed to play it Japanese just fine before I played an English version, the game tells you about bad weapon matches in the battle summary window. Fire Emblem/Blazing Sword/FE7 had a good tutorial, can't remember if Sacred Stones did, but Blazing Sword was the first game to include an in-game tutorial, probably because it was the first game due to get localised outside Japan.


Oh, it does have a decent tutorial - I'm just rubbish. :heh:


I keep restarting every time I learn something new. Am actually quite tempted to do that even now... :shakehead


Ephraim is pretty godly in this game, a lot better than Erika. He's also the first lance wielding lord in the series.


Yeah, he was pretty much my favourite character when I got to use him briefly, but I thought the game was steering me to do Eirika's route first.


I don't think the Javelin is heavy, in fact I would recommend having in on a Pegasus Knight.


What I hadn't considered, though, was that all the weapons someone is carrying weigh them down (I assumed it was just what they had equipped - not that I'd thought about weight, in all honesty). I think I had Vanessa carrying a Javelin and two Lances, just as spares. As @Jonnas says, very realistic! I'm used to RPGs where you can carry anything and it doesn't affect you.

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Oh, it does have a decent tutorial - I'm just rubbish. :heh:


Ah, thought it did but wasn't sure, been ages since I played it and it was my Japanese copy :laughing:


Yeah, he was pretty much my favourite character when I got to use him briefly, but I thought the game was steering me to do Eirika's route first.


Erika's routes is a bit easier so I recommend doing her's first, then play through Ephraim's.


What I hadn't considered, though, was that all the weapons someone is carrying weigh them down (I assumed it was just what they had equipped - not that I'd thought about weight, in all honesty). I think I had Vanessa carrying a Javelin and two Lances, just as spares. As @Jonnas says, very realistic! I'm used to RPGs where you can carry anything and it doesn't affect you.


It is based on what you have equipped, the rest don't affect anything, you can switch weapon before attacking and see which gives you the most benefit in battle. A heavier weapon may stop you from attacking twice, or lower your evasion so it's a good idea to check your different options. I'm probably just repeating things you know by now though.

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Nooo, you shouldn't promote them until they are level 20!


Doing this will ensure the units will have better stats later on. Promoting them early means you get an improved unit (capable of using a new weapon, even) right away.


For beginners, this is definitely a better option. They don't know what kind of map awaits them, so promoting as soon as you can is a good tactic, just in case. No need to make immediate maps harder for yourself.


Blazing Sword was the first game to include an in-game tutorial, probably because it was the first game due to get localised outside Japan.


Actually, Fire Emblem 6 had one as well, in the options menu. Kind of sucked, though, and didn't prepare you at all for the incredible difficulty that awaited.


I don't think the Javelin is heavy, in fact I would recommend having in on a Pegasus Knight.


Its weight is closer to the Steel Lance than Iron, actually. It's the price to pay for 2-range.


Yeah, he was pretty much my favourite character when I got to use him briefly, but I thought the game was steering me to do Eirika's route first.


I did Ephraim first, but Eirika's is easier, yes. Plus, better new units.


What I hadn't considered, though, was that all the weapons someone is carrying weigh them down (I assumed it was just what they had equipped - not that I'd thought about weight, in all honesty). I think I had Vanessa carrying a Javelin and two Lances, just as spares. As Jonnas says, very realistic! I'm used to RPGs where you can carry anything and it doesn't affect you.


Actually, it really is just the one you have equipped that affects combat :heh: (Though there really is a difference between carrying something in the bag and wielding it in combat)

Which still doesn't explain why vulneraries occupy the same space as an axe :heh:


Weapon weight is still a good thing to keep in mind for petite units (low constitution, I mean), as it might be the difference between a dexterous speedster and a sitting duck. It's also why steel weapons aren't necessarily better than iron.

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Doing this will ensure the units will have better stats later on. Promoting them early means you get an improved unit (capable of using a new weapon, even) right away.


For beginners, this is definitely a better option. They don't know what kind of map awaits them, so promoting as soon as you can is a good tactic, just in case. No need to make immediate maps harder for yourself.


I think the stats is better in the long run. Early promotion might help if your really struggling for a quick stat boost and extra weapon access, but it seems like a short term solution to me. Just a personal preference I guess.


Actually, Fire Emblem 6 had one as well, in the options menu. Kind of sucked, though, and didn't prepare you at all for the incredible difficulty that awaited.


7 was the first one to include it in the story which is what I meant, although I did forget 6 had one since it was hidden away a bit like you said.


6 is ridiculously hard sometimes, one chapter just has a wave after wave of Wyvern Knights, plus there's a recruit-able character in there somewhere and there's a turn limit to get the sidequest chapter.


An early boss fight is against a General, none of my units could hurt him or would get OHKO'd. You need a magic user to beat him and one time all of my Tomes had broke so I had no magic at all and had to restart :laughing::cry:


Its weight is closer to the Steel Lance than Iron, actually. It's the price to pay for 2-range.


So it is. Thought it was lighter. ::shrug:


@Grazza, If your not using him, you should use Ross. He might seem weak at first but he can promote twice and ends up pretty strong. There are 2 other units that can promote twice who are worth using.

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I think the stats is better in the long run. Early promotion might help if your really struggling for a quick stat boost and extra weapon access, but it seems like a short term solution to me. Just a personal preference I guess.


It's only a bad choice if you reach Level 20 while promoted, though. Plus, having the extra weapon early is also thinking in the long run. Dieck might just be the best axe user in Fire Emblem 6, but he needs the promotion to do it, and he needs it early if he wants to be using Silver Axes or Armads by the end.


6 is ridiculously hard sometimes, one chapter just has a wave after wave of Wyvern Knights, plus there's a recruit-able character in there somewhere and there's a turn limit to get the sidequest chapter.


An early boss fight is against a General, none of my units could hurt him or would get OHKO'd. You need a magic user to beat him and one time all of my Tomes had broke so I had no magic at all and had to restart :laughing::cry:


Your first paragraph kind of describes 3 or 4 maps in that game :heh: Remember the desert chapter?


The General boss...Yeah, that was ridiculous (thrones were ridiculous). It's not even magic you need, it's the Armourslayer, and a good unit to use it. Or immense luck with the Hammer (I'm not even sure if one already has the Hammer by that point)

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Your first paragraph kind of describes 3 or 4 maps in that game :heh: Remember the desert chapter?


Don't remember the desert being too tough, might have blocked it from memory :laughing:


The General boss...Yeah, that was ridiculous (thrones were ridiculous). It's not even magic you need, it's the Armourslayer, and a good unit to use it. Or immense luck with the Hammer (I'm not even sure if one already has the Hammer by that point)


Either I didn't have an Armourslayer or no units strong enough to be able to survive two turns. I remember I needed a magic user since I couldn't damage him at all.

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@Grazza, If your not using him, you should use Ross. He might seem weak at first but he can promote twice and ends up pretty strong. There are 2 other units that can promote twice who are worth using.


Yep, Ross is a Pirate and is on course to become a Berserker. I'm going to make Garcia a Warrior. By the way, I've got their Support level to B. Does this mean they'll actually fight better when side-by-side? Have better defence, attack etc?


Also, I managed to recruit Amelia, so no problems there. I aim to make her a General if I get the appropriate item.

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Yep, Ross is a Pirate and is on course to become a Berserker. I'm going to make Garcia a Warrior. By the way, I've got their Support level to B. Does this mean they'll actually fight better when side-by-side? Have better defence, attack etc?


Well, regarding Supports, they're not an essential part of the gameplay, so the GBA games tell you very little about them. Here are 3 things to know about them, though:


1-Their effect goes up to 3 squares. So, Ross and Garcia don't need to be right next to each other for the effect to kick in, they get their bonuses if they're 3 or less squares apart.


2-The bonuses both characters get is the same, but what kind of bonus it is depends on their Attribute (that little icon every character has).

Example: If one character is Light and the other Anima, they get a Light+Anima bonus (which means great Attack and Defence bonuses).

Ross and Garcia both have the "Fire" Attribute (attack, dodge, hit, critical hit), which means they get these boosts on the double (Fire+Fire).


3-Each character can only have 5 supports maximum. Like I explained to Fused King. Just a warning, in case you want to reach an A-Support with anyone else.

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It's only a bad choice if you reach Level 20 while promoted, though.


Not really, it's always a bad choice if done before level 15 because it reduces your exp gain.


A promoted unit is viewed as level 15+ their new promoted level number and exp scales according to level (well, it's the difference between your level and your opponents). Therefore a unit at level 19 receives less exp than one at Level 3 promoted because the game sees the promoted one as level 18 and thus gives them more for a victory even though they may have promoted at any level after 10 and thus had more level ups.


It's just not worth the sacrifice to the limited exp available because you then can't really use the unit without sucking up all the exp and by the time their levels do fall into line with the enemy, they will be too weak.

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Not really, it's always a bad choice if done before level 15 because it reduces your exp gain.


A promoted unit is viewed as level 15+ their new promoted level number and exp scales according to level (well, it's the difference between your level and your opponents). Therefore a unit at level 19 receives less exp than one at Level 3 promoted because the game sees the promoted one as level 18 and thus gives them more for a victory even though they may have promoted at any level after 10 and thus had more level ups.


It's just not worth the sacrifice to the limited exp available because you then can't really use the unit without sucking up all the exp and by the time their levels do fall into line with the enemy, they will be too weak.


Huh, never thought about the loss of gained exp... Good point.


Truth be told, I only promote my guys early when the mode/game I'm playing in is giving me trouble (like in FE6, or Hector Hard Mode), and an early promotion can help fix that. If that happens, I think the pros outweigh the cons.

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Well, I'm up to Chapter 10 now. I actually restarted again! Now I've promoted Franz, Vanessa and Ross, but they were all Level 20 first. Ross in particular is a powerhouse (and I'm going to use the other recruit, Amelia).


I think Fire Emblem could do with a "Defend-only" option, as it's hard to recruit someone when they attack one of your team. They fight back, even when you don't want them to!

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Well, I'm up to Chapter 10 now. I actually restarted again! Now I've promoted Franz, Vanessa and Ross, but they were all Level 20 first. Ross in particular is a powerhouse (and I'm going to use the other recruit, Amelia).


Holy sh- By chapter 10!? This game doesn't even expect you to grind. The rest of the game is not going to trouble you.


(And seriously, you don't need to do things perfectly just yet. Leave that for when you replay the game for real :heh: You know, Ephraim's path and/or the Hard Mode)


So...how are 'dem supports going?


I think Fire Emblem could do with a "Defend-only" option, as it's hard to recruit someone when they attack one of your team. They fight back, even when you don't want them to!


Also known as the "get naked" option. If your character has nothing equipped, their dodging ability even gets better, too.

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Holy sh- By chapter 10!? This game doesn't even expect you to grind. The rest of the game is not going to trouble you.


Yeah, it surprised me how much EXP you can get, just on the first floor of the Tower.


So...how are 'dem supports going?


Oh, got Ross and Garcia to "A", but not too many of the others. I want to max-out Joshua + Natasha, Franz + Gilliam (even though they have completely different manoeuvrability and are never near each other) and Eirika + Seth (despite the fact I don't use Seth!)


Also known as the "get naked" option. If your character has nothing equipped, their dodging ability even gets better, too.


Ah, I did wonder about that, but wasn't sure how to unequip anything (I know how to change weapons, just not unequip).

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Ah, I did wonder about that, but wasn't sure how to unequip anything (I know how to change weapons, just not unequip).


You can't really "unequip" in the GBA games. Even if you try, they'll always equip something automatically. You can trade all your items to someone else, though.

If you need Franz to be a decoy, for example, just have him switch all his swords&lances with Ross's axes, or Natasha's staves.

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Oh, got Ross and Garcia to "A", but not too many of the others. I want to max-out Joshua + Natasha, Franz + Gilliam (even though they have completely different manoeuvrability and are never near each other) and Eirika + Seth (despite the fact I don't use Seth!)


As a long standing member of the Seth fanclub (I also like to use Titannia on the Tellius games too as she's quite similar in personality), I hope you don't fall into the idea that he's a typical "Jeigan" like unit - i.e. nothing but a pre-promoted meat shield and carrier of a shiny silver lance to be robbed by another unit as soon as they can use one. He's a decent unit stat wise aside from his relatively low starting health for a Paladin - might need a speed wing too if unlucky. He can be used as well as any other unit when the enemies hit the right level.


Eventually you will find an items called the Boots (well hopefully, there are missable) that will allow you to increase the movement range of a unit by two points. Whack them on Gilliam and he will be able to keep up a lot better with Franz.

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The important thing about "Jeigan Characters" is to not let them hamper the training of your own units. Their late-game worth depends on which game we're talking about, and Seth is crazy strong (though he's in a game where almost everyone is crazy strong).


I also think Marcus from FE7 is the best one. He's never disappointed me.

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The important thing about "Jeigan Characters" is to not let them hamper the training of your own units. Their late-game worth depends on which game we're talking about, and Seth is crazy strong (though he's in a game where almost everyone is crazy strong).


I also think Marcus from FE7 is the best one. He's never disappointed me.


I'm not sure if I'd say crazy strong but he certainly holds his own with no problems - Kyle is the real beast though with his strength and HP growth. But as you say, most units are capable of getting you through the main campaign with little difficulty.


I had a look at FE7 Marcus's stats earlier and they weren't as bad as I remembered - FE6 are pretty suspect. He still ends up being the weakest of the Paladins on average but nothing a couple of stat boosts couldn't solve if you are desperate. I still never use him mind as Kent and Sain are just too good and end up getting levelled quite highly in Lyn Mode and they are only missing for a couple of chapters.

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When I said "crazy strong", I meant to refer to his overall performance, not his Strength stat. Yeah, Kyle is the best for that one.


What I like about Marcus is that he can always be useful, even if he's still Level 1 by the end of the game (whereas Sain needs more training than Lowen if you haven't done Lyn Mode).

He's different in FE6. A lot weaker, and only necessary to help train your units (in fact, that game even gives you a second Jeigan for this :heh:).

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Joshua killed Gilliam...


I was doing so well, planned everything out pretty well. nobodies health was low. I was able to lvl up Franz, Ross & Lute by a good number and I was ready to `drop' Natasha so I could add Joshua to our crew.


Strangely enough he went for Gilliam and got me with a critical hit. OHKO. I kept resetting the game just so that I could replay that exchange. Ended in the same result every time. I couldn't be bothered to restart the Chapter as I had done well with the units I wanted to lvl up.


Now I'm on Chapter 6.

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When I said "crazy strong", I meant to refer to his overall performance, not his Strength stat. Yeah, Kyle is the best for that one.


What I like about Marcus is that he can always be useful, even if he's still Level 1 by the end of the game (whereas Sain needs more training than Lowen if you haven't done Lyn Mode).

He's different in FE6. A lot weaker, and only necessary to help train your units (in fact, that game even gives you a second Jeigan for this :heh:).


I know what you meant when you said crazy strong, in that you were referring to all round ability rather than just brute strength, but I still feel that Kyle's offensive advantage over the other Paladins outweight their benefits in skill/speed/defense over the course of the game where enemies don't have great skill or speed on the whole. That's why I always have him promote to Great Knight so he can smash everything he comes across with ease.


As I always go through Lyn Mode, since it helps with levelling Lyn who is always remains rather a little fragile even when she is almost impossible to hit, Sain and Kent are already much higher leveled than Lowen and have better stats than Marcus when I come to start Eliwood Mode. I'll still use Lowen in the beginning and he will be close to the other pair by Chapter 14 (I think it's 14 anyway), but I always tend to find him coming in slightly below the others overall stat wise. Plus, I generally like to support Kent and Sain together anyway since they raise quickly and have similar movement.



I started playing Path of Radience yesterday - done some more today and am at the base at the start of Chapter 8. Much to my amazement, my level 9 Soren has 7 defense already. Not only that, but he levelled up strength 3 levels in a row. The average strength at that level would be 0 and average defence would be 3. Oscar need to buck his ideas up though or he might end up getting benched for Kieran.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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I'm definitely going to make Kyle a Great Knight (if I get the appropriate Crest). Kyle just seems like he should be a Great Knight, whereas Franz and Forde seem like they should be Paladins. I'd rather have two Paladins (Seth is the other, of course) and two Great Knights, but I can't help taking their characters into account (proof it's a good game, I suppose).



I think you had the right instincts using Gilliam to protect Natasha. Even though it's ungentlemanly, it's probably better to send Natasha up ahead (to Joshua), as long as you're taking care of the other enemies, of course.

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Yeah, I had taken out most of the enemy forces by then, simply because I knew it would be tricky to get Joshua while there are many enemies that can mess it up for me. Just in case, I also had Seth rescue Natasha until I knew it would be safe for her, just as I was about to send her in, Joshua killed Gilliam.


Normally I'd send Gilliam & Seth out in front just to soak up some attacks and use them as decoys for the weaker units to come in for the kills without losing HP (or as little as possible). This had been working fine, until of course, Joshua decided to change his luck ;)

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