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So im becoming a cliche; a student who wants to play the guitar. But anyway, was wondering if anyone knew what the best brands etc were, or could point me in the direction of sites that would tell me.


Also, anyone know any decent sites for buying guitars?


And to carry on the topic, talk about guitar playing. Who here has learnt, wants to learn or whatever?

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If your just starting out go with an acoustic to see if its something you will stick with. If you find out you love it, go to the next level and test drive some at a music store. Most guitarists have different tastes in tone and effects and what feels comfortable in their hands.

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Im not being cocky here, but im a brilliant on guitar, ive played since i was 7, im also pretty good on drums and piano.


as far as brands go, it really depends on what you want to spend, Martin and Takamine are two of the best acoustic brands, however they can be pretty expensive, if you need any more help just PM or MSN me, i know how difficult it can be to get started so it always helps to have someone on hand to help you.

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I can't say I know a whole lot about acoustic guitars, so I doubt I can help by recommending brands and stores or whatnot. I can definitely talk about myself as a guitarist though. ^_~


I've been playing guitar for a couple of years now, and I've found it a very fun and rewarding experience, particularly in regards to songwriting. It's hard now to remember a time when I didn't play, but looking back, it did take a lot of perseverance to get to the stage where I am now. Even then, at this stage, I wouldn't consider myself a technically good guitarist. Because I taught myself, my playing style is perhaps far from conventional, and as I say, technically probably not too great. But that doesn't bother me, since I never feel limited in my songwriting by my skill, and that's all that matters to me to be honest.


I play a nice sonic-blue Fender CIJ Jazzmaster Re-Issue. Amp-wise, I currently just have a fairly mediocre Marshall job, but I hope to buy a Fender Twin Reverb when I have the money. I've managed to form a band, which has recently started to come together quite nicely. Hopefully we'll be able to play a few gigs soon, but being college students (myself without a job) we're kind of limited financially and consequently equipment-wise, which is frustrating.

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Thansk JonSt, I may call you up on that. A fair few of my friends play guitar so I may ask them but you never know.


What about just random ones such as this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Acoustic-guitar-pack-41in-steel-string-new-blue_W0QQitemZ7364143168QQcategoryZ2385QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem considering its just really to learn with, as I don't plan to perform or anything.

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Thansk JonSt, I may call you up on that. A fair few of my friends play guitar so I may ask them but you never know.


What about just random ones such as this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Acoustic-guitar-pack-41in-steel-string-new-blue_W0QQitemZ7364143168QQcategoryZ2385QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem considering its just really to learn with, as I don't plan to perform or anything.


Hard to tell without a proper pic, but it looks ok, you could try the ones in the argos catalogue, they do some good starter deals, my acoustic was a fender i got in a pack for like £100, brilliant guitar for the price.

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JonSt's advice is good, start cheap. If you can persuade someone to lend you and old one for a while that'd be good, as you can learn and get a feel for what you like to play and play with. Also, just go round guitar shops playing loads of their instruments, so long as you don't look like a snot-nosed punk, they should treat you okay.

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JonSt's advice is good, start cheap. If you can persuade someone to lend you and old one for a while that'd be good, as you can learn and get a feel for what you like to play and play with. Also, just go round guitar shops playing loads of their instruments, so long as you don't look like a snot-nosed punk, they should treat you okay.


Yea, if you can get a lend of one that always good, and as the king of men said, wathc guitar shop staff they have an awful habbit of all thinking they are jimi hendrix and that you are scum.

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Never thought I'd think about buying a guitar from Tescos but; http://www.tesco.com/electrical/Product.aspx?R=7163928


It pimps itself as a beginners guitar, which is all I want. Or how about this one: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Classical-guitar-pack-full-size-new-perfect-for-learner_W0QQitemZ7365612396QQcategoryZ2385QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


Cash Generators are offering a similar package for £60, but cant remember the make of it for the life of me.


Cheers people.

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What kind of music would you like to play?


I'm not a good guitarist myself, but I play the songs I like and it suits me. My best guitar is a Takamine nylon string. I don't know what JonSt meant by embrace, though.


When I was shopping for a guitar, I was told that the web wasn't a good medium, as you don't know what the guitar will actually sound like. Try getting one the old-fashioned way if there aren't any decent shops in your area.


Also, are you interested in learning how to read musical notes, or just learning songs you like through tabs and stuff? There are some good books for learning how to read notes, and if you want that make sure to get one that includes a CD. This is very time-consuming and many people get impatient, so there's always the good ol' tabs. http://www.mxtabs.net is where I usually go, but there are plenty of others.


And don't forget to pick up a tuner. A cheap $20 one will suffice for most people's needs. Oh, and some picks will help you out, too. Remember that the first weeks of playing guitar are painful, but it quickly gets better. :)

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What kind of music would you like to play?


I'm not a good guitarist myself, but I play the songs I like and it suits me. My best guitar is a Takamine nylon string. I don't know what JonSt meant by embrace, though.



Its a band that Ashley likes, also i wouldnt pick up a tuner just yet, give yourself a chance to tune by ear, it doesnt take long and is pretty easy.

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My first Guitar was a squier, you see people with encores but i just cant see why they just dont get a squier to be honest. Ive now got a epiphone SG, and been playing for around 2 years (ish) I can play the songs i want to.

I would say the best site for tabs would have to be http://www.powertabs.net but you have to download the software first, it is well worth it though.

Teach yourself, i believe you fine out more on your own than a tutor imo.

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yeah and tuning by ear makes your recognition for notes better which will make it easier to work out songs whilst listening to them which is always useful (and quite fun)


This is true, no more money wasted on tab books, just work it out yourself.

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Or you may just have a crap ear. I've been playing for nearly 12 years and can't tune by ear. I used to have to get my friends to do it for me before I bought my tuner.


If you dont learn it before you start, it becomes very difficult to get it later on.

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As far as music im playing, it would be just stuff I like, Embrace being one. I dunno really, would just be like "ooh I like that song, I'll try playing it!" Can't specify much.


I know you said to go to actual shops #1 but its too much hassle in my sorta-busy life, so I saw this. Its an Encore which JonSt suggested, and Twilighter didn't. Hmmm.


Oh and what about Stagg, theres a few of those going round on ebay.

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