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I think we'll get a Twilight Princess esque style since we're getting more cel-shaded goodness with Spirit Trackers.


Can't really see 2 cel shaded games for the Wii and DS.


Could work for cross-promotion. And I just bloody love Wind Waker's art style, so when they do announce a new console Zelda, I'm hoping they go ahead with that.

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All I want is for Nintendo to never again create a Zelda cash cow, or let other companies make Zelda games.


Zelda is Nintendo's AAA franchise, and in the past it's been Zelda=OMFG kick ass!

With crossbow training, Tetra's Trackers and whatnot, the franchise has lost some of it's reputation and feel. A Zelda game is supposed to be special.


I want Nintendo to make the ultimate Zelda. Perhaps reinventing gameplay, but it should maintain the style of the best Zelda games, like Zelda, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time.

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All I want is for Nintendo to never again create a Zelda cash cow, or let other companies make Zelda games.


Zelda is Nintendo's AAA franchise, and in the past it's been Zelda=OMFG kick ass!

With crossbow training, Tetra's Trackers and whatnot, the franchise has lost some of it's reputation and feel. A Zelda game is supposed to be special.


I thought Nintendo made those spin-offs you're talking about, while Capcom made three awesome Zelda games. Three OMFG kick ass games, if you will.

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This man speaks the truth, Oracles series and Minish Cap were epic in every way.


All three were indeed OMFGKICKASS-worthy games. I don't really see your problem darkjak, Capcom's efforts were better than a lot of Nintendo's own Zeldas.

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All three were indeed OMFGKICKASS-worthy games. I don't really see your problem darkjak, Capcom's efforts were better than a lot of Nintendo's own Zeldas.


I quite simply think that outsourcing of great franchises is generally a bad idea. Since I didn't have a GBC or a GBA, I never played those games, so I can't comment on the Oracles or Minish Cap games.


What I'm saying is that Nintendo should make sure that the quality of the Zelda games is as high as possible. The Zelda title should be a seal of quality in itseld. All Zeldas should just like the original Zelda, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time be the very best game out at the time of release. If someone can possibly think that Mass Effect or GTA IV is better than the forthcoming Zelda Nintendo should whip their team back to the damn drawingboard! Nintendo didn't do this with Twilight Princess or Wind Waker and most certainly not with Crossbow Training and Tetra's Trackers.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I quite simply think that outsourcing of great franchises is generally a bad idea. Since I didn't have a GBC or a GBA, I never played those games, so I can't comment on the Oracles or Minish Cap games.


What I'm saying is that Nintendo should make sure that the quality of the Zelda games is as high as possible. The Zelda title should be a seal of quality in itseld. All Zeldas should just like the original Zelda, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time be the very best game out at the time of release. If someone can possibly think that Mass Effect or GTA IV is better than the forthcoming Zelda Nintendo should whip their team back to the damn drawingboard! Nintendo didn't do this with Twilight Princess or Wind Waker and most certainly not with Crossbow Training and Tetra's Trackers.


It's only a bad idea when they are outsourced to people who don't understand what made the franchise great to begin with. Capcom's Zelda titles were easily the match of Nintendo's efforts - and in my eyes technically hold a better record with the series as I've enjoyed all of their efforts and don't have negative memories of any of them (unlike some of Nintendo's). They offered a fresh experience and introduced a lot of unique items across their titles.


In those spin offs that have been mentioned, they were used to try an usher in new peripherals - a job normally reserved for mascot characters as it makes the sell to the audience easier. If it wasn't the Zelda universe, it would have been the Mario one. But Capcom's Fourswords game in the ALTTP GBA port seemed like a good match to pair it up with (I'm talking about the GBA to GC link cable here) and shoehorning a shooting element into a Mario game is always going to be tricky - no, I don't consider pointer control in SMG as a shooter.

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I quite simply think that outsourcing of great franchises is generally a bad idea. Since I didn't have a GBC or a GBA, I never played those games, so I can't comment on the Oracles or Minish Cap games.


What I'm saying is that Nintendo should make sure that the quality of the Zelda games is as high as possible. The Zelda title should be a seal of quality in itseld. All Zeldas should just like the original Zelda, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time be the very best game out at the time of release. If someone can possibly think that Mass Effect or GTA IV is better than the forthcoming Zelda Nintendo should whip their team back to the damn drawingboard! Nintendo didn't do this with Twilight Princess or Wind Waker and most certainly not with Crossbow Training and Tetra's Trackers.


Take my word for it. The Capcom Zelda games brought something new to the table. They were great games. Its probably the best example of when outsourcing is a good thing.

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What I'm saying is that Nintendo should make sure that the quality of the Zelda games is as high as possible. The Zelda title should be a seal of quality in itseld. All Zeldas should just like the original Zelda, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time be the very best game out at the time of release. If someone can possibly think that Mass Effect or GTA IV is better than the forthcoming Zelda Nintendo should whip their team back to the damn drawingboard! Nintendo didn't do this with Twilight Princess or Wind Waker and most certainly not with Crossbow Training and Tetra's Trackers.


I agree with your basic principle, darkjak, but people know the handheld games aren't going to be as good as the console ones. Personally, I'd much rather still have Flagship making them, then Nintendo could concentrate on the main series. Same goes for the spin-offs like Crossbow Training. People realise they aren't real Zelda games. Also, was Tetra's Trackers even released in the West?


As for the main series, it's a shame you don't like Wind Waker. Have you played it all the way though? It has so much heart put into it, with all the small touches that make a "genius" game. It really was Ocarina of Time 2, with almost every aspect of that game retained and improved upon.


There are no real flaws, only slight issues caused by the nature of the game. Like Majora's Mask, though, the overall game concept greatly outweighed any "flaws" inherent in the game style. Is there really a last-gen game better than Wind Waker? I don't think so. (In fact, is there even a game better than Wind Waker?!)


Now, I have to agree with Twilight Princess. I see three main problems with it:


1) The delay meant it was less impressive as a Wii game in 2006 than it might have been as a GameCube game in 2005. Plus, as I always say, there were a lot of modifications to it in that time. This is the only real annoyance about the game.


2) The graphics were brilliant - they pushed the GameCube to its absolute limit. This, however, did mean it wasn't technically as good as previous games (Wind Waker in particular). The loading times alone are at least three times worse than any other Zelda!


3) This is the most concerning flaw - it did rather lack inspiration and even had some staggering flaws, like putting rupees back in chests and telling you how much each rupee was worth every time. This, combined with the lack of magical touches, does make me rather concerned about the next one. Hopefully I'll be proven very wrong!!!

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People, don't limit yourselves to games on the main consoles. The Capcom games were brilliant (I'm still waiting for the magnetic glove to make a comeback), and easily on par with the Nintendo games.


As for Darkjak's comment about how each game should be similar to previous ones...Not at all.

Wind Waker and Majora's Mask did something different, and for each hater, there are two followers. Phantom Hourglass did something different and set the standard for DS adventure games.

Hell, being different from the others was how OoT and the original LoZ became popular in the first place.

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As for Darkjak's comment about how each game should be similar to previous ones...Not at all.

Wind Waker and Majora's Mask did something different, and for each hater, there are two followers. Phantom Hourglass did something different and set the standard for DS adventure games.

Hell, being different from the others was how OoT and the original LoZ became popular in the first place.


Agreed, to me Nintendo can go all crazy on the next Zelda game on the Wii, they have the controller to do it ^_^. one reason why I loved the Zelda games was because most of the time it felt fresh from the previous one and try to do what people could not imagine.

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I quite simply think that outsourcing of great franchises is generally a bad idea. Since I didn't have a GBC or a GBA, I never played those games, so I can't comment on the Oracles or Minish Cap games.


What I'm saying is that Nintendo should make sure that the quality of the Zelda games is as high as possible. The Zelda title should be a seal of quality in itseld. All Zeldas should just like the original Zelda, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time be the very best game out at the time of release. If someone can possibly think that Mass Effect or GTA IV is better than the forthcoming Zelda Nintendo should whip their team back to the damn drawingboard! Nintendo didn't do this with Twilight Princess or Wind Waker and most certainly not with Crossbow Training and Tetra's Trackers.


You can't really comment on outsourcing then since you haven't played the only examples of outsourcing the Zelda series. If you get a DSi and Nintendo feel generous, I urge you to buy Capcom's Zelda trilogy!

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