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Fat Princess

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First impressions: It is damn hectic. It's very easy to get, though. If you got a bunch of people who were organised and coordinated they would pretty much own. I'm sure I'm missing a few tricks because I have no idea how we got their princess across the map so quickly.


I found I couldn't join a game but I created on and within a couple minutes it was basically filled up.

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I've downloaded it, but can't play it until tonight.


Apparantly this game is like four swords on acid, according to Cookyman.


Is there much micromanagment on this game?


I do like these type of games, even though i'm rubbish.

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Heres a litlle gem for you:


On the title screen press start, then bragging rights, then who's your daddy.


You get the credits for the game with the song "I llike big butts and I cannot lie" interspersed with the fat princess shouting things out like "cake please" and "so hungry".


Rolled fucking gold!


Loving the game it's insane!.


You really need to work as a team or your screwed.


I've downloaded it, but can't play it until tonight. Apparantly this game is like four swords on acid, according to Cookyman.Is there much micromanagment on this game? I do like these type of games, even though i'm rubbish.


Not much micromanagement but still very strategic - change my mind it's not like Zelda Four Swords on acid - it's more like PCP lol.

Edited by Cookyman

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Heres a litlle gem for you:


On the title screen press start, then bragging rights, then who's your daddy.


You get the credits for the game with the song "I llike big butts and I cannot lie" interspersed with the fat princess shouting things out like "cake please" and "so hungry".


Rolled fucking gold!


Loving the game it's insane!.


You really need to work as a team or your screwed.




Not much micromanagement but still very strategic - change my mind it's not like Zelda Four Swords on acid - it's more like PCP lol.


PCP = phenylcyclohexylpiperidine?

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Okay, I'm now loving this. The first four or five games I thought it was quite fun but now I'm loving it. I keep running into Cookyman. It's funny running behind healing you while you lay on the smackdown. :heh:


There was an awesome bit in one game where there were I was in a group of four other priests and two warriors and it was manic. Also, I didn't realise the upgrade for the priest is really useful when in a team. It's kind of a shame you can't actually finish off people with it but it can't be all good.

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I'm liking what i have been hearing about this... Temptation is rising to make a purchase...

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Do it!! It's awesome!


I still think it should have been £9.99 but for £2 I'm not going to fuss that much.

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US prices are not inclusive of VAT so £2 is just that(20%).


The beta complaints were that it was quite buggy. So is it buggy? :p

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Okay, I'm now loving this. The first four or five games I thought it was quite fun but now I'm loving it. I keep running into Cookyman. It's funny running behind healing you while you lay on the smackdown. :heh:


There was an awesome bit in one game where there were I was in a group of four other priests and two warriors and it was manic. Also, I didn't realise the upgrade for the priest is really useful when in a team. It's kind of a shame you can't actually finish off people with it but it can't be all good.


I think you can if you drain them and then finish them off with a Melee attack.


US prices are not inclusive of VAT so £2 is just that(20%).


The beta complaints were that it was quite buggy. So is it buggy? :p


Well i've played it for about an hour and havn't had any problems.

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I tried twice to join a game, and it would not connect me with the host. So I created my own game, but it would only let me create an 8 player match 'because of my Bandwidth'. Strange, as I can host 50 player online deathmatches in Resistance 2.....

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I tried twice to join a game, and it would not connect me with the host. So I created my own game, but it would only let me create an 8 player match 'because of my Bandwidth'. Strange, as I can host 50 player online deathmatches in Resistance 2.....


Yeah I joined in for a bit - too bad my team didn't have a fucking clue - was feeding the princess cake, getting resources etc - they just ran about like headless chickens.


Love this game.


Your bandwiith is weird mate - still cant play you on Rock Band 2.

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Yeah, I haven't been able to join a game. I have to either create them of join a friend currently playing. When I create them they do fill up though.


I think you can if you drain them and then finish them off with a Melee attack.


Ah, right. How do you do melee attacks again?


Normally it is a bit manic so I just let other people finish them off.



I think the ice attack is underused by player. It is awesome.

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Yeah I joined in for a bit - too bad my team didn't have a fucking clue - was feeding the princess cake, getting resources etc - they just ran about like headless chickens.


Love this game.


Your bandwiith is weird mate - still cant play you on Rock Band 2.


Yeah, I think its my fuckin BT HomeDud, its got this built in firewall thingy. The contract ends September anyway so gonna get that super fast Virgin fibre optic shizzle. Just in time for MW2.


Good game earlier BTW, shame the AI is retarded, I caught one of mine firing arrows into a brick wall for no apparent reason.

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I got the "Little Pecker" trophy earlier. I killed someone as a chicken; t'was awesome. :D

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How much am I missing out on then? I'll wait a while for it to drop in price, £7 would be nice. It seems like a game that you'll play every now and then after the initial hype week so there should be a large *community continue looking into the future.

Edited by dwarf

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I dunno.... The thing is, if you started playing it wouldn't be as fun.

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Is that a shot at me or do you mean there wouldn't be populated games? I take it as the fomer but meh.

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I've got this game, and it's good. I can't put the concentration into this right now though.

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Is it because you have to play Zelda: OoT again? :awesome:

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Is it because you have to play Zelda: OoT again? :awesome:


No actually. I've finished with my girlfriend today. Thanks.

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Well I'm sorry to hear about that but how was I supposed to know? It was a harmless joke. and I laughed at that attempt to make me feel guilty.

You could be trying to catch me out however, and if you are then good try.

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Well after listening to above comments and cookys message to me on PSN ive bought this. I shall post my impressions when i have had a proper go.

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