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Sorry to continuously spam this thread with questions, but seeing as noone answered mine and there aren't any pictures of the Wii RGB cable I'll ask it again :heh:


Anyway, seeing there's no seperation of those audio (RCA) cables, I'm worried that when I preorder my Wii with RGB cables I won't get surround sound with the better image. Are the audio cables in the package or is there any other way to get Dolby Pro Logic II running with the RGB cable?


DCK, bad news and good - Nintendo posted images of all the Wii cables, including the Euro SCART RGB:


Nintendo Wii RGB Cable from Amazon


The bad news is - and I still don't understand Nintendo's logic behind this one - that the RGB cable is like the GameCube's; it doesn't seem to have separate jacks for L & R audio. :indeed: What the fuck? And even if your TV has an audio OUT socket, the chances are that it won't be true Dolby PLII you'll get -- your amp will probably just decode the stereo signal and give you artificial surround because the audio L & R signals are being input into the TV directly using the SCART plug.


I had that problem before with my GameCube actually, using an adaptor that ran the sound from the RGB cable through an external set of audio jacks and I hooked them up to my amp and it just wasn't authentic PLII, it sounded more PL actually. When I eventually swapped over to component on my new TV I could use the composite cables again to run the audio from the Cube's analogue OUT directly into the amp and the sound was great (as well as the visuals ;)).


I'm not entirely sure how you can solve this problem for yourself - if you're using the RGB cable for Wii and definitely want to have surround sound, the only thing I can think of is to buy an adaptor that will split the sound into separate RCA jacks which you can plug into your amp, and ever so slightly remove an edge of the RGB SCART cable from the back of the TV, until you hear true surround sound - trust me, it works! By doing this you're preventing the L & R audio terminals from contacting the socket on the TV and the entire signal will go through the RCA jacks. That's what I had to do too, just make sure the cable doesn't slip out of the TV too much or your image will be fucked up until you connect it properly again!


Such a crude solution, but until someone at Nintendo realises people need separate cables for audio, I think this is the only one! Any more sensible suggestions for DCK and other RGB users would be appreciated.

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Right, thanks a bundle King of Hyrule :smile:


OK this leaves me with two questions:

Where can I get an adapter that seperates the sound?

Does S-video have the same problem?


This should do the job for you!




From Maplin, £9.99


And no, luckily the official S-video cable does have separate audio cables, so maybe that would be one to consider! I'm nearly sure RGB is better than S-Video though, but only marginally.






May be totally wrong but what if you have a scart socket in the back of the decoder/amp thing? I have this so if I plug my Wii into that then the decoder into my TV will that give both the sound and image?


It may do, does the decoder have a video OUT too? If so, that should be fine, although I don't think I've heard of anything like that. Maybe I'm wrong!

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Thanks again KoH :smile:


So with that one, I'd connect the RGB to one of its input SCARTS, lead the audio over to the amp with RCA cables, and put the device's output SCART in my TV?


Can I just break out the sound connectors (Pin 2 and Pin 4 according to Wikipedia) of the SCART that plugs in my TV so that it doesn't transfer sound to the TV?

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Like with the GameCube launch, you should be able to pick up 3rd party gold plated RGB leads with the audio block also on it if you want to make use of DPLII.

Are they any good? That would probably be a lot easier than seperately ordering an audio/video splitter and smashing a SCART cable.

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Are they any good? That would probably be a lot easier than seperately ordering an audio/video splitter and smashing a SCART cable.


If you base it on the GameCube cables, they're shite. Don't buy them, I bought a GAME RGB cable and it really was pish! Absolutely nothing like the official cable.

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Could you use the GameCube RGB cables with the Wii? I don't fancy purchasing a new RGB cable for the Wii if the Cube one works just fine with it. Nintendo have used the same connection for the last few generations, what about the Wii?


Your outta luck mate, your gonna need a new RGB cable for your Wii as your cube one just wont fit in the back of your Wii.

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Why not make your own component cable? Some genius out there has modified his composite cable into a full working component cable - if you're in any way technically-minded, why not give it a shot!


Check this thread

Cheers for posting that link up. There seems to be people looking into converting the composite into an RGB aswell, which would be useful to everyone really.


That composite conversion into component is a state though.


And with regards to 3rd party RGB cables with the cube, mine looked just as good as my official one. And that was a gold plated Gamester one I believe.

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Guest Stefkov
Myabe its my monitor...but i'm not noticing any difference


If you open them both in a window each, then flick from one to theo ther, you can definitely see the sharpness of the second pic.

The component is still a bit blurry cos its a photo, i doubt someone as excited as playing zelda will take a still photo :D

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Guest Stefkov
What about RGB, I wanna see that as well!!!

Sorry, all i found on gonintendo was those two.

After doing that, yeah I see a difference but it aint much :p

Yeah it aint much but as i said its a photo, so its gona be blurry, if its jpeg aswell and its still 480p. it doesnt look that good compared to 1080p on my 360.

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I really dont see people's complaints about Composite. On my new tv, yeah its a bit blurry but its not like vomit enducing and crap like that despite what people are believing


I have to agree, you barely notice it sometimes.




gamespot have rollover images comparisons here:




hmmm just abit blurry

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Guest Stefkov
I have to agree, you barely notice it sometimes.




gamespot have rollover images comparisons here:




hmmm just abit blurry


good link that, i can see the differences, and they look sharper and lighter in component. Plus the second pic of zelda looks stretched in composite whereas in the component it ooks perfectly fine, no strain on it whatsoever. To me that is anyway.

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Not sure if youve seen it, but this has made me want a component more.

That's f***ing sold :shock:


In fact, now I realise that each of my Cube titles has looked like that, for, well, it's entire life.


And RGB is supposed to be even better....

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Guest Stefkov
Well now thats settled, I need a component cable... Wonder if I should go for the GAME one or the Official one, I heard the official ones won't be avaible before december 18th in the US, hope Europe will get our/their own cables.


I have one down for preorder in my GAME. And in tha crappy boolet we lot got to confirm our preorder it had component cable in thel ist at the back of the booklet i think. I do hope it gets here on launch. Other wise i may have to get a small tv until it comes...lol

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