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When I logged on last night I was the 1400th person in the Que....2 hours to get on :(


Got my Rogue to 60 but not enough gold for the riding skill, damn. Should have played more the other night, all the DK's have caught up with me now so going to have to put with that all the way to 80.

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Anybody finding it a little easy? I've not been on much but in the time short time I've been on, I've never gone down more than 25% of my health. It's probably just because of being geared. I'm guessing it'll get hard the more levels that you go up and you have to ditch the epics for better gear.

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Anybody finding it a little easy? I've not been on much but in the time short time I've been on, I've never gone down more than 25% of my health. It's probably just because of being geared. I'm guessing it'll get hard the more levels that you go up and you have to ditch the epics for better gear.


I've died a few times but only through stupidity of accidentilly pulling too many mobs, respawns when I'm resting or falling (one of my favourites that).


Did The Nexus today with possibly the worst group ever, tank couldn't hold aggro, healer just abused caps lock and swore, and mage just kept on about this quest in broken English. Either way its done now, I dinged 72 and have done all the quests in Borean Tundra, now off to Dragonblight.


Probably won't get much game time in from now until Monday :(.

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If your a hunter, it's easy to level when you get a pet and Aspect of the viper (maybe the Glyth of Arcane shot too) you get no downtime, just use Aspect of the hawk, then when your mana is low go to viper until full then hawk and keep doing that, no downtime.


I LOVE Death Knights, I wasn't too sure on them with reading on them, didn't get into the hype but I made one to see what they're like, i love it, got a Tauren (Mooknight) still need to get my head around the spells, a bit diffrent from my druid, but I like it.

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God damn I've never played a game that is so slow to level. Although having a pet is nice, very handy indeed!


Need level 30 though (only 13..bah!)


I'm way too impatient.


20-60 is pretty much a joke now, so easy to level. Even from 60-70 it's really easy now. Hell saying that, 70-80 is easy aswell :heh:


I wanted to try and get 6 bars of exp today and level tomorrow, but with work, and ti being 10, I can't be bothered anymore.

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^ you ain't kidding there. And it's not being made easier by the huge amount of people out doing the quests in Borean Tundra (don't know if it's any better out in Howling Fjord as I've yet to give it a look). and glitching. Had to wait ages to do a quest because the thing you have to kill, a lvl 72 elite, with a spear wouldn't let me attack it and no one else could so it was stuck for ages.


What I don't get is the 700g needed for one of those armored bear mounts when they are the same speed as the other purple mounts that you only need to pay 90g for. It's ridiculous. Likewise, why should I have to pay again for a flying skill so I can fly in Northrend when I already have it (ok it's only the first one as I've never had anywhere near enough money to pay for the epic flying skill).

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Yeah I think buying another flying skill just for Northrend is a joke. It took me ages to get 5k to get the 2nd skill level, now I need to get a 3rd to fly again once more with my Netherdrake.


I agree with the price of the new mounts though, armour bear is 700g, next land mount is 10 freaking k. Why would I want to buy a land mount to carry someone with the same speed? I'm sure any friends i'm with can ride on their own mount and we'll save some money. Just seems Blizzard are putting in new expensive, yet useless items so we have something to waste all our money on.

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I've managed to get to 15 pretty easily since I've got my pet ( a nightstalker saber or something, now level 14 from 10), I've managed to get alot of main land covered too, although stopped exploring when I repeatedly got my arse kicked by level 20 bears!


I'm guessing flying is faster then? What level do you need to be able to fly?

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I've managed to get to 15 pretty easily since I've got my pet ( a nightstalker saber or something, now level 14 from 10), I've managed to get alot of main land covered too, although stopped exploring when I repeatedly got my arse kicked by level 20 bears!


I'm guessing flying is faster then? What level do you need to be able to fly?


Your first land mount is a 60% speed increase (lvl 30) and your epic land mount is 100%(lvl 60). Your first flying mount is 100% on ground and 60% in the air and lastly your epic flying mount is 100% on ground and 280% in the air and both require lvl 70(quite the jump in air speed).


If your playing your first character then, yeah it can seem slow at first but, if you ever hit 70 (or 80) and go back and level another character then, it really is quite easy. I think I can get to level 10 in under 2 hours and that's probably not as fast as some people could do it.

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Your first land mount is a 60% speed increase (lvl 30) and your epic land mount is 100%(lvl 60). Your first flying mount is 100% on ground and 60% in the air and lastly your epic flying mount is 100% on ground and 280% in the air and both require lvl 70(quite the jump in air speed).


If your playing your first character then, yeah it can seem slow at first but, if you ever hit 70 (or 80) and go back and level another character then, it really is quite easy. I think I can get to level 10 in under 2 hours and that's probably not as fast as some people could do it.


Ah so basically, land mount 30, then better at 60, then able to fly regardless at 70. Hmm.


It isn't really that slow to level, but I've always played games where they aren't as ''full'' as wow. It's not a huge complaint, I've played about 5-10 hours since I got it and managed level 15 mostly all through questing.


I'm still abit iffy about paying for it though, for not it still doesn't seem worth while, I'm sure that'll change eventually.

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Ah so basically, land mount 30, then better at 60, then able to fly regardless at 70. Hmm.


It isn't really that slow to level, but I've always played games where they aren't as ''full'' as wow. It's not a huge complaint, I've played about 5-10 hours since I got it and managed level 15 mostly all through questing.


I'm still abit iffy about paying for it though, for not it still doesn't seem worth while, I'm sure that'll change eventually.


IMO questing is the bestway to level.


Quickest, you get items and/or money from them, and of course nice XP, and also Reputation :)

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Oh yes! We just finished killing all four of the Alliance bosses! (God I'm exhausted now!)


Here is the Black War Mount for killing them (With my level 74 Death Knight) and the achievement page.







Now time for sleep xD


That is epic. I'm gonna have to try and organize that with my guild when we are at 80 and have a few more people

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