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SciFi-Fantasy Mafia


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A voice booms across the town:


Riddle the ground, riddle the sky,

Feed me and I Live

Give me Drink and I Die

What Am I?




Darksnowman, you may have followed someone who isn't participating... Or someone who doesn't have powers during the night. If you have an interesting tidbit, why not reveal it? You don't need to reveal who you investigated.


By the way, does anyone have info on anyone with a suit?

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The thing is, I found out the mafia have a suited man among them. Not Mundi, though, and not the Don.


(And for the record, they know fully well why I know about it)


About Dyson not being the Don... We still have Eenuh, Vicar and Maase, should we lynch any of them?

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Just looking at last nights killing, the Don was in high spirits because no one had targeted "it." Is "it" the Don himself, or could "it" be something the Don is sending to to his and the mafias killing. But fair enough, we can rule Dyson out if you want because my findings mention nothing that links him with Lazyboy's killing last night. Its still weird that Dyson does nothing at night...

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Guest Maase

I belive Dyson isn't from Mafia, we shoudn't lynch him, so Vicar is also played out, then its me and Eenuh...


I don't believe in 5 letters as Don, but we haven't any lead, so whatever...


Vote me if you want, i won't blame you.



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"It" sounds like an object as opposed to a player to be honest. I don't want to vote for Maase or Eenuh based on the 5 letter theory, I think it's a character name, not a player name as I've said before.


Any other leads?

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What was it you had on Jonnas again, Mundi? That he's brutal or a loose cannon, right?


He has that my character is reckless. That is all.

Even though it's not incorrect, I'm assuming any info regarding me will sound evil (me being a suspicious guy and all).

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He has that my character is reckless. That is all.

Even though it's not incorrect, I'm assuming any info regarding me will sound evil (me being a suspicious guy and all).


Not reckless far far from reckless.

You are ruthless, ruthless is very bad and if you question that you should look up the definition on it.


Vote: Jonnas

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Not reckless far far from reckless.

You are ruthless, ruthless is very bad and if you question that you should look up the definition on it.


Vote: Jonnas


Well, maybe I'm both things. Ever thought about that!? :heh:


I really don't blame you, though. You have such info against me, I can't blame you.


Would saying things about my abilities help?

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Let's see... I am a Digimon anti-hero guy "BlackWarGreymon". According to my role PM, I'm looking for a purpose in life.


I can kill and protect. If I choose to not use any power, I get some info on peoplewho targetted me that night.

I am currently without a win condition. I'm assuming I'll join either the town or the mafia after a while, depending on my actions.



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So I guess you didn´t get some info about me since I targeted you one night and judging from the write-up you were doing stuff.

Oh and talking about that night I decided to read over it again.


A "thing" walked down a quiet street minding its own business. All of a sudden an invisible force pushes him against a wall forcing its breath out of him. Ook. Luckily the ape was around to help.


A teenager with the weight of the world on his shoulders follows a man in a blue suit.


A man in a blue suit stands there confused not sure if what he is seeing is real or not. Maybe he needs a rest, after all can someone really try and kill a corpse... can they kill without using there hands? And do apes really protect people?


This is the night that I targeted you Jonnas so one of them must be you.

Looking at the write-up there were 5 people described in the write-up that I quoted and they all were at the same place at the same time which are:

The "thing"

The monkey

A teenager with the weight of the world on his shoulders

A man in a blue suit

A person who kills with invisible force


After this day we found out that the person described as the "thing" was Moogleviper after rokhed00 blatantly came out as the ape that can protect people and said he targeted Moogle.

So we know that:


The "thing" - Moogleviper (deceased)

The monkey - rokhed00 (deceased)

A teenager with the weight of the world on his shoulders

A man in a blue suit

A person who kills with invisible force


Now I am the guy in the blue suit and darksnowman has come out and said that I am so and looking at the next day write-up:


A teenager was invited to a party. He didnt want to go but couldnt see a way out of it. A man in a blue suit tagged along


The teenager pops up again in the write-up and that night I investigated him and found out that said person is good

So the list goes too:


The "thing" - Moogleviper (deceased)

The monkey - rokhed00 (deceased)

A teenager with the weight of the world on his shoulders - A person I found out is good and is not Jonnas

A man in a blue suit - Mundi

A person who kills with invisible force


Which leaves the pesky guy who kills people with an invisible force.

Looking back at the write-up I quoted at the beginning of my post:


A "thing" walked down a quiet street minding its own business. All of a sudden an invisible force pushes him against a wall forcing its breath out of him. Ook. Luckily the ape was around to help.


A teenager with the weight of the world on his shoulders follows a man in a blue suit.


A man in a blue suit stands there confused not sure if what he is seeing is real or not. Maybe he needs a rest, after all can someone really try and kill a corpse... can they kill without using there hands? And do apes really protect people?


I believe you are the person killing with invisible power because the write-up describes that the man in the blue suit (Me) witnessed this all and 4 people were involved in this muck-up.

I know who all 4 people were involved in this were and the only one you fit in Jonnas is as the man attempting to kill someone.


Also the night after I asked about you being neither good or evil, just a ruthless person the person using the invisible force that I am accusing you of being attempted to kill me but luckily I was protected.

Which means that you tried to kill me the night after I asked about your lack of good/evilness.


So Jonnas, are you happy?

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Yeah, for some reason, I'm invisible when I kill. I think it has to do with the whole "digital" thing.


To answer your questions:


-Yes I tried to kill Moogle that night. I thought it was too obvious he was a mafioso.

-Yes, I tried to kill you. When you said you wanted to investigate me, I tried to protect you, but I was roleblocked (notice a black figure following you, getting trapped in a web).

-Later, when the investigation came to be, the piece of info you had was very incriminating. I know how hasty people here are. Since (luckily) no one payed much attention to your info, I tried to kill you before you insisted on it.


So, yeah, I tried to kill you to avoid the whole ordeal I'm in, now. And to think I tried to protect you...



By the way, since I'm probably gonna get killed tonight, I only got two snippets of info to give you:

-The 3rd night (I think), a mafia member silenced me. The info I got is, he can do more than just silencing;

-Last night, I was targetted by a mafioso in a black suit. Since nothing happened to me, I assume he's an investigator, or something.


Anything more?

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So you tried to kill me after you protected because I got incriminating information you after you protected me so I could get information about you even though you knew that all information about you would incriminating.


Also what were your reasons for killing Haggis, Coolness Bears and VolCom? Sure haggis was mafia but he had not made a single post so he could not have said anything incriminating and killing him on day 2 for inactivity is just overkill.

VolCom was good and you killed him too, why? Coolness Bears was also good yet you killed him and you tried to kill me which would put you at 4 goodies dead but I got lucky that I was protected.


I´m also curious on how being invisible lets you force air out of people throats because the write-up says you kill without using your hands.

How the write-up describe it, it looks more like your killing people using the Force.

Looking at how you killed Coolness Bears


A tough looking woman is walking down the street, doing nothing like usual. An invisible force lifts her off her feet and within seconds is choked to death.


Sounds more like a popular way the sith kill people with.

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I have to say I don't really believe Jonnas to be a digimon (or whatever he claims to be), as Mundi pointed out it doesn't add up with the way those people were killed.

Even if you are, you seem to be quite dangerous, therefore...


Vote: Jonnas

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So you tried to kill me after you protected because I got incriminating information you after you protected me so I could get information about you even though you knew that all information about you would incriminating.


No. Not really. I protected you to prove I'm not a threat. I certainly didn't expect your info to make me sound evil.


Also what were your reasons for killing Haggis, Coolness Bears and VolCom? Sure haggis was mafia but he had not made a single post so he could not have said anything incriminating and killing him on day 2 for inactivity is just overkill.

VolCom was good and you killed him too, why? Coolness Bears was also good yet you killed him and you tried to kill me which would put you at 4 goodies dead but I got lucky that I was protected.


I killed them because they never participate. I just wanted to get rid of the non-players as soon as possible.


One more thing, if you want, I won't kill anyone else. (Except maybe Beggilax and Vicar. They're not playing much.)

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