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Top 10 Square-Enix Couples

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I seen this last night on Games Radar and quited enjoyed reading it. I especially loved the Kingdom Hearts skit and also I totally agree with their number 1 and I had to watch the video again that comes with it. The song is awesome, the ending is emotional and hilarious at the same time and its in my top 5 games EVER! Guess what won yet? :)



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Lol, nice find and no suprise as to whats number one.


The Purim and Dyluck one is particularly funny I think for this:


It may be the reverse of traditional gender roles in fantasy games, but Dyluck isn’t threatened by Purim wearing the pants. This relationship survived oppression from the Empire; it can certainly survive a bit of gender-bending.



The Cloud and Aerith one stands out to me cos I recently (last night lol) capped off a play through of FF VII so its fresh in my mind. As cool as Aerith was, what exactly was wrong with Tifa? I mean, life long friends with Cloud and everything... yeah, she deserved him as much as Aerith who was just a flash in the pan. Cloud is a prat anyway and he didn't really deserve either of them, haha.

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I always argue with a guy at work how Tifa should have ended up with Cloud. Aerith/Aeris was dirty slut who spent her time in the slums giving it away for free. She cant hide behind that innocent little flower girl look and just look how forward she was with Cloud, offering a date when she had just met him! Slag!

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You're right... kinda. :heh:


Aye but the way Aerith just offered herself to Cloud the first time they met, not good enough if you ask me. Cos there was Tifa toiling away for years getting to know him and everything just for Aerith to appear from nowhere and scupper it all. That tarty Cetra got what was coming though when she was put to the sword, I bet Tifa rejoiced!

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In all fairness Tifa was a mean bitch as a kid who hung out with a group of fags that bullied Cloud. The poor guy grew up constantly trying to be accepted and then got blamed for nearly killing Tifa when he was trying to save her. It's only fair that she has to yearn for Cloud's attention in the future.


As for Aeris; she was an annoying bitch who only like Cloud because he based his new persona on that of her dead boyfriend (Zack).


Although personally I was always for Cloud and Tifa getting together in the end.

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Are we all forgetting Vivi and Quina? They got married!

booooring - i dont think you count as a couple in a squeenix game unless at least one of you is dead.

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