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I played this game at a friend's house and absolutely loved it. I just love creating stuff and this game is perfect. I made a savings jar and am just 4 euro way from getting the PS3 and LBP bundle.


I'm already making doodles on pieces of paper during class for levels I want to create. Hope to see everyone here online and get some LBP friends quick.


Anyone wanna help me through the story mode so i can get all the prize bubbles?

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Anyone tried it yet? Not holding out high hopes to be honest. It's the rocket thing which probably won't work for people.


I tried it mate. Commented online. It's a great wee level for a first attempt. A lotta stuff going on and it all works. Well thought out, measured and put together :D


Look forward to more fo your creations as you get better and better.


Oh and I am now getting this tomorrow, any tips on what i should do?

Blaze through story and then later get the prizes, or try to finish each level 100% or just go straight into level creating?

Oh and I am now getting this tomorrow, any tips on what i should do?

Blaze through story and then later get the prizes, or try to finish each level 100% or just go straight into level creating?


Single player then hit the create mode then you'll have a ton more stuff to meddle with.


Create mode is amazing regardless though. And if you play through the single player mode you'll probably have more of an idea as to what you can actually create.


I wouldn't say it mattered though :heh:


Been doing something massive on my level, as the next segment.


Think I'm going to have to scrap it though, as....well I can't get past a certain point of difficulty I've run into, and the actual concept is not necessary at all. :)


I'm really going to go to town on history levels. I'm going to create Rome or Egypt next. I've nearly finished The Great Wall of China :) Kinda difficult to make a cracking level. I'm perhaps too much of a perfectionist.


I've also made a Quantum Leap level but refuse to publish it as it's not as good as I wanted it to be. The idea was good but the execution is, imo, bloody awful lol.


Planning the levels is all good (on paper) yet when you're actually playing it it's a whole different ball game as to whether it's actually good or not. I hate the idea of stealing other ppl's ideas (creations) but there are deffo some great "oooo, must copy" moments out there.

You really have to think on an engineer scale to create anything amazing. If you just go for a 2D scroller it's perhaps a tad boring as the core mechanics don't really lend themselves to a "traditional" 2D horizontal title. The genius lies in the mechanisms you incorporate into your levels imo.


I'll stop bitching now and get back to creating what I deem to be the best I can do. Nothing else will do!

I'm really going to go to town on history levels. I'm going to create Rome or Egypt next. I've nearly finished The Great Wall of China :) Kinda difficult to make a cracking level. I'm perhaps too much of a perfectionist.


I've also made a Quantum Leap level but refuse to publish it as it's not as good as I wanted it to be. The idea was good but the execution is, imo, bloody awful lol.


Planning the levels is all good (on paper) yet when you're actually playing it it's a whole different ball game as to whether it's actually good or not. I hate the idea of stealing other ppl's ideas (creations) but there are deffo some great "oooo, must copy" moments out there.

You really have to think on an engineer scale to create anything amazing. If you just go for a 2D scroller it's perhaps a tad boring as the core mechanics don't really lend themselves to a "traditional" 2D horizontal title. The genius lies in the mechanisms you incorporate into your levels imo.


I'll stop bitching now and get back to creating what I deem to be the best I can do. Nothing else will do!


All sounds good...I want to do a world war level going thorugh the history so going to do that and try and get things worked around teaching in a fun way kinda....


I have to say as fantastic as this game is it has fallen by the wayside somewhat... I think the sheer amount of time you have to put in to creating is just a major committment especially for me as I am not particurly good at it. Xmas hols will have to try hard and catch up...


Game just arrived in post this morning. Only ordered it from amazon on sunday night at 12am with the free slow (two - four days) option so pretty surprised by speedy delivery. Want to try it out now but just remembered that I also ordered a 320gb hard drive off play.com for 49.99 so will wait till then methinks.


Only at home right now cos I feel like crap from cat allergies/flu/cold so I have time too. A shame that Play aren't so prompt.


EDIT: I was WRONG. It just some DVD that I ordered a few days ago and completely forgot about. Damn.

This blog is listing many great levels that alot of people have missed.






It is. Thats why i have taken a break. I will be back to it. My rotating stage where you control via jetpacks is coming along nicely. Its a short but challenging level. Getting loads of inspiration from others in the mean time.


that is a pretty good site and lots of good reviews.


I find it hard to get myself to going in create mode. I'm going to concentrate my levels into short minigames or short cool ideas.

Does anyone know why when I put an emitter on floaty material it doesn't work? Also, how do you make counters? eg 10,9,8... so that when you put an object next or into another it counts up or down?

Finally - what does the sync button do?


Is there any way to make an emitter emit objects such as megnetic keys? I really hope there is otherwise my plan has failed.


I've drawn up my plans in paint and I think they can work - im glad i got the ideas down because i probably would have probably forgot how to do them.

Is there any way to make an emitter emit objects such as megnetic keys? I really hope there is otherwise my plan has failed.


I've drawn up my plans in paint and I think they can work - im glad i got the ideas down because i probably would have probably forgot how to do them.


Yeah I have tons of bits of paper with doodles on for when I finally back to creating in this game.


Yeah how do you do it? I don't understand yet...


Edit: aha, figured it out myself - if you save the key as an object you can make it emit that by choosing from your objects.


Edit: wow my ideas are more complicated than I thought, you really have to know how to design stuff!


Finally finished the single player of the game now, so now time to play a few of your levels I think. I'm still not sure about doing my own level. I haven't really got any clue what to make.


Game is GOOOOOOOOD. Had loads of fun with this with Tegg/Choze. Want to play more but need sleep. Playing other's levels really gives me some ideas with some of the simplest being heaps of fun to play, especially with a buddy in tow too. Oh and choze, your rollercoaster level looks like its been excellently designed, but didnt get a chance to actually ride the thing.Will try tomorrow/today.


Some of the community levels are great! I loved the game, but did anyone feel like there was just a little too much hype over it? I mean it was good. But I didn't think it was nearly as good as it was made out to be...


Maybe it's just me.

Some of the community levels are great! I loved the game, but did anyone feel like there was just a little too much hype over it? I mean it was good. But I didn't think it was nearly as good as it was made out to be...


Maybe it's just me.


I think the game has met the hype to be quite honest. The hype was all about what you can do with the games amazing level editor, and all that is there. I think some people probably thought there would be loads of incredible levels, and it'd be easy to create a masterpiece, and so aren't getting quite what they thought they would get out of it.


Did anyone else find the level editor difficult to use at first? All I'm trying to do is make a spike pit sort of thing between platforms. But it keeps just having them go up and down instead of just staying on the ground. Am I using the wrong thing?

Also is there anyway to make a platform that isn't in some way attached to the ground?


That Guy -

You can either use Dark Matter, which just floats there, or you can make the object using wood or any normal material and bolt/stick it to something else. A good way of doing this is making a thin piece of the material and drawing it from the ground in the plane you want, and then you can just stick the object to it by holding 'x' when placing it.


For the spikes you need to use a piston - for the spike floor you'll need to make a small bit of material to put each lot of spikes on, but you link the spikes and the material with the piston. Then you adjust the pistons maximum and minimum lengths so it move up and down at the right height.


Remember: if you want to replicate that object, go to the goodies bag and select the tool that says grab object (I think), then make a box around that object and press 'x'. This will save it to My Objects in the goodies bag so you don't have to keep making it.

That Guy -

You can either use Dark Matter, which just floats there, or you can make the object using wood or any normal material and bolt/stick it to something else. A good way of doing this is making a thin piece of the material and drawing it from the ground in the plane you want, and then you can just stick the object to it by holding 'x' when placing it.


For the spikes you need to use a piston - for the spike floor you'll need to make a small bit of material to put each lot of spikes on, but you link the spikes and the material with the piston. Then you adjust the pistons maximum and minimum lengths so it move up and down at the right height.


Remember: if you want to replicate that object, go to the goodies bag and select the tool that says grab object (I think), then make a box around that object and press 'x'. This will save it to My Objects in the goodies bag so you don't have to keep making it.


Thanks for the help on this. What if I want some spikes to just be on the floor and not move at all. I literally want to have floor layered with spikes.

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