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Just published my Daft Punk level... that was a nightmare to make. I swear the editor kept moving things without me doing anything.


Anyways, try it out. It's called, 'Daft Punk - Make Love'.


Tell me what you think. :heh:


I will give it a go shortly mate, after I wrestle the controller from my daughters hands.:(

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Just tweaked my Daft Punk level...it still sounds a bit weird but I suck at music and it's going to do my head in. :heh:


I thought it was really good tbh. I didn't recognise the song though :o. Was well made and the vibe was nice and mellow. I like the way you use lighting in your levels. The snowy one you did was great fun with lots of unique elements.


I'm currently making a level based around a journey through the jungle to find a famous myth. I'm trying to give it a nice 'text' feel with a notion that, when you come away from it you'll actually feel like you've learnt something. It will be done quite soon and I hope people embrace it as I've yet to come across any real text-based levels.


Furthermore, is anyone else just struggling in the create mode at just learning how to make bits and bobs all work in tandem?.. I've only just started whacking items together and making levels with a "framework" around them which means I can plan and add to them a lot more. (Kind of like creating a box in which everything can sit). I find it much easier that way.


Must add that I'm loving playing fellow N-E gamers levels! :yay:

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i know what you mean about struggling in create mode, I get a bit frustrated with it sometimes. I know what I want to do, but.....just.....cant....get it......right....


Anyway, made a short level called 'Panic at teh Disco' inspired by one of Daft's levels tbh. I need to expand on it but I wanted to get the idea onto 'paper' before I forgot it.

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Gotta be careful, apparently they're deleting levels which violate copyrights


Lololol whats the point in them doing that though? it's not as if you're selling it :blank: it's just making a game based on an exisiting game that you like and then uploading it for Free download within just one game for others to enjoy.

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Just published my Daft Punk level... that was a nightmare to make. I swear the editor kept moving things without me doing anything.


Anyways, try it out. It's called, 'Daft Punk - Make Love'.


Tell me what you think. :heh:


I love it! Much better than a lot of the other music levels, as it set the mood really well...


I'm not sure if I'm going to really put any proper time into to creating a level, I don't really know where to start in making a level. I have no creativity :p If I do anything I might try and recreate a level from another game.


I'm struggling to...I am currently trying to bring Flameboy's burning hot! up to scratch, but struggling to get a few things working... couldn't get a really long lift into the sky to work properly...the winch kept going crazy...


I thought it was really good tbh. I didn't recognise the song though :o. Was well made and the vibe was nice and mellow. I like the way you use lighting in your levels. The snowy one you did was great fun with lots of unique elements.


I'm currently making a level based around a journey through the jungle to find a famous myth. I'm trying to give it a nice 'text' feel with a notion that, when you come away from it you'll actually feel like you've learnt something. It will be done quite soon and I hope people embrace it as I've yet to come across any real text-based levels.

Furthermore, is anyone else just struggling in the create mode at just learning how to make bits and bobs all work in tandem?.. I've only just started whacking items together and making levels with a "framework" around them which means I can plan and add to them a lot more. (Kind of like creating a box in which everything can sit). I find it much easier that way.


Must add that I'm loving playing fellow N-E gamers levels! :yay:


Yes! That's my biggest problem really getting mechanical things to work....


It's why I may got more the route of humour and text based adventures...rather than the spectacular.


Lololol whats the point in them doing that though? it's not as if you're selling it :blank: it's just making a game based on an exisiting game that you like and then uploading it for Free download within just one game for others to enjoy.


Seems mental. I can understand it in GH World Tour as songs may turn up for sale at some point. But it's not as if you suddenly going to be able to download the actual mario level in LBP. You play an interpretation of it, but not the game itself...


It's a shame there are some good "licensed levels" out there, played a couple of really good ghostbusters ones yday and a batman one.

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Whats worse is, they completely delete it so you cant edit stuff out and re-release it...you'd have to start it all over


Yeah I heard that...only way round it is to copy the level before you publish it...


I have a random burning DK and an evil Mario in my level perhaps I will have to get rid of them!


Plus was working on a Ricky Gervais level...bummer...they need to come out and make a statement so people know what is and what isn't acceptable.

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"LittleBigPlanet...create anything, except this and this and this and this and this...you cannot make a car as it will look similar to cars copyrighted by certain companies...you cannot put earth on it as thats been copyrighted by google"


Yadda yadda yadda...its just going to get worse

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Jim Sterling on destructoid summed it up pretty well;




If you're a big fan of user levels in LittleBigPlanet, the advice of the day seems to be this -- don't get too attached to them. Reports have been coming in of levels being "moderated" without warning. That's a polite way of saying they're getting deleted, and users are not being given the courtesy of an explanation.


The main issue seems to be over copyrighted material -- which kind of cuts the scope of what players can do in half, really. Levels based on Metal Gear Solid or Sonic the Hedgehog are being taken down, even if they merely contain a few items based upon the IP. Once a level is deleted, you can't even just take out the offending items and republish. The level's gone, and you have to start over from scratch. Great news for people who spent an hour or so crafting something.


The copyright issue is fair enough, but it seems that users were not told this before they wasted their time. One player claims that even his level based on the PlayStation 3 was deleted. If a PS3-exclusive game can't even allow assets from its own platform ... that's a bit demented. The moderation is also inconsistent, with other copyright-breaking levels remaining completely untouched. Moderators are apparently looking into providing more feedback when deleting people's work, but that hasn't helped the people who've been screwed over so far.


This is a pretty sad issue, and seemingly one in a long line of problems associated with LBP. While it's true that Media Molecule can't be blamed for oppressive copyright, it kind of shows just how much of a problem user generated content is going to have on consoles. Using completely copyright-free assets for LBP is actually a pretty decimating limitation when you think about how much you can't do. If this is the way things are to be for console games of this nature, it looks like the PC modding scene has nothing to worry about.

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Choze, add me. Or whats your username? I tried looking for your Roller Coaster level but havn't found it.


I published my first level, but its literally just a test of a vehicle, (A rocket car) feel free to play it, but yeah its meh at the moment.


I love this game though...so much freedom (apart from the copyright stuff above)

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Choze, add me. Or whats your username? I tried looking for your Roller Coaster level but havn't found it.


I published my first level, but its literally just a test of a vehicle, (A rocket car) feel free to play it, but yeah its meh at the moment.


I love this game though...so much freedom (apart from the copyright stuff above)


Did you get my friend request?

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MGS and Sonic levels are fine, they are still there. If a company has issues with it they can complain to Sony and reserve the right of having their products removed. e.g Xbox 360 RROD levels. Nothing wrong there. Its best to go to the individual organisations in question if levels get removed.


An explanation would be useful though as many suspect the GOW level was due to violence/sacrifice. I wonder if predescriptions in those levels are fine(involves violence etc for 15+.). Either way its a learning experience and i wouldnt worry about it. My Mirror's Edge level is fine for example.


Add me as Tegg on PSN. Happy to heart everyone. My new level is coming along slowly.

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LBP did well in UK. :)







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MGS and Sonic levels are fine, they are still there. If a company has issues with it they can complain to Sony and reserve the right of having their products removed. e.g Xbox 360 RROD levels. Nothing wrong there. Its best to go to the individual organisations in question if levels get removed.


An explanation would be useful though as many suspect the GOW level was due to violence/sacrifice. I wonder if predescriptions in those levels are fine(involves violence etc for 15+.). Either way its a learning experience and i wouldnt worry about it. My Mirror's Edge level is fine for example.


Add me as Tegg on PSN. Happy to heart everyone. My new level is coming along slowly.


So would my level where Mario is cast as an evil pixie voiced villian be classed as law suit material?lol!


My level is coming along it is really slow going though but reckon I will get a simple version of it done and then move onto something else. Does have two possible endings though which is a nice feature.

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I thought it was really good tbh. I didn't recognise the song though :o. Was well made and the vibe was nice and mellow. I like the way you use lighting in your levels. The snowy one you did was great fun with lots of unique elements.


Yeah, the notes are real rough around the edges. Tbh I'm a bit tone deaf. I can play the piano but only if I'm reading a piece of music. :smile:


i know what you mean about struggling in create mode, I get a bit frustrated with it sometimes. I know what I want to do, but.....just.....cant....get it......right....


Anyway, made a short level called 'Panic at teh Disco' inspired by one of Daft's levels tbh. I need to expand on it but I wanted to get the idea onto 'paper' before I forgot it.


Which level? I like to know what worked and what didn't. :heh:


I love it! Much better than a lot of the other music levels, as it set the mood really well...


Thanks! Took me an age but once I started I couldn't leave it until I was done. Still not as polished as I wanted it but I don't want to risk buggering it up so I'll leave it. :D


Whats worse is, they completely delete it so you cant edit stuff out and re-release it...you'd have to start it all over



Yeah, I've copied all mine. It'll be interesting to see the community reaction.

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