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Probably when Haku decided to become a slave to Zabuza and Zabuza thought OH THIS IS NORMALS!!! and degraded haku so much he dressed as a woman from then on


Can you tell i didn't care much for the arc :P


Dumbledore dying >.< waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


Surely you can't say you didn't shed a tear when sakura was talking about how ninjas cant have feelings, and then when zabuza realised how precious haku really was? :(

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Inspired by the game thread, I was wondering which films (Could be a TV Show too) have made you lot blubber like little girls?


I've only ever actually cried (not teary eyed or whatever, but actually cried) at one film, and that was the final scene in Brokeback Mountain. Literally the best moment in a film, ever.




You know what..just, what makes you cry?


yeah, me too. Just astonishing film making all round.

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I'm not the most macho man in the world.


Infact, I'm not afraid to cry or shed a tear at films or songs.


Here's a few for ya:


The Ending of E.T.: "cooooome...." "staaaaaaay....." It gets me everytime. The perfect friendship. Just everything about the scene, the way things look, the music, the dialogue, its perfect.


Stand By Me: Just thinking about it, or again the ending. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?" Its the perfect coming of age film, and a film about dealing with death. So tragic, and the soundtrack makes me blubber. Its even more heartbreaking when you consider the fact that River Phoenix could have been so much more of a star if he had not met his fate as such an early stage, too.


Castaway: When Tom Hanks loses wilson. Only Tom Hanks could keep your eyes fixated on the screen for such a long period of time where the only things are him, the landscape, and a volleyball. Also, the ending where he just looks into the camera - it hits you like a smack in the face, such a powerful scene, but so simply done.


Lost In Translation: Again, the ending, when they say goodbye. This film helped me learn to love again, because I want to feel what these characters felt, even though it could be argued that it was just the purest of friendships. Something you probably cease to have when you get older. When Just Like Honey kicks in, and they go their seperate ways, I let it out.



That's the films, now for songs:


The Foo Fighters - Everlong. One of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard.


"If anything could ever be this real forever,

If anything could ever be this good again.

The only thing I ever ask of you,

You've gotta promise not to stop when I say when

She Sang"


Wonderful. :)



Bloc Party - So here we are. This song reminds me of an extremely low point in my life, but now I used it to remind me of where I've been, what bad times I've been through, and where I am now. "So here we are" - I'm winning.



Oasis - Sunday Morning Call. This song manages to just get me every time. Its so sorrowful, but there's some sort of comfort in depression. I dunno how, there just is.



Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart. Like So here we are, this reminds me of how bad things have been. But, it also lets me remember how Love wasn't always perfect. I miss it, but it does tear you apart.



Ash - Oh Yeah. This reminds me of one specific moment in my life where I was everything I wanted to be. This was played at our 6th form ball, and I was dancing with my ex-girlfriend, practically alone on the dancefloor. I'll never have that moment again, but I'm grateful that I experienced it. I'm stupid, but I have loved.

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