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I'll be losing my virginity this Saturday...Any tips?

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Y'know, in terms of technique, I felt I did quite well. I didn't just 'hump', I twirked it a little in clockwise motions, went in a lil deeper...'hump' a bit more, then more twirking. I could tell she was loving it by the subtle exhale sounds she was making ^^ (and the wetness). Also taking into account she wanted to lay down for a bit right after. (ahhhh t'was so perfect) The intimacy was incredible.


*Victory Dance 2!*




Yeah, I didn't cum in the traditional sense (with the grunts and all), but I must of came very early (judging by the condom). Which was why I felt like it was dragging on...


I think the wanking earlier thing paid off, since even though I didn't get the best sensation I was able to give her pleasures for quiet sometime. ^^



Was pummelling her just the therapy you needed?

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O yes, yes indeed. I could swear my outlook on life has briefly changed. Make love, not war. etc etc

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It's amazing how it changes a man. Just don't become a **** thinking you can bed everything going. This is what happens to a lot of lads. Jerks.


You now MUST remain a hardy git. Women can be cruel nasty beings who will abuse your body and then leave you gasping for more too y'know.


Well done though. Enjoy it while it lasts. We've all had our "first" and it's one of the best things ever. Good luck for the future then...once you've had the V there's no stopping you. Now you gotta taste it. DO IT!

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I suggest a name change. The underscore to 'of'.

The man certainly deserves it.

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I think the wanking earlier thing paid off, since even though I didn't get the best sensation I was able to give her pleasures for quiet sometime. ^^


Very educational! *takes notes*

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I think the wanking earlier thing paid off, since even though I didn't get the best sensation I was able to give her pleasures for quiet sometime. ^^


Who's the man? ME! That's who!!!


(and I know what exhales you mean... dear god they're the best thing in the world)

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Who's the man? ME! That's who!!!


(and I know what exhales you mean... dear god they're the best thing in the world)


Seems your gender is no longer TBA.

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(and I know what exhales you mean... dear god they're the best thing in the world)


Yeah, just pure, honest pleasure. We both have hayfever but at that time all our nasal passages were clear, kinda like Airwaves chewing gum. ^^


...*Victory Dance 3!*


And with that said, may this topic be forever locked in memory.

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Hahaha, man if the hay fever flared up. That would have been one messy evening.


'Was that....on my back?'

'It was my nasal fluid'


Awkward moment.

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Anywhoot, in future, just say, fancy some sex dear? floors them seriously, say it with a straight face


I laughed, and then I realised that's probably how your significant other suggests getting jiggy with it to you... Well, maybe not, but I wouldn't put it past her... :heh:

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Im dissapointed. I was expecting pictures and videos. Oh and for you to shout "Its over 9000".


Tut tut. You ruined my day :(

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Who's the man? ME! That's who!!!


(and I know what exhales you mean... dear god they're the best thing in the world)


You're a modern age genious!

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