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Sure you are. Raining again is actually a loves song he wrote about you. He's mad for you.


"Oh, and its raining again

Open the door and pulling me in"


See he wants you to pull him into the back seat of the car. Go for it!


First I knew about it :o

I love being on a bus when it's raining. It's always nice and warm, and you can watch the driplets of rain move around on the windows.


You can also laugh at all the other people on the bus route who are not on yet, who are most likely soaking wet.


Driving in the rain is so fun though.

i agree! i love driving in the rain, i like to close my eyes...

the pedestrians dont seem to like it though.


The rain here caused the main road between my town and the city to flood, had to back the back roads to get home from work... not fun, those are bad roads, potholes, gravel, mud, small and narrow roads, and it's night time there's no lights on these back roads, it's raining and i'm drivin a motorbike, it was the bloody awful.


The council has been meaning to sort out some drainage system to prevent the main road from flooding as it happens quite often.... they've been "planning" this for the last 20 years :heh:

LOL... Well now you know ^_^



One bad thing about rain.....


My face/clothes get stained blue :o


When I asked you in the past you said you hadn't heard of the song! :(

Rain is teh suck.




Before or after hairdye? after would seriously be uncool :/


When I asked you in the past you said you hadn't heard of the song! :(


Sorry my brain must have taken a leave of absence that day :wtf:

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