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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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hmmm...im right in thinking MGS4 is a direct sequel to MGS2...hmmm its a problem... See love stealth games...just the fact I never owned a PS2 meant I never played them....I've always assumed I will pick up on as much of the story as I could whilst still enjoying the game...


MGS4 has more to do with MGS3 as well.

  • The Boss
  • EVA
  • Ocelot history
  • The Patriots history


The origins of The Patriots are revealed in Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops. As revealed in the epilogue of Snake Eater, The Patriots were, in fact, the American branch of a secretive group known as The Philosophers, a group which was formed after the end of World War I when leaders of major Allied powers, China and Bolshevik Russia entered a secret pact for unspecified reasons. They broke away from the Philosophers decades later as a result of turmoil following deaths of the group's original leaders in the 1930s, renaming themselves "The Patriots" in 1970. In the end of Portable Ops, Ocelot conspires with an unknown character described as "the man with the same code name as Null" to invite Big Boss and form "The Patriots".


The concept of The Patriots was first introduced to the series in Metal Gear Solid 2, where their existence is revealed by Ocelot, along with the fact that Ocelot has been working for them all along. The Patriots are dedicated to creating a new world order through acts of blackmail, murder and manipulation on an untold scale, unknown to most of the world. Such an example is a Trojan horse in the fix for Y2K bug invented by The Patriots in the run up to the new Millennium, security patches for which installed monitoring software on every computer in America.


Throughout the game, whenever a character mentions "The Patriots", their nanomachines automatically statics it out and replace the phrase with "La-li-lu-le-lo". The only exception is President Johnson, who is ordered to reveal their existence to Raiden.


At the game's end, Snake acquires a disk containing a list of the members of the Wisemen's Committee. After Otacon examines the contents of the disk, he states that all members had been dead for about "a hundred years".


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Review scores so far:


PlayStation Official Magazine (UK): 10/10

PlayStation Official Magazine (US): 10/10

PlayStation Official Magazine (Italy): 10/10

PlayStation Official Magazine (Dutch): 9.6/10

Level (Sweden): 10/10

Joypad (France): 19/20

Jeuxvideo Magazine (France): 18/20

Chief (Belgium) : 9.7/10

Hobby Consolas(Spain) : 9.6/10

GamePro : 5/5

HardGame2 : 9/10

Meristation : 10/10

IGN UK : 9.9/10

Eurogamer : 8/10

Gamesmaster 97 / 100

PSM3(Portuguese) 94 / 100

Jeuxvideo : 9/10

Playfrance : 9.5/10

PTOM (USA) : 10/10

EDGE: MGS4 Review 8/10


the last Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer is going to be shown at MTV Movie Awards


The Prologue of MGS4 videos from Famitsu can be found here.

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well to be honest I was already considering putting off playing it till im done with gta maybe I should put it off till summer to enjoy it at its best and find a way to play mgs2


I would recommend playing the other metal gear games before MGS4. They all explain different parts of the story. Or at least read the background story off the other games so when you do play it you know whats goin on!

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hmmm...im right in thinking MGS4 is a direct sequel to MGS2...hmmm its a problem... See love stealth games...just the fact I never owned a PS2 meant I never played them....I've always assumed I will pick up on as much of the story as I could whilst still enjoying the game...


Have you got a PS3? If you have then MGS and MGS2 and 3 wii work on it.

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Guest Jordan
Have you got a PS3? If you have then MGS and MGS2 and 3 wii work on it.


Not if you have a 40GB model...

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Hopefully Daft will post the picture of me and Kojima soon :)


Sorry about the shit quality of my phone camera. It was good, but too much standing around and the bouncers were *****.


Will do when reconnect desktop later.


That was fun, bar the fascist bouncers and my back now killing me! :heh:

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From PlayStation Blog:


James Price, Piggyback Interactive Limited:

We’ve been playing MGS4 every day for the past ten weeks, and the good news is: we’re still enjoying every minute of it. If we had a dollar for every time that someone on the team has said “Did you see…?” or “Have you tried…?”, we could probably fund Hideo Kojima’s next project, and still have spare change to buy a nice holiday home – like, say, in the Bahamas.


Okay: so that’s perhaps a slight exaggeration. But really, MGS4 has more secrets and subtle features than most games have… well, game.


MGS4 is a game built from the ground up for repeat play. As the story draws to a close, you are awarded with one or more secret emblems that acknowledge (and, in effect, rate) your performance and style of play. Usually, even veteran gamers only unlock one, perhaps two on their initial playthrough. There are a ton of these accolades in total.

Though it contains a handful of situations which have the potential to stop even hardcore players in their tracks (including one audaciously excellent boss fight puzzle), Metal Gear Solid 4 is defined not so much by what you do during play, but what you haven’t done. When you pass through a checkpoint your first reaction often isn’t to focus on what lies ahead, but to reflect on how you could have approached the previous area in a completely different way. MGS4 constantly inspires the question “What if…?” – even as the final credits crawl by, you suspect that you didn’t so much “beat” it as simply reach the end. Precious few games evoke this kind of response, and it’s a big part of what makes Kojima-san’s opus so very special.


Kojima Productions has packed MGS4 with an incredible range of hidden weapons and items, Easter eggs, dialogue sequences, post-game rewards and other such “optional” features. When you take the sheer number of tactical options into account, you realize that many players could reach the conclusion of MGS4 a dozen times, and still not have fully explored the possibilities on offer. There are gadgets and weapons that a player might completely neglect to try out (or, indeed, find), even after twenty or thirty hours of play; later, using some of them is a revelation as you realize the new strategic options they offer. Others are just fun, pure and simple.

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More photos from today:








And this lucky sod got a picture with Kojima! :D




Annoyingly I had the thing zoomed in from a previouse photo but its better than nothing. :(


If you want the full 4mb photo Domo, just message me.

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Funny (creepy) video of MGS4 Kojima signing event.


reviewer comments:


*Cutscenes make up around one half of the game and the pacing is un proportionate. There are points in the game where the gameplay outweighs the cinematics, however during the second half of the title the cutscenes become numerous and extremely long with little gameplay time meshed in between.



*There is plenty of codec conversations available for players to trigger, however the codec appears very rarely during the main story line.


*He felt under whelmed by the ending. The emotional impact was diluted from a bewildering, at times overly indulgent and lengthy exposition that divided Sons of Liberty players, and felt unsuitable as the emotional curtain call of Solid Snakes Saga.


*The gameplay is phenomenal. There is an incredible variety of missions that wouldn't feel out of place in even a GTA game. Gamers will be taken on a roller coaster ride of unpredictable scenarios that spin the entire MGS series on it's head and back.


*Gamers are aware of less than 10% of the game. There are incredible amounts of surprise characters, easter eggs and special features that easily drive the possible playtime into the months. Kojima has kept such an astounding amount of content secret that players will be blown away weeks after launch, still discovering new things.


*The game needs to be played multiple times to fully understand and appreciate the story line. There is a great deal of sub plots and layers of themes that are impossible to intake in a single playthrough.


*The script is enormous, possibly surpassing that of all three Metal Gear games combined. Every character has their story line and very few are left undeveloped. There are numerous characters that have not yet been announced to the public.


*The game is an overall masterpiece. He felt extremely satisfied with the entire product, though noted that the ending scenes may divide or fail to reach the expectations of some.

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I've been hyped for so long (I've OD'd on everything MGS) I'm on a downer now, which is very good. Just need to keep this up until next week.


CVG gave the game 9.5 saying the end would split the fans.

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I just wanted to check part of the plot from snake eater that I've gotten from reading plot spoilers etc...was part of the point to Naked Snakes assignment a ruse (sp?!) to get him to kill The Boss so he could replace and become Big Boss?

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