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nah. As much as I like the horde, I already have my warlock to see their stuff with and one of the only things I can say is getting me any alt play is the knowledge that i never have to save up for a mount again, now that 80g is a light daily session away.

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my status as an altoholic seems to have waned- I made a druid because I want a healer and druids are good for it but the thought of the first 30 levels again actually makes me so apathetic I fear for my brain activity.



still. I would like one. Conundrum.

I'd actually be quite happy if Blizzard offered some way to buy characters, such as a one-off payment of £15 for a level 60 character equipped with some competent green gear. They could restrict the service so that only accounts which have already levelled a character to 60/70 could make use of it, similar to way Hero Classes will work.


I know that levelling is a lot faster than it used to be, but you're still looking at a time investment of around 60-100 hours playtime per level 60. As someone that has two level 70 characters plus untold amounts of level 10-40 alts, the thought of retreading all that content I've been through so many times before is really off putting. As such I can't see my starting any new characters until the Death Knight arrives on the scene.

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I'm thinking the same. I have a 34 shammie but to be quite frank, I'm not that bothered to do it all again. I've decided to get an epic flyer on my warrior (again- will power snapped last time) and I'm on the brink of raiding and heroics now with my new guild. Much more interesting, especially with shattered sun dailies which I love doing.


nearly got 2k saved now. that's mostly from 2.4 onwards, too.

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I'm working towards Swift Flight Form myself. I'm up to 2680G at the moment, although that definitely hasn't been made since the last patch. Still, I'm making around 150G a day through dailies and selling trash so things aren't too bad.


I don't raid, never have. For one thing the guild I'm in is essentially a shield to fend off guild invites, and for another most of the people I knew aren't around any more. In fact that goes for the server as a whole: familiar faces are few and far between.

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I'm working up towards 60% Mount :heh:

Enjoying myself so far leveling up my warrior, taking my time and just enjoying the sights unlike previous characters as it just felt like a race to get to 70 back then. OH, and if anyone needs money you should take up Skinning and Mining, seriously I'm only level 23 and I already have 90G!

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Just a quick note to you folk- one of the destinations for the latest free migration move is my very own Dentarg server. Should any of you find a change of scene from any of the servers seelcted for movement and play alliance, feel free to consolodate the n-europe-ness in one place!

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Was thinking of starting my alt already, might roll a Priest. if theres a good few people on Bronzebeard I might start him there? You guys have a guild or anything?


UziT has one for his 70 mage, everyone else is too low level atm.

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UziT has one for his 70 mage, everyone else is too low level atm.


yup, thats one of those uber raiding guilds (teh suck). We could start out own if we can get the guild charter signed. Maybe run Deadmines once a night :P

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I have sorta stopped playing with my Horde characters, and been playing my 70 Druid alot recently, migrated him to Argent Dawn (RP!lol), currently have 4100g (Mainly from the new daily's) being a Jewelcrafter helps alot too, buying Adamantite Ore at 30g a stack, then prospect it. If you are lucky you get blue gems and sell for a profit!


900g left to go for Epic flyer! Can't wait! Can't see me going back to my Horde server anytime soon, as love being a Druid (Tank specced!) so much damn fun!

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I've made a trial account and I'm downloading the trial version right now.


I was thinking of maybe a Hunter probably Night Elf, but was wondering what you guys think. Also what realm should I go for? I know what PVE and PVP is but not really understanding RP. How is it any different from PVE?

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"stays in character" so do people talk then in that style? how can you talk like a dwarf, undead etc?

Ye can be sure yer talkin' to a dwarf if they sound a wee bit like this, lad. And da trolls 'ave got de Jamaican t'ing goin' on, mon. As for the Forsaken, they abide by the Queen's English.


Don't understand it too much, but I think it means you actually have to act like you are your character and as if you were living in Azeroth, right? Good if you want a bit of fun and no annoying little kids :)

In theory. There's no barrier to entry, though, so you'll often get 'Pwnsalot' the Paladin or 'Legolass' the Hunter making an appearance, presumably out of ignorance. And then there are the griefers...

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