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Nintendo Media Summit 2008


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So, Animal Crossing and Pikmin aren't original ideas? What about WarioWare and Rythm Tengokou? The simple series? No?


I owned Animal Crossing, Pikmin and WarioWare all on the GameCube.:) The GameCube was a really struggling console and every day was a drought where it was concerned, but everybody could easily name 10-20 9.0+ games that they loved on the system and a lot of them were new IPs. Nintendo and other publishers just cant be bothered this generation. Wii owners are just getting slapped in the face time and time again. The console is a GameCube 1.5 without the games.:p

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I owned Animal Crossing, Pikmin and WarioWare all on the GameCube.:) The GameCube was a really struggling console and every day was a drought where it was concerned, but everybody could easily name 10-20 9.0+ games that they loved on the system and a lot of them were new IPs. Nintendo and other publishers just cant be bothered this generation. Wii owners are just getting slapped in the face time and time again. The console is a GameCube 1.5 without the games.:p


Yeah, when the GC was the current gen people said the exact same thing about it and N64. Having a clear perspective and good memory is good. I have 24 Wii games, like them all, lots are out that I don't have yet and more to come, not counting VC. They can't be bothered? Funny, Mario Galaxy, Brawl, Mario Kart, Prime 3, despite diverging opinions, people who say these aren't great games are just plain wrong (they can say they don't like them though, fine by me), so Nintendo can't be bothered? I'm sorry, but that's idiotic. If you're talking about most 3rd parties, you're mostly right, they see than they can make money with half (or 1/4) assed aptempts, so they just don't give a crap, but then again, we already got some good 3rd party games and a few excellent ones( Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes, RE4) and they seem to be picking up the slack, but still not enough, I'll give you that

Seriously, just a quick read through your post, smells like NeoGaf, I mean GC 1.5, no games, getting slapped in the face?

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Wasn't that only in an extra level?


Lazy, you're getting things mixed up just because I'm arguing with you and using the ocasional snide remarks (it's what I do) doesn't mean I'm having a go at you or going crazy. If someone insults you or swear at you by all means, feel insulted, but this is the internet if you can't handle sarcasm and only 100% serious write-ups do the job, you're not in the right place.

My point is very simple, this happens every conference, yet we always get the games, I see no reason why this isn't another of those ocasions. HOWEVER since we already have Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Mario Kart and Brawl (in USA at least), we have to expect a different line-up and with the launch on WiiWare, I'm also expecting a focus on that, specially in conferences.

Also, I'm pretty pumped about Lost Winds, Fragile, Samba de Amigo, Tales, Sonic Unleashed, Star Wars, Okami, Opoona, World of Goo, Boom Blox, Sonic Chronicles, Guitar Hero DS, Wii Love Golf, Factor 5's project, The World Ends With You, FFIV, Trauma Center Wii 2, Trauma Center DS 2, Baroque, Valkirir Profile, FF:TA2 and others. And obviously we'll get Nintendo games, the rumoured Kid Icarus, Disaster, probably Pikmin and Animal Crossing. I just don't see a drought ahead for any console. Also, do you already have every good Wii game that's already out, or at least every one you like?

Let me take a wild guess, do you only have a Wii (as in no PS3, 360)?


It just disappoints me when people make posts like that because it can turn the discussion into a sh*t throwing contest, and then we've lost it. More than anything its annoying because we all know you can actually post a bloody good argument like you just did.


Anyway back to the talk. You're right that you always get posts like mine after the conferences, but thats because unless you have something incredible like the E3 where the Wii was first playable there's always going to be people that are going to be unsatisfied.


I understand your point about the line up, but I look at the games you listed (for the Wii) and not one of them looks to me as if it'll break 80%. Hey, hope i'm wrong.


And i'm Wii60

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It just disappoints me when people make posts like that because it can turn the discussion into a sh*t throwing contest, and then we've lost it. More than anything its annoying because we all know you can actually post a bloody good argument like you just did.


Anyway back to the talk. You're right that you always get posts like mine after the conferences, but thats because unless you have something incredible like the E3 where the Wii was first playable there's always going to be people that are going to be unsatisfied.


I understand your point about the line up, but I look at the games you listed (for the Wii) and not one of them looks to me as if it'll break 80%. Hey, hope i'm wrong.


And i'm Wii60


I'm Wii60 too! ^^

Well if they don't look good to you, there's nothing wrong with that, you just shouldn't go saying there's a drought, because not looking good to you doesn't mean they don't have quality.

One thing that really bothers me, and this is a personal view, is this fixation on scores. AAA, blockbusters, 9+ games, 80%, etc... I've been finding that most games that I've been enjoying in all consoles and PC don't fill that criteria. I am proud that I can enjoy a game simply for being fun and for what it is, while not being gullible, most of the "hardcore" (another term that I hate) gaming community is turning into a cynical and overcritical bunch instead of just enjoying games like we did when we were young. Not my loss I suppose, but it's still sad to see it happening in a young industry. That's why I'm glad we have Wii and DS bringing fresh meat to the market and "casual" games, "non-games", WiiWare, XBLA and that kind of initiative seems like a great chance to break that stigma.


Yeah it's crappy when dick-measuring-contests start, but, meh, we live with it, as long as there are still people who can discuss properly, it's always fun and worth it. And thanks :awesome:


EDIT: Pyxis, you definitely smell like NeoGaf lol

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DS hardly offered a new experience, it was a gimmick, and you could see software was pretty poor. It was a toucescreen. not new really. Two screens: better having one large one and it could at least join together properly. Microphone: redundant.

Wii is great though.

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"Yeah, when the GC was the current gen people said the exact same thing about it and N64. Having a clear perspective and good memory is good. I have 24 Wii games, like them all, lots are out that I don't have yet and more to come, not counting VC. They can't be bothered? Funny, Mario Galaxy, Brawl, Mario Kart, Prime 3, despite diverging opinions, people who say these aren't great games are just plain wrong (they can say they don't like them though, fine by me), so Nintendo can't be bothered? I'm sorry, but that's idiotic. If you're talking about most 3rd parties, you're mostly right, they see than they can make money with half (or 1/4) assed aptempts, so they just don't give a crap, but then again, we already got some good 3rd party games and a few excellent ones( Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes, RE4) and they seem to be picking up the slack, but still not enough, I'll give you that"


Metroid Prime 3? Metroid Prime was born on the GameCube and the 2nd was just like the 1st. I owned both and didnt like either. Mario Kart Wii? It looks exactly the same as DD, but it comes with a cheap bit of plastic and has...motorbikes? I'm not the type of person who is going to buy the same games over and over and over again. I already seem to own most of the good games on the Wii for my GameCube and Dreamcast, just like Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 4 isnt a Wii game and I dont see how the VC is original.

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Pyxis you are COMPLETELY uninformed! You haven't played most of the games on the Wii and admittedly say the games are unplayable because of the graphics, I don't mean to be rude but you are coming across as a bit of an idiot; we're trying to have an intelligent debate here.


For me the Xbox 360 is the most one dimensional console I have EVER owned, and I've got the Atari jaguar :) I like it, it's got some great games, Live is amazing - but most of the great games are shooters and the gameplay on the machine just feels, well, dated; there are exceptions obviously but I just don't have the urge to play on it!


The PS3 has way more potential, Uncharted is probably better than anything on the 360....actually bar Bioshock; but it's great; and the future games look infiintely better than ANYTHING for 360 - MGS4 and LBP!!!


But yeah the Wii has so much variety, so much fun and some meaty games too. I'm loving the Wii and really don't think anything will come close to taking my game playing time away from me.

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I can see why people don't like Prime, but for me it was incredible and so I wouldn't slate a sequel if you didn't like the first or if it actualy offered a bit more and was part of a story/trilogy.


And what is with the copy and paste, do you do that on all forums?


It would be nice if game's quality reflected in its sales, but it doesn't happen does it? At least not all the time.

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DS hardly offered a new experience, it was a gimmick, and you could see software was pretty poor. It was a toucescreen. not new really. Two screens: better having one large one and it could at least join together properly. Microphone: redundant.

Wii is great though.


The DS is actually my most favourite console of all time. Elite Beat Agents ruled.;)

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DS hardly offered a new experience, it was a gimmick, and you could see software was pretty poor. It was a toucescreen. not new really. Two screens: better having one large one and it could at least join together properly. Microphone: redundant.

Wii is great though.


Methinks you have some Trauma Center, EBA and Phantom Hourglass to play. And many others, too.

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Methinks I played Trauma Centre and thought it was awfully over-rated. Phantom Hourglass hardly adds much new 'ooh you can move the boomerang with the stylus'. Yeah it's a neat touch, but nothing that couldnt be done otherwise.

DS isn't groundbreaking.


Not sure how it can be considered as a favourite console...

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Pyxis you are COMPLETELY uninformed! You haven't played most of the games on the Wii and admittedly say the games are unplayable because of the graphics, I don't mean to be rude but you are coming across as a bit of an idiot; we're trying to have an intelligent debate here.


Im sorry, am I rubbing your fur the wrong way?

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Methinks I played Trauma Centre and thought it was awfully over-rated. Phantom Hourglass hardly adds much new 'ooh you can move the boomerang with the stylus'. Yeah it's a neat touch, but nothing that couldnt be done otherwise.

DS isn't groundbreaking.


Not sure how it can be considered as a favourite console...


-Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

-Trauma Center

-Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

-Pokémon D/P


-Phoenix Wright series

-Castlevania series

-Kirby: Power Paintbrush

-Worms: Open Warfare 2

-Several enjoyable platformers like:

New Super Mario Bros.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2

Sonic Rush

Kirby: Mouse Attack


I'd say that's one hell of a list. I find it hard to believe that you dislike most of these.

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Daz you're too protective. There's thousands of people that have futile reasons why they don't like the Wii, so there's little point in trying to convince, especially on the net.


Overall that list is good, but compared to the best 20 / 100 games on almost any other console its chud.


Especially seeing as Partners in Time, sonic rush, power paintbrush and Trauma are on the list.

You forgot MK and Hunters btw, the only good DS games I had really. And I bought quite a few 'rated' games.

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Timesplitters, Zelda, Brawl, Metroid and Crash Bash?

Because no-one likes them...


Just because I don't jump for the sky at any Mario game. jk

But I will say if I don't think a game is up to par, even if it means I'm against the majority. Doesnt show a sign of distaste.

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Daz you're too protective. There's thousands of people that have futile reasons why they don't like the Wii, so there's little point in trying to convince, especially on the net.


Overall that list is good, but compared to the best 20 / 100 games on almost any other console its chud.


Especially seeing as Partners in Time, sonic rush, power paintbrush and Trauma are on the list.

You forgot MK and Hunters btw, the only good DS games I had really. And I bought quite a few 'rated' games.


No offence bud, but your taste in games is "chud".

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Can I just say that Partners in Time is crap? i'll accept your other choices (just about), but that game was poor.

Don't say that dude, lol. I've play it and i love it. The gameplay mechanic is really great, and the puzzles between babys and the adults (mario and luigi) do really work good. I don't see why you say is crap. Is probably one of the best rpg on the DS. Unless you don't like rpg at all.

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RPG isnt my favourite genre no, but I am very sure you can find better RPG's around, probably less so on DS.

I tell you what is a better RPG than that game, Paper Mario (TTYD more-so).


I have had long and hard discussions about this game but chud means its bad.

I hate the game, repetitive, lacking script with only a couple of decent lines. Battle system was samey. I probably wouldnt have liked SS if it was in any way similar to this.

Just got bored the whole way through. No good platforming sections, and the last boss was a joke.


But love it if you wish. No way compares to a Paper Mario.


finally someone agrees with me!
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