or else you will DIE Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 I don't get why we don't get more of the game franchises on each system, like a Mario Kart DS 2 or another Mario platformer. Though I'd still like to see Pikmin Wii and Castlevania Wii. I can dream.
Jamba Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 I'm ready for E3 to be quite disappointing. I expect another session of Ninty licking their own balls and declaring how amazing they are. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony completely screw them show wise. I really like the Wii but I don't see N being comitted to actually making that many NEW games. If I look at the big hitters so far: Zelda, Mario and Metroid then these are all Gamecube games in many ways. Their development started way back in the last generation too. Time for the 3nd gen software to start hitting. I'm gonna start getting annoyed if I find that most of the games announced on the Wii take no advantage of it's features. This would only prove that the Wii has won almost entirely on being cheap and having good advertising. Follow Capcom, Nintendo.
Kurtle Squad Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 I wouldn't be surprised if Sony completely screw them show wise. Now now....That's going a bit far. It'd be funny to get another yawnfest from Sony; they don't do gimmicks you know I really hope so, but I don't know whether they had time enough since Metroid Prime 3 to do so. I also don't see why they should reuse the MP3 engine, really, it's a GameCube engine with added bloom. Well the Wii is a Gamecube with additions so.... Plus, engines can be molded quite significantly to give them a completely different feel. However, I don't think Retro wanted to keep doing FPA/FPS stuff. I'm sure they mentioned in an interview AGES ago that they wanted to branch out a bit. a hard drive, too. Being common sence, it wont happen.
M-PG71C Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 I dunno, Sony has one helluva a lineup this year. Enough so to where I will be buying my own PS3. I been playing my roommate's PS3 but he'll be gone after this semester so I need to get my own. :P
Rummy Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Looks like the tables have turned since the giant enemy riiiiiidgeee raceeerrrrrrrrr days. A few people have raised some good points, what ARE nintendo doing? Actually, maybe I'm being a bit blind. I mean, there's plenty out for the wii, but...nothing stands out to me! I guess actually, Strikers does, the obvious like Galaxy, Corruption, SPM, though I haven't played Corruption or SPM. I feel it'll be Brawl that kicks some damn life into the system, and I say life, but I don't mean life, if you know what I mean? I dunno, maybe the Wii just isn't catering to me and I'm in denial of it, who knows? The Rare thing still bugs me, Ninty need to get some good second party devs on board like, and they themselves need to produce some games that really show off what the wii can do! To show it's more than a gamecube 1.5, and considering the fact it IS a gamecube 1.5, they should be so experienced with it that they can do awesome stuff with it, but I'm not seeing it much. Maybe they're too focused on the DS, but didn't they state they'd reroute some efforts from DS titles to Wii titles? Maybe, as dire as it sounds, it's just a case that Nintendo aren't gonna do anything simply because they don't need to. The DS prints money, the Wii prints money. They've got a unique hook with both systems(touch screen ease, wii control system) and a market the other consoles haven't got so much of. The Wii's are STILL hard to find in places, Nintendo don't need to make any effort to sell these things, they're rolling in money and are probably making 5 or 6 figure profits every day, so why bother putting the effort in now? Save the resources and money until you're down in the dust and actually sruggling. Hell, as much as I hate to admit it, it'd probably be quite a sensible business thing to do.
Kurtle Squad Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Who knows what Nintendo are doing, they like surprises and such at E3 so... I haven't seen anything on the PS3 that would make me even begin to want a PS3 still. There are 2 or 3 games, but not that would warrent a PS3 purchase. I prob wouldn't get one anyway though, one console & handheld was more than enough for me last gen and I already feel it getting the same way with the Wii60 DS.
killer kirby Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 I think Nintendo just want to get SSBB, Wii Fit and Mario Kart out of the way before showing off anymore games.
DCK Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Well the Wii is a Gamecube with additions so....Plus, engines can be molded quite significantly to give them a completely different feel. On a console like that, we wouldn't have Mario Galaxy. MP3's feel was not that much different to MP2 really, it looked quite a bit better but I don't think MP3 pushed the system - I'm positive that it was an engine that was at least 70% the same, with some modifications to use the additional memory and bloom. I hope Rare are focusing on using all of the hardware now.However, I don't think Retro wanted to keep doing FPA/FPS stuff. I'm sure they mentioned in an interview AGES ago that they wanted to branch out a bit.Yeah, I hope so too, but I think it'll be an action game still. Maybe an action platformer or action RPG like Raven Blade.
Deathjam Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Save the resources and money until you're down in the dust and actually sruggling. Hell, as much as I hate to admit it, it'd probably be quite a sensible business thing to do. Smart business thing to do would be to keep the Wii in the Maturity stage of the product life cycle for as long as possible, keeping public interest high, rather than letting it enter the Decline stage where they will have to spend considerably more money to get it back on the radar. Slightly off topic. at the moment, I would say that the Wii is still in the growth stage with pick up rate still very high, possibly entering into maturity PS3, is moving out of the introduction stage, planting itself in growth, and the 360 is possibly entering the saturation stage.
DCK Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 That graph has never held for individual video game consoles (more for the industry in general). The Wii didn't experience the introductory phase for example.
daftada Posted March 9, 2008 Posted March 9, 2008 I'm quite disappointed nintendo seem to have forgotten about F-Zero, would love a wii version with online options. We need more monkey loving too, a proper 3D platformer or a return to 2D (on wii ware or ds) would be great. Quite surprised nintendo haven't released Donkey Konga 3 for wii, would probably sell more on wii than on cube.
Ren of Heavens Posted March 11, 2008 Posted March 11, 2008 Ok, lets look at the status of the different Ninty developers: Retro: Finished Metroid 3 last summer. Will probably show of a new IP this year. Will be delayed three times and released in 2010. Intelligent Systems: Super Paper Mario was their last Wii game and AW: Days of Ruin for DS was released in January. Working on Fire Emblem DS for Q4 release. Probably not working on a Wii game for release this year, or maybe a small one like WarioWare 2. Monolith Soft: Disaster: Day of Crisis is probably finished. I think I read somewhere that Nintendo would find the right time to release it (probably in off-season, summer maybe). Probably working on a new RPG franchise for Wii for late 2009 announced later this year. Nintendo EAD1: Just finished Mario Kart Wii. Won't have time to show anything new this year. Nintendo EAD2: Working on Animal Crossing Wii. Proably due in Q4, at least in Japan. Nintendo EAD3: The Zelda team. Has probably started working on a new Zelda for Wii after PH and Crossbow Training. I think we'll see the first glimpse of it at E3, but not released this year. Nintendo EAD4: The 2D Mario team. My guess is that they're working on New Super Mario Bros. 2. Nintendo EAD5: Wii Fit team. Surely working on new (mini)games utilizing the balance board. EAD Software Group Tokyo: Folks behind Galaxy. Probably won't show anything new this year. They made DK Jungle Beat as well, so maybe a Donkey Kong platformer from the guys behind Galaxy... NST: The American team behind Metroid Prime: Hunters. Project HAMMER was cancelled, so their probably working on a new Wii game. Maybe they're using their online FPS experience on something... Or maybe a new 1080 Snowboarding or Wave Race... HAL: Working on Kirby Wii. Genius Sonority: Guys behind GC/Wii Pokémon games. Probably working on a new Wii Pokémon game. Sora: Just finished Smash. Won't hear from them in a long time.
david.dakota Posted March 11, 2008 Posted March 11, 2008 The Rare thing still bugs me What?! Nintendo offloaded that heap o' crap just in time, Starfox Adventures was mediocre at best, and as for the turds Rare have dropped on XBOX and 360, simply inexcusable. The best thing to have come out from Rare in the past 5 years are ports of 10 year old SNES games. Nintendo must've been laughing all the way to the bank. Agreed that Nintendo need to splash the cash a bit, more development teams, buy existing IPs (as per Fatal Frame rumour), but holding on to Rare because they used to make great games.? No thank you.
DCK Posted March 11, 2008 Posted March 11, 2008 Ren, you're hugely underestimating the capacities of Intelligent Systems and Nintendo EAD1. They can make multiple big games at the same time. Also, N-Space and Kuju are studios to consider.
McPhee Posted March 11, 2008 Posted March 11, 2008 What?! Nintendo offloaded that heap o' crap just in time, Starfox Adventures was mediocre at best, and as for the turds Rare have dropped on XBOX and 360, simply inexcusable. The best thing to have come out from Rare in the past 5 years are ports of 10 year old SNES games. Nintendo must've been laughing all the way to the bank. Agreed that Nintendo need to splash the cash a bit, more development teams, buy existing IPs (as per Fatal Frame rumour), but holding on to Rare because they used to make great games.? No thank you. I'd wouldn't say Rare are that bad! Viva Pinatta was great, Kameo was good, and PD Zero was reasonable for a console shooter, though not a patch on the origional. They're output is still better than most developers out there, and they seem to be getting back on they're toes. Banjo Kazooie 3 will be the big test, if they screw that up then they're reputation is down the pan.
tapedeck Posted March 11, 2008 Author Posted March 11, 2008 Banjo Kazooie 3 will be the big test, if they screw that up then they're reputation is down the pan. I just hope it actually sells...
Hero-of-Time Posted March 12, 2008 Posted March 12, 2008 Heres a nice little article from Games Radar which kind of hints on the same subject. http://www.gamesradar.com/f/whats-next-for-nintendos-best/a-2008031112391714076
Rummy Posted March 12, 2008 Posted March 12, 2008 What?! Nintendo offloaded that heap o' crap just in time, Starfox Adventures was mediocre at best, and as for the turds Rare have dropped on XBOX and 360, simply inexcusable. The best thing to have come out from Rare in the past 5 years are ports of 10 year old SNES games. Nintendo must've been laughing all the way to the bank. Agreed that Nintendo need to splash the cash a bit, more development teams, buy existing IPs (as per Fatal Frame rumour), but holding on to Rare because they used to make great games.? No thank you. It's a fair point, but I'm blaming on Microsoft anyway :P I haven't really played any of Rare's games from the noughties so I can't pass judgement on them. However, whatever happened to Free Radical? The guys who made Timesplitters, I'm pretty sure I heard they were an off shoot from Rare, and if they were, Nintendo need to see if they're still together and get some fundings behind them!!
McPhee Posted March 12, 2008 Posted March 12, 2008 It's a fair point, but I'm blaming on Microsoft anyway :P I haven't really played any of Rare's games from the noughties so I can't pass judgement on them. However, whatever happened to Free Radical? The guys who made Timesplitters, I'm pretty sure I heard they were an off shoot from Rare, and if they were, Nintendo need to see if they're still together and get some fundings behind them!! They were part of Rare, yes. Chances of them ever working closely with Nintendo or being bought over by them are pretty slim though, the guys who own FRD had a falling out with the Stamper Brothers and Nintendo. Thats the reason why they (and other key team members) left, and probably quite a large part in why Rare got sold off...
Meta_Omega Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Does a console need an expected title to look forward to? (IE: MGS4 - PS3/HALO3 -360). Re-release of Halo 3 confirmed.
McMad Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Ren, you're hugely underestimating the capacities of Intelligent Systems and Nintendo EAD1. They can make multiple big games at the same time. Also, N-Space and Kuju are studios to consider. Nintendo don't own Kuju though, they only collaborated with them on the Batallion Wars games and since no. 2 didn't sell so well I don't think they'll be making a third or anything else for Nintendo for a while. Doesn't Nintendo own that studio Brownie Brown? They must be making some sort of niche' DS RPG at them moment. EDIT: That Gamesradar article was awesome HoT, I am salivating at all those possibilities.
darkjak Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 No, the thread title isn't a snide Wii Sports putdown but a look at Nintendo's core franchise usage. Already we are seeing a large franchise prescence on Wii, and with Smash Bros and Mario Kart coming we then only have to look at major (recent) core franchises such as Pikmin, Starfox and F-Zero (and a few others) as the only titles we haven't seen on Wii. Actually there are LOADS of IP's we havent seen on the Wii. Pilotwings, Waverace, Excitebike, 1080, Donkey Kong. And then we KNOW there will be a REAL Wii Zelda (TP was the best Zelda since OOT, but it was still just a GC port). But yes, I'm expecting to see a few new IP's on the Wii. There will be loads of casual games that won't be based on previous franchises. I'm also hoping for some hardcore games, though. I don't actually think that Disaster has dissapeared, and I hope not, since it looked very prommising. Snakes appearance in Brawl makes me suspect that there sooner or later will be a MGS game for the Wii of some sort. Maybe a port of MGS2/MGS3, maybe a remake of the first NES Metal Gear.
tapedeck Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Heres a nice little article from Games Radar which kind of hints on the same subject. http://www.gamesradar.com/f/whats-next-for-nintendos-best/a-2008031112391714076 Games Radar are sniping my threads. Good Read though.
mcj metroid Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 If wiiware i promoted properly it could be fantastic but i feel like xboxlive arcade it won't be..I often see people playing solitare and games like collapse on websites on their pcs..This is the casual stuff the wii is going to release but it will probably go unnoticed to the casual just like the vc more or less(it's very hard to find vc points in the shop anymore) I do see the ps2 making a big comeback this year they are in a great position to do it..The wii motion sensing talk is wearing off so right now they need a bang..mario kart is good going for families.it's a start anyway i see wii music helping but well see Snakes appearance in Brawl makes me suspect that there sooner or later will be a MGS game for the Wii of some sort. Maybe a port of MGS2/MGS3, maybe a remake of the first NES Metal Gear. i don't think so at all..however i can see there might be a metal gear on wii eventually but it has nothing to do with him being in smash..If anything i'd say pit being in it is a bigger hint to kid ikarus.
tapedeck Posted March 17, 2008 Author Posted March 17, 2008 I do see the ps2 making a big comeback this year, they are in a great position to do it.. You DO mean PS3 right? Although a PStwo could come along and capture the kiddy market..tbh I thought SONY would have been all over that idea.
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