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Sonys downfall (editorial)


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I think he is right about the whole 'Revolution will not compete with PS3/xbox 360'.


I agree with him when he says that the Rev will complement the next gen consoles, and be different and cheap enough that people will be able to own both. The fact is, apart from a handful of exclusives either side, and different approaches to online, there won't be a great deal of difference between the PS3 and 360. What console a person buys will come down to personal preference, and I see the people that started gaming with a PSX and moved onto PS2, staying with Sony and buying a PS3, so they are more or less guaranteed large sales.


I don't think Sony will fail next gen, but I can see the gap between them and MS being a lot smaller this time, and by the time xbox 3 and PS4 come out, it could be the beginning of the end for sony.

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Very interesting indeed. I can agree with most of it, but am in doubt that Sony will come up with a 'Halo-competitor' Perhaps the best things they have going for them games-wise are the popularity of their exclusive franchises and the popularity of the Playstation brand name itself. They'll need to create substantial amounts of PS3 hype at E3 and before the console's launch. Which will be hard as Nintendo can prove to be quite the opponent when dealing with more powerful opponents. While the Revolution doesn't have all of the bells and whistles that Ps3 has (as far as we know), Nintendo has what Sony does not: innovation beyond what's been done before (you've heard it too much, but it's undeniable), and franchises coming out of their asses. We already know of three launch/near-to launch titles that will undoubtedly score great with the consumer (unless fucked up): SSBR, Mario 128, and Metroid Prime. Announcements of other exclusive games will obviously only strengthen their lines. Sony's already blown their load with the announcement of a bunch of sequels, and all that's left are the ones they're saving up which will most likely all be from third parties.


I doubt we'll see the end of Sony this upcoming generation, but I believe we'll see their market share drop quite drastically and be overcome by Microsoft. Nintendo's fate is undeterminable. They either scare away more of their shrinking fan-base, or they strike gold like they did with the DS.

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Personally I think Sony will continue to dominate on name alone.


I agree.


Sony is synonymous with gaming in many parts of the world today. Its not a 'Nintendo', its not an 'Xbox', its not a Video Gaming Console, its a Playstation. Kinda like IPod and the MP3 Market.


I just dont see Sony going from 100 Million (Plus by the time the PS3 reaches) to say 40 Million or less.

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I agree.


Sony is synonymous with gaming in many parts of the world today. Its not a 'Nintendo', its not an 'Xbox', its not a Video Gaming Console, its a Playstation. Kinda like IPod and the MP3 Market.


I just dont see Sony going from 100 Million (Plus by the time the PS3 reaches) to say 40 Million or less.


Yeah but the same thing was said about Nintendo in years gone but look how they took a fall. Like you said about Playstation being the word used for a games console the same applied to Nintendo in the NES and SNES eras. Thankfully Nintendo are still around and are starting to realize the errors of the past.

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I hate it when people say Playstation to generalise all the consoles :(


I do think what was written in there is a realistic way of things turning out, partlybecause Sony electronics are, let's face it, crap for the price; They survive on mainly brand name.

I also think it's realistic because many will get a Revolution after playing a friends or something. I believe the Revolution will sell by word of mouth by mainly Nintendo gamers to start with, as others will be warey of the new product at first.

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I hate it when people say Playstation to generalise all the consoles :(


I do think what was written in there is a realistic way of things turning out, partlybecause Sony electronics are, let's face it, crap for the price; They survive on mainly brand name.

I also think it's realistic because many will get a Revolution after playing a friends or something. I believe the Revolution will sell by word of mouth by mainly Nintendo gamers to start with, as others will be warey of the new product at first.


It makes sense, but assuming Sony does make it through the generation, and that they're still in a position to continue in the gaming industry, perhaps they'll realise what Nintendo was talking about, also what Nintendo wasn't talking about. Nintendo is no longer in a position to compete against Microsoft and Sony with their hightech machines. They're now finding new markets with similarities to what they've done before. Kind of like the iPod video in comparison to the ipod Nano. I think it'd be pretty neat to see what Sony would come up with, although leaving a market entirely to Microsoft is a pretty dangerous thing to do.


Perhaps we'll see another competitor in years to come... Apple, perhaps?

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I'd be very happy if PS3 was a success. More chance of a FFVII remake, see?

S-E can make a FFVII remake for any console, so I dont see the relation between the two. Anyway, it's true that Sony are in the red and are facing competitors in every possible front. They'll have a higly expensive machine with high development costs and a direct opponent that offers a similar experience at a lower price (XBOX 360). This, combined with Revolution makes things hard for Sony, but they're still on top as far as image goes, so the future might not be so bleak for them.

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