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Getting grades?

Ninty 182

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I know there was a uni thread (and I think an A Level thread) but I couldn't find them so I thought I'd post this (which is sort of separate from them anyway).


What happens if you don't get the grades you need to get into any of the 5 uni choices you have? I've just got my next set of A2 results back and it's looking doubtful whether I will (the way its worked out I need AAB at the minimum!)


Does anyone know or is anyone else feeling the same?

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You take 2 choices a prefered choice and a back up option. If you dont get the grades for your prefered choice ring the university anway, depending on the ammount of applicants they have and your grades they might still take you. If not then do the same for your back up option. If you still dont have a place you enter clearing, which basicaly lists all courses with spaces in all universitys and the entry requirements then its just a case of applying for them and hoping for the best.


As a side note I needed ABB to get into my uni I got the frankly awful CCD and they still let me in, so try not to worry to much.

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As a side note I needed ABB to get into my uni I got the frankly awful CCD and they still let me in, so try not to worry to much.



Cheers that is reassuring.



Also, is it possible not to not go to uni if you don't get the grades, wait a year and apply the next year to a different university with lower grade boundaries?

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Cheers that is reassuring.



Also, is it possible not to not go to uni if you don't get the grades, wait a year and apply the next year to a different university with lower grade boundaries?


yes :)


But don't think just because you've not got the grades that the university doesn't want you. On results day your college/6th form should be able to help you get in tough with the university and basically beg for the course. Even if that fails, the uni may offer you a similar course. And if that doesn't happen, then Clearing is most certainly not something you should look down on or ignore.


From the sounds of it you're not too fussed about the university, it's the course you want? Then for sure have a look at what universities are after fresh blood in clearing. It's good to have a vague idea about what area of the country you definitely do not want to end up in, though.


But back to your initial question; yes, you can apply again. As far as I know they allow that, but they do not allow you to wait too long? For specifics just ask your college tutors.


Don't give up hope yet! :)

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Agreed with everybody I even got told today while at sheffield that if anything does happen to go wrong then ring.


Its kind of like bargaining sometimes they let you on but you have to do something extra or you strike it lucky. Either way you should be fine!

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Agreed with everybody I even got told today while at sheffield that if anything does happen to go wrong then ring.


That's even more of a relief to hear as Sheffield is one of the places I've applied for, probably going to be my first choice

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That's even more of a relief to hear as Sheffield is one of the places I've applied for, probably going to be my first choice


Mine too ^.^, yeah the woman was really reassuring and mention that nobody is perfect, they tend to make their entries 240points, which is C ish a level standard, though they do accept lower if the place isn't full.


Other than that you can make up for it, you'll be fine I've got a good impression they are nice there ^.^

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