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How to hide an unwanted erection


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Sticking it up the air is a stealth method only Solid Snake could manage.


I can tuck my Solid Snake under my waistband qithout getting noticed. The trick is to tuck it under the waistband of your boxers and then wear your jeans higher than your boxers.

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I can tuck my Solid Snake under my waistband qithout getting noticed. The trick is to tuck it under the waistband of your boxers and then wear your jeans higher than your boxers.


Yeah, you want to make sure your jeans are quite high at that particular time.

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When you've been sat down and have to get up is the worst. I sometimes do the walking bent forwards and acting like you have a bad back or something. It only works for short distances though.


There's also the pocket rearrange. Putting your hand into your pocket to try and rearrange it inconspicuously. This can also be done without the hard on.


There's the downward stretch. Make out as if you are stretching and move your hands down your body towards your feet and rearrange your little man on the way.


WARNING: The above tricks have been conducted by a proffessional. Do not try this in public. Doing so could result in embarrassment, loss of street cred, loss of friends and loss of girlfriend or potential mate.

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Guest bluey

WARNING: The above tricks have been conducted by a proffessional. Do not try this in public. Doing so could result in embarrassment, loss of street cred, loss of friends and loss of girlfriend or potential mate.

i *think* the point of the thread was to hide unwanted erections you get IN PUBLIC...


and guys, sorry to burst your bubbles ~ but the "inconspicuous pocket rearrange" thing? its not inconspicuous at all - - - we all know what youre doing... :heh:

...loss of friends and loss of girlfriend or potential mate.

QFT. as a matter of fact it was one of the many things on the long imaginary list i drew up to justify dumping my ex....... bus rides were... embarrassing... :nono:



....such an idiot......

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and guys, sorry to burst your bubbles ~ but the "inconspicuous pocket rearrange" thing? its not inconspicuous at all - - - we all know what youre doing... :heh:


Yeah my tactic is to do it "in your face" so to speak. *chuckles* If you do it obviously then people will know that you are rearranging. If you try to do it inconspicuously then you look suspicious and people think you're playing with yourself.


i *think* the point of the thread was to hide unwanted erections you get IN PUBLIC...


Which is why I didn't put "Do not try this at home". :indeed:

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i *think* the point of the thread was to hide unwanted erections you get IN PUBLIC...


and guys, sorry to burst your bubbles ~ but the "inconspicuous pocket rearrange" thing? its not inconspicuous at all - - - we all know what youre doing... :heh:


Women can tell when we're scratching or rearranging? I feel... violated.


I'd like to hear the opinions of the ladies on this site...: When you're in a romantic embrace with your loved one, and your guy was 'extremely' happy to see you, do you find it irritating or annoying to feel 'wood' in that situation?


Or even from someone who aren't your loved ones, just some friend that's extremely happy to see you.

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How many erections do you guys get?


It sounds like you've had to become pros at this...



I only really get them when I'm actually aroused, which doesn't really happen that often when I'm walking down the street.


You never get a random stiffy? A hard on that appears at the most innapropriate times for no reason known to man?

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You never get a random stiffy? A hard on that appears at the most innapropriate times for no reason known to man?


I used to, not really any more.


The most recent time I can remember was like last week when I was on the bus. But I was actually thinking about sex, so it wasn't exactly random. I was sitting down, and my stop wasn't for ages, so I got over it.

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I used to, not really any more.


The most recent time I can remember was like last week when I was on the bus. But I was actually thinking about sex, so it wasn't exactly random. I was sitting down, and my stop wasn't for ages, so I got over it.


Yeah it's not as bad now. But at 12-15 it's everyday.

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Fuck that, it's still like that for me and im 22 :blank:


Are you sure it's not just two mates having a bet to see how long they can slip Viagra into your morning coffee?


Actually, I must do that to someone, preferably starting on the morning of the day his grandparents come to visit... :indeed:

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Are you sure it's not just two mates having a bet to see how long they can slip Viagra into your morning coffee?


Actually, I must do that to someone, preferably starting on the morning of the day his grandparents come to visit... :indeed:


I thought about that. But have you seen the price of viagra?

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i *think* the point of the thread was to hide unwanted erections you get IN PUBLIC...


and guys, sorry to burst your bubbles ~ but the "inconspicuous pocket rearrange" thing? its not inconspicuous at all - - - we all know what youre doing... :heh:


....such an idiot......


What about when we dig through our pockets looking for change?


I thought about that. But have you seen the price of viagra?


There are cheaper alternatives as I found out when I was pissed and at a condom machine for no particular reason a few weeks back.

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There are cheaper alternatives as I found out when I was pissed and at a condom machine for no particular reason a few weeks back.


What like?


I was at a a pub/restaurant near Derwent damn not long ago and there was this sex appeal cream that contained human pheromones.

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What like?


I was at a a pub/restaurant near Derwent damn not long ago and there was this sex appeal cream that contained human pheromones.


Well basically the condom was out of condoms apart from one thing which was £1 more than anything else and said o nthe wee display window "have the best sex ever" so I bought those isntead. Open it up the there were two pills which contain 50% shellfish-something and you're meant to take them a few hours before having sex.

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They're placebos. Note that the advert doesn't actually tell you anything, it just quotes a load of "real" peoples experiences.


Google "Blue Pill" if you don't believe me, the stuff it's made from does nothing. Not a thing. At all (except give some people Diarrhea).


The only stuff that works effectively is Viagra. There are herbs that can do the job, but as a suppliment rather than "take this and half an hour later you're ready"

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Guest bluey
What about when we dig through our pockets looking for change?

then we just think you're playing with yourself too.

...or trying to jingle your change to show us you have money in a pathetic attempt to make a move on us ... :grin:


They're placebos.

gaah dont tell him!


:nono: he obviously hadn't seen the video... *tisk*

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Guest Jordan

Yeah well... you girls have to itch too! :p


I get random errections alot if i'm bored, other wise i only get them during/thinking of sex0rs.



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