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Ha ha ah ah ha ha! I'm CRAZY?!?!!


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This is funny, actually. If you know what you click, not saying 'yes' to things you don't know, force-quitting if a site keeps you in an alert-box loop - you're safe. As long as you only go to websites you can trust (don't go to n-europe.com, for example, I'm pretty sure they infected me), you'll be safe. Or get a mac, although I think our time of having no virusses is almost over, too - Apple is preparing Snow Leopard to close the possible holes and security problems, so they can start a mass-market (wich, to Apple, is +2%) adoption of the mac.

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I worked without an anti virus or firewall for about a year and I never got infected but eventually I just went ahead and installed NOD32 because I have so many resources that I wouldn't notice it and it might save me from a headache in the future. So far NOD32 is yet to report anything.

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What sort of logic is that O_o


Just because you don't get a virus for years, doesn't mean you won't ever get one. :indeed:


I doesn't mean you didn' get a virus, it means the AV didn't detect it. The way it works, by comparing file hash with its dictionary it protects barely anything if the guys at Mcafee, Panda or any other developer, don't get to it first and update the virus library. I could write an equally destructive code or simply change letter in the code of an existing virus through assembly, and it wouldn't be recognized.


AntiVirus were useful when the virus were destructive and done by people with no economic interests, but today if you get a virus its sure to stay undetected until it needs to act. Detection rates among AV software keeps dropping every year. Best thing you can do is get secure software and a firewall, which in my opinion Vista provides fairly well.

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I could write an equally destructive code or simply change letter in the code of an existing virus through assembly, and it wouldn't be recognized.


Not really, that's why anti virus companies have been developing heurisitic detection.

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Not really, that's why anti virus companies have been developing heurisitic detection.


But they don't really work that well yet and it also takes more resources.


Edit: Apparently NOD32 is the best one around.

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I don't really feel protected despite having an antivirus installed.

I actually feel more secure with the NoScript Addon enabled in Firefox although my friends call me paranoid.


I use it too. It does give a bigger sense of protection.

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My computer is very slow, i wish i hadn't put anything on it now lol.


You can always disable it by pressing Windows + R and then type in either msconfig or services.msc to disable auto-startup of unneccessary programs.

I have a list that contains of 60 programs I call my essentials so it's essential to disable their startup.

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I don't use an anti-virus since XP SP2 came out. Never got a problem.

With today's protections and information you need to be dumb to let a virus in.

The only thing I'm afraid of are keygens and the such. But I shouldn't be using them in the first place.:heh:

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You can always disable it by pressing Windows + R and then type in either msconfig or services.msc to disable auto-startup of unneccessary programs.

I have a list that contains of 60 programs I call my essentials so it's essential to disable their startup.

I have only necessary things running from msconfig, and theres not really many files on my computer =[.

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