Ramar Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 Thats the last boss I got up to on Karazhan, some how the bitch killed me without me noticing. Congrats on beating her.
Jimjebus Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 Im giving my mate back the paladin i took off him ages ago , starting up a new , thinking 30 rogue or 24 shaman ?
MadDog Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 My copy was dispatched this morning, so im on trial atm. Level 11 Night Elf Priest And im on Dragonblight server and my name is: Madusdogus :P
Jimjebus Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 My copy was dispatched this morning, so im on trial atm. Level 11 Night Elf Priest And im on Dragonblight server and my name is: Madusdogus :P Well i'd say welldone but i dont like priests because they anoy every1 but if your going to play that one through and stick to it , when you get 70 and you get into like 5maning with firth n me and sam you will probs have http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dragonblight&n=Beastypray to answer to if you wanna heal :P good luck though
KKOB Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 How do priests annoy everyone? Everyone annoys priests begging them to go to instances.
Jimjebus Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 How do priests annoy everyone? Everyone annoys priests begging them to go to instances. The excuses for them doing there jobs wrong are one , and they are the first to complain if when grouping if the tank dies when they havent healed them properly , and in raids there always so bitter because they are being out healed.
KKOB Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 The excuses for them doing there jobs wrong are one , and they are the first to complain if when grouping if the tank dies when they havent healed them properly , and in raids there always so bitter because they are being out healed. I think you've just played with some bad priests . . . :/
Jimjebus Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 I think you've just played with some bad priests . . . :/ Not really 9/10 are usualy awfull , my brother knows how do it properly compared to other people who are so bad at making everything up. Best one was i told them to cast prayer of healing so it heals every1 else when were all low , and i got a no it takes 10 seconds to cast (this was when a priest left 5man) but it only takes 2 just priest arnt good with out proper gear, so if you even suggest a item , they cry and leave thats why they suck
Dyson Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 Something tells me you wouldn't be where you are if you didn't have priests helping you.
arnold Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 I actually think i'm done with WoW, i'll like it, but I jsut reactivated my account, went onto my old character...didn't feel anything, I was bored as soon as I went into Ironforge >> I got myself all hyped up, I might start a new character see how I go with it, give it a try, I have bought a month of the game, so might as well try.
Twozzok Posted July 4, 2008 Posted July 4, 2008 If you do, go Horde so it's not all the same old cities.
Jimjebus Posted July 4, 2008 Posted July 4, 2008 Yeah twozzok has a point , Go horde for a difference but be warned 9/10 hordes want to be pvp not pve , alliance is other way around although you do notice that although most are pvp a horde guild was the first to complete sunwell plat aswell as it was british so we beat every one else in the world to it :P
arnold Posted July 4, 2008 Posted July 4, 2008 I've got a mix if horde/alliance (more horde), my highest being 70 NEhunter, then Tauren Shamen at 40, I've made a few others too, been playing a mix of my mage/priest/rogue but can't get into it, played a level or two. Just booted up my new Druid on the dragonblight you guys are on, new server, no money to pass down, might be good, I don't know might do me good for the month, i'll give it a go.
ShadowV7 Posted July 4, 2008 Posted July 4, 2008 Level 67 now. Hoping to reach 68 by the end of Sunday night at somepoint. My new Shaman is lvl 11 and finally got my fire totem, quest was a bitch T_T
Jimjebus Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Hunters are massive kiters so i have been told , something about cant live up to there name they dont hunt , they run ! Im restarting as shaman lvl 24 going to play it safe but when i get higher conisdering Healer for amazing chain heals plus gear is easy to get or go elementalist?
Bren Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 ha im back on this, for free My account got hacked, i havent played it for months and months, then my mate said "are you playing WoW again?" i was like "nah", he said "but you've been on all week", turns out someone hacked it, got me a few levels, paid for a month of play time and gave me lots of new items, ha wot a result. Iv now got the account back, and playing for free
Ramar Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 ha im back on this, for free My account got hacked, i havent played it for months and months, then my mate said "are you playing WoW again?" i was like "nah", he said "but you've been on all week", turns out someone hacked it, got me a few levels, paid for a month of play time and gave me lots of new items, ha wot a result. Iv now got the account back, and playing for free A similar thing happened to my friend, they hacked his account, got him up a few levels and left him a load of gear. He said he'd been unable to log in all week, so he called up Blizzard and got his account back.
arnold Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Ok...so i've spent the last few days playing WoW....>> I like it, it's got my grasp and I can't stop mining for copper, level 14 and i've got about 20 gold, I'm liking this, I was supposed to stop until I got a certain amount so I could level up my jewelcrafting but I can't help but sell my copper, I like money. Damn Wow for being so bloody good.
MadDog Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Im level 15 and i struggle to make much monies Most ive had is about 70 silver :S
Jimjebus Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 Go buy gold from a website lol But thats for a noob , but Scott my maddawg i want to compete with you in wow healer wise :P
Haver Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 Guild is slowly progressing here. We're up to Curator but the DPS and tanks, especially the DPS, aren't gearing up with enough vigour. We have two geared druid trees, one geared priest, one geared mage and one geared rogue. But the rest let us down. I've been running heroics with everyone trying to get them geared up but they play too little and play alts too often. Plus, people are hardly ever on, and some have started Horde chars. I don't have a problem with that it's just we won't progress in raid content so we will have to bring outsiders in. Atm I'm just running heroics when I can, dailies, grinding SSO rep in MGT and playing my Warlock if I know I can't get stuck into anything for whatever reason. Still having lots of fun. Just got to be patient with the raid stuff. Heroics are fun enough, with guildies at least. PuGs are horrible, just horrible at heroic-level.
MadDog Posted July 11, 2008 Posted July 11, 2008 Hit level 17 today and did WSG a few times and racked up about 10 kills lol.
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