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Official Iwata Keynote Thread


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No doubt in a matter of hours the forums will explode with shock/delight/tears at what Mr. Iwata does (or does not) reveal about the Revo during his upcoming keynote speech at TGS.


Just to keep everything together, I think we should use this thread for keynote discussion. We've a while to go yet, so post away your expectations/hopes!


Should be an interesting thread me thinks. :)

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Thank GOD this place is back before the announcement was.. errr... announced. I thought I was going to have to sit hear with nobody around to rejoice/bitch/gasm/piss over whatever is going to be told to us tonight.


Can someone just clear up for definite when the GMT time of when Iwata's speech starts? Some people seem to say 3am, some say 2am. I'm pretty sure I worked it out as being 2am GMT. Can someone clarify who knows for definite?

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I did alot of research and this is it: The speech will start at 11 am in japan, meaning 3am in london (gmt) and 4am in belgium where I happen to live. The speech will last 50 minutes, then add another 20 minutes or such for gamespot to get their feed up, and it's popcorn time! So I definitely have to wait till 5am at least :s For the video that is, nothing is to stop from pics to be revealed as they get announced.

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I think I will have a nintendo things burning sesh if they don't show us anything!

Starters is that DS VIP Tee that would almost be wearable if it didn't have the big VIP letters on the back. Grah.

Thanks for exact times though whoever it was.

Also does anyone know the server and channel name for the revo-europe IRC? I keep trying to use the one on the site but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Thanks.

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Considering the massive amount of hype surrounding Iwata's speech, if there's no major announcement there will be a massive backlash of anger and frustration. I'm dying to find out what Nintendo have come up with but I'm also afraid that after the massive buildup this revolutionary controller received, it's going to be very easy for people to be disappointed.


Despite how much I'm looking forward to Revolution info, I don't have the energy to stay up that late tonight :o

I started college today and I'm completely exhausted, so I'm going for a well deserved sleep and hopefully when I get up tomorrow morning I'll be pleasantly suprised. :yes:

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You convinced me. I'm going to bed... :kiss:


But no seriously. I’m almost sure Iwata is going to reveal the Revolution in about one hour and fifteen minutes. Too bad I’ve to get up early tomorrow. Have fun with the show. Good night. :awesome:

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Well, I have to be somewhere at 9:30am tomorrow morning, so no all-nighter tonight for me. I'll have to catch up on the newest details (if there are any) in the morning here at our brand spanking new Nintendo website.


Man, it smells new here. Like the smell when you pull the selophane off a new game and it smells like a Malaysian child-labour factory. That kinda new smell.

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Man, it smells new here. Like the smell when you pull the selophane off a new game and it smells like a Malaysian child-labour factory. That kinda new smell.


Just so you know, no Malaysian childs were put through strenous labour for the new forums or site, just Jan and Lammie.

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