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Buffalos are Gangster, Lions are not


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lol just one of the most awesome wildlife videos I have ever seen. The way the Buffalo's get their calf back and mess up the lions is truely classic. This video had me vocally cheering for a buffalo and that is something I never thought I would do lol.



Amazing how animals are able to use so many basic human characteristics, in sticking together etc.



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Amazing how animals are able to use so many basic human characteristics, in sticking together etc.

I don't think humans can lay claim to such characteristics, they run throughout nature, not just us.


People are often rubbished for anthropomorphising, but I think there is something to it. However, rather than seeing humanity in animals, what we're really seeing is animals in ourselves.

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Cool video, but I don't appreciate greengrocers' apostophes. :heh:


As for the anthropomorphism thing, I think it can be a danger in that people are wont to attribute very human behavioural explanations in some cases. Nevertheless, some of the time we do share behaviour with other animals, though we must be careful to distinguish automated reponses with reasoned ones. Also note that describing behaviour with language such as "he wants to..." etc. can be a useful analogy even if it isn't true.

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Amazing vid, makes me think we need some sort of Nature thread! I do marvel at some of the wonders nature holds, love watching the documentaries and stuff, especially david attenborough's(shame the Life series has finally come to an end :(). Still, absolutely brilliant vid, love it when the buffulo just flung that lion into the air, the drama with the crocs, all amazing. Wish the buffalo hadn't been so timid, such a large number of them and they didn't just rush the lions, though I guess they might have been considering the calf's welfare too. Spectacular.

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