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Cant remember its name but i added a ruby or 2 and its 160 damage now


Putting rubies in weapons will make progress with new characters much easier.

People of N-E: Remember that :D


I assume you're playing a Monk as the weapon was a sword and has 200 DEX? :p

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Haha thats awesome, do you guys play solo or with people?


I generally have my game open to public, but not many people join :p


And I never wanted to join/invite you guys, because some of you play Diablo for the first time and I'm pretty much rushing through this. ;)


Level 61. I may reach level 70 tonight. : peace:


Edit: @Daft a gift has been sent to you :)

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You know, this will be perfect with PlayShare when the 2.0 Playstation update hits.


Holy shit, you're right. My mate will be happy :laughing:

We couch co-oped the PS3 version. He never played RoS, though, so fuck yeah.


Hit level 65 just now. Gonna eat dinner and get back to it soon. : peace:


I remember a couple of items I have to get for my Demon Hunter. Can't wait 'til I get the one which let's me have 3 wolf companions instead of only one.


Also can't wait for my Hardcore playthrough. I will only play on Expert or higher, so there will be quite some time spent in preparation.


Edit: Ding. Level 70 reached :D


And I just created my Hardcore character. Crusader!

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I was gonna hit 70 tonight, but then got pissed instead. Shall pick it up tomorrow - although I'll my nephew over and we'll start from scratch together :D


Played a few local multiplayer sessions with different people. It's a lot of fun :D

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I just toned it down to hard at the end of act III, it was 1 in the morning and i was nodding off but wanted to finish it off. Just hit level 50 and sent out 4 gifts tonight! Went from like 10k defence and 3k attack to 8k attack and 200k defence in 1 sitting.


Only issue in having is getting common debris to make armour and weapons, but that may be because my ring summons a little goblin that follows me round picking up all normal white drops and after 15 pick ups it drops a rare or legendary item!!

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Just hit level 50 and sent out 4 gifts tonight!


I keep sending gifts left and right but never get one :blank::D@Daft has gotten another one from me :p


my ring summons a little goblin that follows me round picking up all normal white drops and after 15 pick ups it drops a rare or legendary item!!


Hehe, the Puzzle Ring : peace: When you hit level 70 you should try to get the Royal Ring of Grandeur from Bounties in Act I.




Dat set bonus requirement reduction. :bowdown:



Reached level 12 with my Hardcore Crusader. From now on I should be more careful. On Expert without the right equipment, it will be tough.

Think I'll just try to craft a nice gear.

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With Gifts, you just find them and send them? You don't get to choose who to, right? Because I sent a couple but it was all automatic.


(I'm only lvl 30 and haven't had a chance to play it since Monday so I probably don't have any gifts worth giving, tbh)

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Sent out 4 more gifts tonight, two of which went to @drahkon !


Love this game, don't know how i will split my playtime when destiny is out because this game is like crack. Need to get some better gear now though, i have awesome weapons but average gear.


Oh Drahkon, i had a nemesis of yours show up in my game today!

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I think I'm going to restart my game. I was almost at the skeleton king in single player and was invited into a multiplayer game which was very slightly ahead of where I was. When I went back to single player and go to the place where I assumed to find the skeleton king - he wasn't there. Looks like it might be an idea to lay off the multiplayer until I complete the single player. :mad:

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When I went back to single player and go to the place where I assumed to find the skeleton king - he wasn't there. Looks like it might be an idea to lay off the multiplayer until I complete the single player. :mad:


You probably had the quest active which you've picked up when joining that multiplayer session.


You can easily change it back in the menu :)


Contains location spoilers. We're in for a treat when this launches on consoles :D Really looking forward to it.



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The quality of the gear really jumps up a notch in act V doesn't it!


It sure does :p Wait 'til you get some level 70 Torment-only legendaries ;)


Have started a Monk yesterday (non-hardcore) but didn't have the time to play today.

Until now : peace:


Also...you people need to die more...haven't had a single Nemesis :(

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Well i just died on the final boss of the game. The only death i had, ended up at level 67, gutted. Cant believe i nearly finished it without dying!


:blank: You should play with a more squishy class like Wizard or Demon Hunter :p And crank the difficulty up to Master. I dare you to finish the game without dying :laughing:


Have reached level 20 with my Monk now : peace:

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I might be online during the day :)


Just read that the Season feature will be a PC exclusive. Makes sense as the PC version is online only and the consoles have an offline version.


Well, I never really cared for leaderboards in those kinds of games. But I sure hope we'll get the Season-only legendaries on consoles, too.

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So, adventure mode. What's the deal with it, i figured ramp it up to master and have some fun, bit the drops are crap! The legendary items are worse than the rares i currently have, does act V adventure mode drop better stuff or have i just been unlucky with the randomer?

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