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These days, the journalism industry has changed big time. The invention of blogs means that anyone and everyone can share their ideas, knowledge or anything on their minds to the whole world in a matter of minutes.


But sometimes it's tricky to really get your blog known to people outside a small group of freinds. So lets help eachother out!


Do you have a blog, or even small website? It can be about absolutely anything, from random thoughts to broacastiong kinky murders, post your link here!


Incidentally, mine is (well, will be) mainly about gaming, but considering I only created it yesterday, it's virtually empty.




So share away!

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You just wanted to do an advert for your blog didn't you! :heh:


I don't have one at the moment. I've been on the lookout for a blog site with a political slant, so if i wrote about stuff on the news people might be interested, but blog sites are tricky - they're either obscure, or one of the few big sites that are crappy and subscription based or whatever.

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Guest bluey

my blog's been get-able to-able via my signature for ages now ^_^

havent updated in ages tho cause i've been far too lazy busy.

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